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Hey guys, sorry it's been quiet here lately, taking Friday (8th) off to create a new commentary track (will have a poll on that tonight) and some other exclusives for you the 5 and 10 dollar tiers. Please enjoy this VERY ROUGH look at a few of the (out of sequence) shots that are beginning to come together for this new cartoon, FUNDED BY YOUR KIND SUPPORT!!

Thank you all, a million times over, you're making my dreams possible xxx

- Harry


Trilby Dogtooth Shot Progress



Even your rough stuff is amazing...that came out wrong


Harry this looks great. You clearly put a lot of passion into this. I'm glad you can persue your dream character this way. Your love of it alone will make it shine... Or grim? This has a Shadowy undertone which is new for you. I'm excited to see what comes of it


Thank you, Jake! It looks fairly serious right now but I guarantee it will have jokes too! Hope it will appeal to all :)

Gregor Scott

Oh man. So cool. Can't wait to see this all finished. Also is the music in the background original or stock? Keep up the great work!


This is an early original theme composed for the project by Starbarians composer Brian Sadler. Thanks, Gregor! I think it'll be really cool!


Really loving how this all looks Harry! Everything is coming out awesome :) I really like the monster design, he’s kinda cute but wouldn’t want to be too close to him at the same time 😋


This was pretty awesome all things considered, this had my interest before now it has my attention.


Most important thing is that you keep making things you love and are proud of. Serious or not. I chose to support you to keep making content that YOU want to make. Not just to crack jokes. I'm excited to see you continue to grow now that you have this new opportunity Harry. I'm really happy for you.

Trevor Bond

I'm very much enjoying this. The fact he's smart enough to use a garbage can lid as a shield speaks volumes about Trillby's wit, I feel. And the animation's so good looking even in this early phase! Plus the music's nice!


Harry dude it looks really good so far! and i am really looking froward to this new show and universe!


It's a simple and kinda derivative design, but I have a bunch of better monsters I'd like to get to soon. Thank you, Jade!


Thanks, Trevor! He combined the truncheon with the lid to create another improv weapon in the next scene. Hope it entertains :)


Simple sometimes is best though, and I feel like it really introduces us to the world quickly and efficiently :P Plus, I enjoy how it shows Trillby thinking on his feet too! But great job again Harry, I am looking forward to seeing it in full! :P

Trevor Bond

This genuinely feels like a return to the cartoons I used to watch, but entirely new. That's amazing and I thank you! Looking forward to more of it!


this looks really cool. I love especially, that i kinda get to see the W I P and how it unfolds.


Dont you dare stop creating. Looks very good