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So... one of the things about writing (for most of us) is that we use our hands to do so. Yes, there are people who dictate their novels, but I've never really done that. For a number of reasons including the fact that my workstation can be anywhere my laptop and I go.  I've worked in libraries, coffee shops, parks and the airplane. None of which are that great for dictation software.

Anyway, if you're also like me and spent your youth wrecking your hands being on the computer too much (I blame you Civ II / III and WoD chats), you also have tendinitis.

There are a few things that have helped me continue to function even with that. Again - remember the usual advice. Have a good ergonomic set-up as possible, take breaks and stretch!

Outside of that, here's my recommended list of helpers in order of usefulness:

- Acupuncture (preferably by a Chinese trained doctor). A single session can often drop pain levels from an 8 to a 3. Repeated sessions can make most symptoms drop to nearly nothing 

- Contrast baths (aka stick your arms in ice water for as long as you can and then in hot water. Repeat till you cry uncle)

- Physiotherapy (issues can often include pinched nerves in shoulders that need strengthening and adjusting. Be careful though, I've had my tendinitis get worse from 'treatment').

- Massage therapy (not as useful for me, but some people swear by it).

Again, remember. These are add-ons to the basics of taking break, drinking lots and having an ergonomic workstation.


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