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April's been a big butt-pain. Stuff soon. Love you. 






Back in 2016 I was working on a project and Flash crashed during an auto save (I used CS3 at the time so I was using a custom auto save plugin). It destroyed the file and deleted all of my work from the previous month (it was the entire four-minute project in one file... I don’t do that anymore). I ended up digging up all of the WIP screenshots I had taken of the key poses (there were a LOT) and tracing over them and wound up reanimating the whole thing in, like, a week (with a lot of tweening and no shading and such). So I know how frustrating that can be, lol. Hang in there!


This wasn't the long shot you posted with the fight and the kick at the end was it? But anyway, far be it from a rookie animator to tell off a legend, but, Really? you give your shots generic titles? That is just asking for confusion and screw ups if you don't at least name them something relevant to the shot, even if it's just "Killgarface1" or "Hoghandbleagh" you will at least recognize what is what. Anyway, sorry to hear that, but I'm sure you will pick up.

Trevor Bond

Oh, I've done similar with written projects. I know I personally feel like SUCH an IDIOT... but you know, I dust myself off and do it again, and I make it better the second time just to spite my past self's stupidity! As for being late and all, hey.... no worries, we all get derailed by life. At least you came up here and said as much! Letting us know what's going on is just as valid a topic as anything! And we got to hear your delightful 'big fish little fish' chat lol! Why DO people do that?! Anyways, keep at it, don't let life slow you down, and maybe change up those file names a little! loll Stay Harry, sir! And happy Easter.


Oh yeah, picking it back up asap! And yes, I don't normally create generic file names, just very seldom I do and it sucks that it happened this time. Thanks Thomas, rookie or not, I appreciate the telling off :)


Happy Easter, Trevor! Yeah, I'll try to improve what I did last time. Turn that little fish into a HUGE fish with a second attempt :)


My wife said you look cute, in a dorky way and said you must have girls on you. Either way glad to see you're back.


I lost a huge chunk of a project because my laptop froze and I was so mad! But when I started over I ended up writing something even better so I'm glad it happened. Keep on truckin'!


Thanks, Brian! Yeah, you just gotta keep at it and not get derailed. Working on the Dogtooth cartoon, NEARLY ready :)

Jacob Tucker

Believe me, I HATE when some dumb accident causes me to lose progress on a project. The best we can do is power through and start over when we're good and ready. Hope you had a good Easter, Harry.