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You guys are allowing me to make my dreams come true. Thank you.






I'm glad this whole thing worked out for you! I was really hoping it would.

Ripley Riley

You are a super talented animator, Harry. I'm so glad this Patreon idea was successful for you. Do those passion projects and pay those bills.


( =u=)b


Anytime mah boi! I'm amazed you managed to get complete funding so quickly just putting the patreon link in the youtube description! I was expecting it to come flooding in if ya decided to make a video talking about it

Willit Dark

Oh my god, I didn't realize we had already blown past the first goal! This is amazing!


We are only 97% away from a Dr Bee movie! Spread the word quickly!


Great to hear you're getting more security from our support. I've been a fan of yours for close to nine-ten years now. So being able to support you in anyway, is just a great feeling. Much love, Harry. Keep up the amazing content.


No Harry. Thank YOU for making the stuff you want to make. We enjoy it!


Beyond delighted for you, Harry. Congratulations man.


I'm very lucky! Thanks for supporting me for so long dude, you're an old timer here now ;)


Haha, yeah...that one is kind of a joke, but if it ever happens I would certainly go through with it. Thanks, Blake :)


Aw dude, I just saw you edited your pledge too! You don't need to be so generous. Thank you!


Harry, you are genuinely one of the nicest, most hard working, genuine and dedicated animators I’ve been able to meet, plus you don’t hesitate to give shoutouts and suggestions to other people trying to make it in this difficult independent industry, and for that it’s always such a pleasure to support you whichever way I can while I can, and clearly many many other people share the same sentiment! I’m sure I can say that we all always look forward to whatever you bring out, big or small! Keep on doing what you do best man, we’ll be here for the ride :)


I won't try to convince you that I really don't deserve all this support, hah, so the least I can do is keep trying to make cool stuff and share the process with the folks here on Patreon that are supporting it. Thanks so much, Jade :)


Your content is absurdly, stunningly high quality. And I've gained so much enjoyment from it throughout the years that it's literally impossible for me NOT to support you on here. I will continue to do so as long as I am able. I'm also obnoxiously plugging your Patreon to everyone I know that enjoys animation. I am absolutely thrilled that this is working out for you.


I'm glad you are finally able to work on your passion man =D Don't worry about responding. Just enjoy relaxing for a change, you've earned it!


Once you will upload a video about patreon, u shall see the true number of masses that are ready to support you )


No no, thank YOU Harry. I know this will sound really corny, but had it not been for Happy Harry's HuHa2 How Tos, I might've not seriously gotten into animation. (I sometimes binge watch it for nostalgia, don't worry, I pity myself) When I finally saw your cartoons and all the care and effort that went into them, it made me want to do the same with my terrible garbage "films". Anyway, I'm honestly happy that I am able to back you on Patreon, so I can have a proper way to says thanks.

Michael Hartkopf

Hello Harry, did you think about making an Elder Scrolls 6 video to the trailer? I, like many others, have been aware of you and your other projects through your Elder Scrolls videos. So you could now attract attention with such a video in the Algorythmus again.


You know what, you're so humble and wholesome it melts my heart. With the whole thing about you wanting to reply to all of the comments and keep up with the people who are supporting you, I get it, because there are complete strangers around the world which are funding your passion. And trust me when I say, I would NOT be butthurt in the slightest if you wanted to concentrate all your time and (newly available) funding resource to dedicate your efforts into something really awesome. At the end of the day, that's why we're, or at least my personal reason, helping you create amazing content. It takes time and mental capacity to create your passion without being stressed about keeping everyone happy.


No problem, you have inspired me creatively last year, so I'm happy to help where I can, happy to support! =D


well, it's great to be partly responsible for your freedom! I think it's fine if you drop around every now and than. Don't overdo it. if the comment is a question, sure... but like this... don't bother with an answer^^ it's just saying: hey i'm here and glad about it.


Aww, that's sweet. I'm glad I've helped you on your journey. Good luck with staying on that path and chasing your dreams, LB :)


It's a very good idea, Michael...maybe even a bit cunning! I will think about the year ahead and maybe talk to some people about helping me with it :)


Thank you so, so much, Julia! I am incredibly lucky to have this support so I do want to keep up with you all as best as I can. I'll also focus on doing the best work I can with the resources I'm being allowed here, to do any less would be to waste an amazing opportunity. Thank you :)


Does it also help that there's no Bethesda games to steal your life force?


I'm actually not the huge gamer that some people think I am. I maybe lose a week per year TOPS to gaming, but I get restless and want to return to making stuff soo quickly. Maybe when ES6 comes out things will change....hmmm

Trevor Bond

My only warnings: Never promise something you're not comfortable you can deliver well or on time. Never hesitate to take time off for yourself or your loved ones (just mention you need the time). And never compromise your vision... we're here for your work because we love your work! And you're welcome... you should have done this years ago!


Been a fan since Saturday Morning Watchmen and finally got enough scratch that I can support your amazing work!


Got it. And I agree totally, but will give fair warning if I'm about to disappear for whatever reason. Thanks, Trevor :)


Very VERY generous of you. Thanks so much, really appreciated! Hope I can keep making stuff that entertains you :)

Jacob Tucker

I hope the Living Expenses Goal can effectively allow you to make this dream project you've teased for us. I look forward to seeing it when it's done. =)


It absolutely does! I will have tons more behind the scenes stuff to share with you over February as I really ramp it up. So excited. Thank you, Jacob!

Anthony Luetmer

will there ever be a team up of StarBarians, Dr Bees, and this new character you are working on?


Honestly, I doubt it as this character is not as silly/funny as those other characters. A Dr. Bees/Starbarians crossover could happen though.... Thanks, Anthony :)


Wait does that mean, more serious stories from this character?


Enjoy it Harry! You deserve it and we are happy to see the result of your enjoyment!