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MARCH 5th Update



Dude you've been putting more content into my email than some spam. You owe nothing more, just keep doing the work you are so talented at and speaking for myself it will be just fine.

Chuck Arnold

I'm an animator, and I subscribe to you and a couple of other animators on Patreon. Being self taught, a lot of my learning comes from experimentation (Trial and error) and watching other people doing similar work and implementing those techniques into my own workflow (blatant thievery). That said, the other animators I subscribe to share downloadable files with their backers (AE, Animate, Harmony, Photosho[) so I think that might be something that is available that would be valuable to the professionals who contribute to you and wouldn't add much extra work on your part. Maybe a scene a month? Thanks Harry, great work you do.


I can't speak for everyone but I'm sure a lot of us support Harry because we want to and whatever we receive in return is just a bonus. Just don't feel too pressured in thinking you got to keep on giving in order to keep us here. I mean yeah, there probably will be people expecting exclusive content and what not, but I guess what I'm saying is so long as this is not holding you back from producing the gold you upload to YouTube then it's all good. Because damn it I need another Starbarians episode! Love you Harry. :)


Honestly, you already do so much. I'd rather you had the freedom to focus more on your main animations than taking the time to make exclusive Patreon stuff just for us. Perhaps something that wouldn't mean you having to make a standalone video? Like a Patreon-exclusive stream where you did something more spur of the moment, (like those 'drawing a character from memory' ones - they were such fun!) And would certainly still jump at the opportunity for a commission. Cool shirt by the way!



Sam Williams

simple comics of your various characters would be great, even motion comics would be smashing!


I would say just an occasional biweekly update/animatics/commentary would be fine enough. No need to go to the extra mile. I agree with your comment that if you spend allot of time on here it negates the purpose of it making more time for you to do big projects.


I love u


I missed your scooby doo breakdown stream because it got pulled.is it possible to share that on patreon unlisted or would it still get pulled. Either way love what I've gotten so far

Lucky Knight

You're the man and proud to support :)


You're such a humble and hard-working guy Harry, thank you for being you and being so committed to doing this Patreon gig right. I personally feel you're doing a bang-up job at providing content for us here, I'm especially a fan of your Speed Draws/artistic breakdowns where you just get to talk about what you do and how you do it, your own way. I can't wait to see what else you've got in store whatever that may be and honestly, you're doing great so far. If you're comfortable doing so, how about something akin to an office tour and/or a little window as to your work space? It might be fun to see where in the physical plane we call Earth all your animation magic happens. I'd certainly be interested in seeing that! Beyond that I think commission speed draws and BTS commentaries on your past works are a fantastic place to begin for the time being.

Trevor Bond

Looking at how often I've watched your videos over the years, I'm just happy to be supporting your work here and wish I could do more for you in return! I'd rather you focus on your projects and share your thoughts as you feel you should instead of stress about what we're getting from you AS WELL as more Harry Partridge cartoons! To me, helping you focus on that goal is an investment in keeping the internet full of awesome alongside all the junk. So, both thank you, and you're welcome!


Couldn't have said it better. Totally agree with you :D


Thanks, Andrew! I know some people want more but I appreciate knowing that at least you're satisfied. :)


Okay Chuck. Great Idea. I aim to make changes to the tier rewards soon (simplifying them, not diminishing them) and I can add editable scenes in as a reward. I will do this!


Thank you so much guys. I will try to find ways of giving more and better content, but I am extremely grateful you're here for the ride without necessarily needing the extra incentives. xxxx


Thanks, Harry! The shirt has fish on it, but they're a little too small to make out. I think patron exclusive hang-outs/streams are a great idea and I am adding that to the (mental) list right now. Will add to the listed tier rewards soon.


Thank you, Sam! This will take a little longer to turn around as I am so caught up with animation for the time being, but I guarantee some comics (or motion comics) this year, hopefully by the summer.


Absolutely! I don't want to bombard people will useless updates, but I can certainly keep the same amount I'm offering and try to make them richer in terms of entertainment value. Will keep producing. Thanks, Joshua!


Unfortunately YouTube will pull unlisted videos just as often as they will pull public ones, the algorithm doesn't care if it's private or not. That said, I will find a way to do more cartoon analysis that doesn't use the audio of the cartoons to keep the algorithm off my back. Stay tunes. Thank you, Ashley!


That's awesome to hear, Zachary. Definitely more speed paints and commentaries imminent. I'm a little hesitant to do an office tour because (as you can kind of see in my video) my office is just a room filled with junk. It really isn't glamorous or interesting in any way. Maybe in the future if I get the place together more. Certainly, I aim to keep up everything else and improve on the content currently offered, so I hope that will suffice. Thank you for your support!!


Thank you so much Trevor and Vlad. I am very fortunate to have guys like you in my corner. I'll keep it up! xxx


Nah harry, i kinda like seing you as a real human being for once. Makes me empathize with you more! You did keep the myth of the faceless animation machiene up long enough. It's really cool. thank you for that. (even though i am almost certain, that that's not the first time you showed your face, not counting the dr. bees prize reveal.) keep it up^^ if you stay, i'll stay ;)


To echo most of the sentiment above, I for one am just glad that you're in a place to get content out in a few months rather than a few years! Whatever other tidbits you produce are a bonus. Even if I don't catch every update, I'm glad I can support and give back to you for the many years and countless laughs I've had with your characters and stories!


It's nice how Patreon offers me the chance to reveal stuff to just my audience of supporters (like my dumb face for example). Thanks for everything, Max :)


Yes! Hopefully that in itself is something of a reward, I'm looking to get a cartoon out now every two months as opposed to once or twice a year. Will really strive for that sort of pace. Very fortunate to have you on board, Patrick. THANK YOU!


SLOP INCOMING. Thank you, Cam. You've helped me out for so long and I appreciate every bit of it :)

Trevor Bond

Awesome! .... just promise you won't let your properties get bought out by Disney.


Half expected you to be animated in real life, living in some warped cartoon dimension, almost akin to Toontown in Who Framed Rodger Rabbit, just with more bees and corpses. Needless to say i'm exited to see where things go from here and i'm dead chuffed to be along for the ride.


Nah, I'm pretty fleshy in real life. Thanks for your support, Benjamin. It's making all the difference :)


I'm sorry it took me so long to comment here, week was crazy. But I agree with everyone else has been saying. We are supporting you to make art. Things coming out in April instead of end of the year? Totally worth it. That being said, if you really are looking for ideas, maybe a couple of ways for us to interact with you? Like one of us chats with you on discord while you stream? Either way, like everyone said, were here to prop you up and help you with your dreams, not demand stuff from you Harry. Relax mate :)


I'm looking into that now! Thanks for all the support, Jake. Gonna have some updates on this stuff soon :)


heya dude idk why but pateron did not notify about new posts!!! Keen for the commentary and as for other content you could do i am honestly digging everything your doing atm and i dont really want to suggest things that are out of the way of you actually creating cartoons, i am loving the streams a lot and maybe on the next ep you do a more vlog style quick videos how you dicuss a little of what you are doing and why?


My thoughts; keep doing what you do. Videos where you talk about your work or show the process are nice, but personally I don't mind them being only semi-regular. The current pace of patreon content seems decent enough and accelerating your production is the real payoff =)