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Sick like a dog. Not Covid, just a throat infection that spiked my temperature nearly to 40C at some points. It's under control now but I haven't touched work much in the last 4 days and I'm still running a fever though I'm updating things here and there.

Mostly reading and paying people. :P I'll get to Patreon messages and what not as needed.

Anyway, I know book 11 came out. Most of you have read it beforehand, but.... what'd you guys think?



I won't post any spoilers, but you better just make sure that "that character" ends up being ok! I cried real years over them! (One of the new characters, will say no more)

Andre A

I loved it. Kept the tension and excitement and freshness of all previous books, a masterpiece. Can't wait for the final book! Also, this universe really begs that more books be written about it, specially about the begginning on Earth, showing different angles and possible stories. The short stories published so far are proof of it, it can be and endless fount of new stories, new ideas and perspectives.

Tao Wong

KT's on it. I have had others approach me, but as with many things; many are new writers and as such, when I tell them I'd love to see writing samples, many disappear. I've yet to actively solicit among experienced writers, I need to make sure I can handle the workload first. But I might when I'm at the next big book convention I'm at. :)