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I said it would be last year, then I said it would be this year, then I said it would be May, then June, then July, then I said Sunday, Now I am saying Friday...

I SUCK at having ANY handle on how long things are going to take me, but I always finish in the end.

THANK YOU for sticking with me. Done soon. Very soon.





Harry I’ve been with ya since Starbarians 1, granted have only been a patron since Starbarians 3 but the point is I’m patient.


Okay, you are the worst fortune teller on the market 😂😂😂 Good that that isn't your job. Hey, it's allright. I stuck around this long, so I might as well wait a few more days. No big deal, man. You take your time. The animation you produce is worth any ammount of waiting.


I call it "The Kiss of Death" whenever you announce a release date, no idea why you have to keep punishing yourself like that. I've accepted that "It'll be out when it's done" since Starbarians 2 xD (But seriously, I can wait, no problem man!)


Come on! I hope you are not really THAT hard on yourself like it sonds on your posts 😂 you now that you are a 2d-amination-storyteller-genius .......wiiiiiiiht a tiiiiiiiiiny time-planning-„problem“. 😉 But seriously, your cartoons are always better than the one before. You try new things an push yourself. You become BETTER, not faster. So stay motivated! AlTurboDiesel

Gregor Scott

Man the animation in that gif looks amazing 😄


If I can wait for my fathers approval, I can wait for your cartoons 😉

Trevor Bond

"It's coming soon!" Hey, good enough for me, soon is better than 'sometime shortly after the heat death of the universe', so I'll take it! Seriously though, no stress... as ever, I support a quality over quantity mentality and nobody likes being rushed. We know you're working hard. If you were a chronic slacker MAYBE we'd be annoyed but you've shown us plenty of your work over the years and how long it tends to take since, you know, you have the whole 'making a living' thing to do too. Besides, you have kept me amused with your work with Phelous lol.

Lucky Knight

Worth the wait. Proud to support this labour of love and more :)

Jacob Tucker

The fact that you've taken this long means it's going to look nothing short of absolutely amazing. Take all the time you need, man. We've waited a long time already, what's a few days or so more?