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I'm not happy with how long my current animation is taking and want to make up for some lost time by putting out a video quickly (next 10 days) before returning to work on the long-term project. Most of the visuals for KILLGAR'S KODE, an "educational" slideshow-style Starbarians spin-off, have been completed for a while and I think finishing it up is a good idea. Will share some more visuals from it tomorrow. Hoping that some new content will make up for my lack of updates recently. 





Starbarians should be in every schools.


As a part time killgarian myself I'm looking forward to this educational piece. Haha, while this isn't necessary it's going to be fun to see Harry.

Trevor Bond

I appreciate this. More Starbarians is just what I need in my life! Also finally got to see you in the 'Ali Baba and the Gold Raiders' review with Phelous, Lupa, and the Cinema Snob. Man, I honestly don't think you could have made your animations look that bad if you tried... Who originally got in touch with you about doing that crossover?


I feel more content is necessary, but thanks for letting me off the hook. This episode will show some other Killgarians beside Killgar, which might be fun.


It's been one of my favourite bad animated movies for years, and I've known Phelan for maybe just as long. I suggested he watch it and I guess he liked it enough to review it. I actually think the animation I did for it isn't bad ENOUGH, but I'll take your compliment anyway :)

Anthony Luetmer

will we see the anatomy of a Kilgarian?


My main reason for backing you is a mix of me wanting to slide you a buck while also coercing you into keeping people updated that you are in fact making cartoons. No complaints so far. A reason a lot of animators get dropped from patrons here i think is because they stop posting updates (proof of content or progress)


i kinda think this is really smart, doing projects in order big small big small, so after a long wait time you have something to just poke out right after to keep people interested and i also think, that people love starbarians, because i do, and that everyone is going to love any starbarians related content.


So I'm planning more episodes and one will focus on fitness (through Killgar's lens), so yes!!


Thanks, Max. Yeah, I need to do small projects once every so often so that I can pepper my output with more regular content, but then put out something with lots of production value once in a while to remind people I'm still trying. Really appreciate your support :)