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Hey guys, 

Wanted to share these in-universe comic covers from the upcoming cartoon. Trilby Dogtooth is a monster hunter/researcher AND comic-book creator who exaggerates his own exploits (and acts of heroism) within his books. The monsters he fights ARE real, but he makes them out to be a much bigger deal inside the pages of his comics. Here are the two issues that will be shown in this cartoon as props.

I know this one has taken forever but it's looking AWESOME and we are damn close. Thanks for sticking by.





Look at this chest ! It's made of pure muscle !


The reveal of THAT cover is played for a gag. It's an encapsulation of just how much he exaggerates himself/his adventures.


These are awesome. It has a feel of venture brothers for me and how they embellish on everything that happens in their lives. Also those covers look damn good.


Definitely want that blend of comedy and action that the Venture Bros has! Thanks so much, Jake :)


Very cool. You totaly hit the 70/80 comicbook cover style! Did you know the italian comic series dylan dog?

Jacob Tucker

So, in a way, he's like Darkwing Duck, in that he is a genuine hero, but his inflated ego makes his exploits seem like a bigger deal than they really are. I like that idea about his character.


So I created the Dogtooth character about 10 years ago, and only learned of Dylan Dog more recently. Other than the Dog part of the name and the monsters thing, it's a very different beast (I think).


These are insanely cool.

Andrew J Markle

Oh man this has got me excited!

Andrew J Markle

I have to ask, is Dogtooth a nod to that weird greek movie from 2009?

Trevor Bond

Nothing wrong with exaggerating your work if you're making a comic out of it! I mean, at least he DOES the things he makes comics about. I know a ton of people who make comics about themselves and have no idea what they're talking about. Also, these make me miss the older comics I used to enjoy. Quick question though... is comic-version Trillby related to Kilgar?! An ancestor perhaps? lol! Dude is seriously built like a killgarian! I love it!


Haha, no, totally separate universes. Not intending for a crossover any time soon. Cheers, Trevor!


These are amazing, but cover 1 really needs more chest :P


It's a very cool concept! Kind of like Gilderoy Lockhart with the exception that he was a total fraud. So excited to see it and the covers are really cool!


Yeah actually, Gilderoy Lockhart if he was the main character and (a bit) less of a jerk! Thanks, Karkos!