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Hey guys, I'm in the last stages of shading the animation for Killgar's Kode 2 but wanted to share that I've been learning the 3D modelling/animation software Blender. 

It's early days but I think with some more learning and experimentation I can create some of my backgrounds in 3D and use clever tweaks to make them look hand-drawn. The hand-drawn factor is really important to me and if they looked "too 3D" I'd probably give up, but so far am very encouraged by the results. This method would seriously cut down on drawing time and could lead to some creative shots and otherwise-impossible camera movement!





Awesome man!


Could make the whole ship in 3D, as a lot of things happen in the ship and once you have it all in 3D you don't really need to bother redoing backgrounds for it over and over. Could do that for the gladiator arena too as it's just a big circle and then rows of seats :P


That's cooool!


Exactly my plan!!! That said, I want to get OFF the ship as I'm so sick of seeing it, haha!

Gregor Scott

Very impressed by these shots


Lool, coming from someone who actually does 3D, that's a compliment. I gotta lot more learning to do first, but it''s exciting


Looking good! I may try it myself someday if it really helps saving time

Gregor Scott

I mean my use of 3d is very much just messing around with tools in VR. My usual cycle is seeing how cool blender is, trying to learn it and then getting frustrated when I can't figure it out and going back to my VR apps lol. Thanks to you I believe that cycle is about to start again, maybe this time will be the time I figure it out though 🤞


So happy to see you finding new ways to improve your work. Congrats!


This makes a lotta sense! Really hope that in the end this saves you time instead of being one more thing to get perfectly right 👍


(speaking as someone who frequently learns new skills to enhance his workflow, only to increase overall time spent on all workflow going forward... help)


Since Blender now has grease pencil, are you looking into doing full 2D/3D animation with just Blender?


I don't really see that being a huge advantage (yet), but I'll keep my eye on Grease Pencil and see if any more tools/features are developed for it that can improve the workflow :)

Trevor Bond

Looking good so far! It took me a second to see any 3d look, and I was actively looking for it, so that's something!


Hey harry! Yes, if you can re-use the „rooms“ and show them from different angles - YEEEEESSSSS! than it will be a huge time saver. But PLEASE try not to go crazy with details ;-) i‘ve been using blender for a couple of mouths - i‘m still on the donut with coffeemug ;-) have fun!