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And I mean SUPER ROUGH. Also a bit fast in places. 

Still, even in this state it took most of today. More to follow

Thanks for supporting me :)







Even rough it looks good Harry! I’m sure once you’ve figured out the timing it’s gonna be great :)


Nicely done ! I wonder how it will look at the end !


I need more of this in my life! This looks good already!


Quand on voit l’enver du décor c’est tout de suite autre chose ! Avez vous bien avancer sur les autres esquisses animé ?


Though the framing is not perfect it was a vetter action scene than I had seen in a while.


Je suis désolé je ne parle pas français! J'ai essayé d'utiliser Google Traduction pour ce message mais je ne le comprends toujours pas. Pardon! Merci d'être un mécène.


Wow, that's high praise! When you say the framing isn't right, do you mean how the characters are centered in the scene or something else? I thought the hand-held moving camera added to the feeling of movement.


I will share more behind the scenes stuff soon, but I feel bad sharing little 5 second clips. I'll wait to compile them so I next time there is something a bit more substantial to watch.


When you see the Enver of the decor it is immediately something else! Have you made good progress on the other animated sketches? 😄


It's looking really cool so far, framing is a bit of in some parts but still an a cool looking fight scene!


It's always great to see the progression of a work ! That's a way to learn a lot of things :)


To be honest, 5 second clips are fine especially when we know how many frames you are notorious for putting into said clips :P It is nice to see how your project is coming along regardless =D Keep up the good work!


It looks really nice! I like the camera movement, it adds a lot to the action.


Camera positioning is on point, but YouTube makes it seem like a few frames are missing. When I got home onto a more stable net it was youtube that did it. The framing of the scene does have the hand-held camera feel. More like the good action flics from a few years back, or maybe even like a good cop movie. The combat flow works, there is weight to the scene which is often missing in drawn action scenes. Nothing feels like it is floating, and that to me is fantastic. The main character even has that movement that makes it seem this has been going on for a bit. That is with five seconds of animation that is not even finished so the end product is highly anticipated.

Trevor Bond

Cripes, better than most big budget movie fights I see lately, this actually had some impact!


i mean hey, i can already see what's going on!


A few people have noted that. Do you mean the action isn't centered correctly and should follow the movement better? It helps to get advice :)

Trevor Bond

There's a theory (name's escaping me now) where people who are good at things underestimate their skills and people who suck at them overestimate them...


Dunning-Krueger effect! I think, though that might not be the spelling. Freddy Krueger effect maybe? Anyway, this really is just some chicken scratch I'm sharing. I have had a crazy busy few days but will be back tomorrow with some juicy Patreon exclusive content :)


Little late to the party but, i was a dedicated harry partridge live viewer and was wondering if your going to bring that back anytime soon?

Trevor Bond

Thanks! I kept thinking Sapir-Worf... anyways. You say it's just some sketches. I say if you gave me half a million years I'd never produce something this fluid, nor this well thought out.


Hey Mitchell, thanks so much for your support. I am still just ramping up the next animated project, I've had a lot of "real life" stuff to sort through. I will resume livestreaming later this month for sure, but there will also be lots of content here on Patreon that you'll be able to access as well. So hopefully that sounds like good news.


Very much so! And I saw you steamed about an hour ago! Curse work!!!!


There will be many more livestreams and they'll be archived too! Thanks for your support, really appreciate it :)