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How I cheated a shot to only animate the important parts, creating a jumbled mess that only works using careful cropping!


Cheating with layers


Gregor Scott

man. that's a really smart way of getting that done. all the shots we saw here are looking amazing btw. glad I could help fund it and look forward, as always, to seeing it finished


Shame on you for cheating Harry! As punishment you must now make more content for us. Haha. Looks great man keep it up!


Dayum that was really cool to see! How do you even plan that out??


love seeing this stuff dude! you pull this shot of so well! it proves planning a shot can make like so much easier! i myself have always been bit simple and planning complex stuff doesn't come easy! but dude this toon is looking tits!

Trevor Bond

Overdue? *checks broken watch* Naaaah, you're right on time! lol! This was very interesting, and hopefully people going into animation see it and realize how inventive solutions to various situations can get! Thanks for sharing this, it's a great example of the animator's art! As my grandma says, 'Things don't have to be realistic to look good!'


Cheating or not, the content train is gonna KEEP ROLLING. Will have another vid up today or tomorrow x


Drawn with rough art/key poses first, and once it plays back okay with the camera move I know I'm good to go in and add the inbetweens/details :)


Thank you, Tobias!! I still need to plan a lot more, I let things get out of hand way too often.