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Nothing to update yet. I had to rewrite / add a little to Chapter 6 so I'm going to do that today.

Chapter 7 is half-done and needs more content then I'll add more. 

Been struggling with a little cold and visiting family, so that's been distracting. Spent most of the weekend editing Thousand Steps which is now out with proofreaders. I also tossed the book up for pre-orders so once the proofread is done, I'll throw the edited book up. 

Looking for narrators for the audiobook too, so we'll see how that works out.

And that's about it for the updates. I'll get more chapters up when I can, but right now, I need to firm up the overall plot which is what is slowing me down. Well that and family and a cold. *Sighs*

I can't wait for winter to be over.


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