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Just went and deleted over 40k words. Basically everything from Chapter 4 to Chapter 15 that I wrote. 

I realised what the problem was and it had a lot to do with the themes of the next arc and the way I was structuring it. Basically, book 1 ended up being the outcasts - but it is hard to talk of outcasts if you don't write about the system that's in place. So... All deleted.

The good news, a lot of what I wrote can be used in book 8. There'll need to be some changes in topics, etc and some of the interactions will have to be redone, etc. But some of the major scenes can be reused including some of the really cool scenes I have cooked up. That means book 8 has a decent start, which means it'll come out faster.

Bad news. I am down to around 10k words on this book. *Sighs*

Good news - once I start writing again, updates will start happening because I've got a better idea of what is going to happen. 


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