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FINALLY I may start creating detailed animatics for ever single project I do. Here's a little Behind-The-Scenes video explaining why...


The Power Of Animatics!



Your video was very insightful, i think what we kinda lost in the digital age is the process of layout. It used to be its own separate step in animated filmmaking and came right after the storyboards. But nowadays, it kinda got combined with storyboarding/animatics. This careful planning of scenes though down to the background drawings is probably something a lot of us should try to incorporate more again in their storyboards... the layouting part basically :)


Ah...you know I never really understood what "Layout" specifically meant. If it's really that step between storyboard and animation then that makes a ton of sense to me and I can see why it is touted as being so important. Basically, if your cartoon works at the layout stage, you have to do something very wrong to screw it up. I will make sure I stick to this in the future. Thanks, Joel :)


That sounds great! One oddly specific question but do you use the poses from the animatic 1:1 as keys/extremes for the final animation?


I did in this case. That might not always work but it's good for speed and in this case the animation standard was set pretty low :)


Sounds great! I gotta try being more tight with my animatics as well! Thanks for your insight!!


Oh god, I remember those animated movies, got a lot of laughs out of them. Looking forward to this!

Trevor Bond

I love Phelous' work, and I am so looking forward to this! Also, as someone outside of the animation and art setup, it's amazingly informative to see these videos! Thank you very much, I love learning about the animation process!


yes! and if it really speeds stuff up! also you can share animatic scenes and progression up to full animation on here and have more content on here and feel less bad about yourself.... also dont feel bad about yourself. you're great and fun to watch.