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I probably should have posted a situation update sooner, though to be honest, if I had, it would likely have been rather depressing.

Long story short: I ended up having to move out of my previous home anyway. On top of having a new full-time job, this left me almost no free time to work on Untitled Vore Game for a few months. It was very stressful and took a lot of work, but thankfully, I'm now all moved into a new place.

This event is something that's been hanging over my head like a sword of Damocles and causing me stress for several years now. Now that it's finally come to pass, a weight has been lifted, and I no longer have to worry about being a burden now that I'm fully self-reliant.

The act of moving has incurred many costs, and then I've had to deal with a couple unexpected large bills recently which caused me to start to stress out for just moment, before I checked how much money I had available to withdraw from Patreon. Because of the support of my subscribers, it turns out I will be able to comfortably cover the necessary costs. Once again, thank you to everyone who has ever donated to me, you've saved me from a very unpleasant situation.

This past week, I've resumed work on Untitled Vore Game and am establishing a baseline for the amount of progress that can be expected per week in my new situation. I now only have a couple animations to complete before I've finished what I've decided will be the basic content. Shortly after, I'll post the game for free access, and Patreon subscribers will begin to have early access to new content as I create it. I hope you look forward to it! This account will resume charging subscribers at the beginning of each month starting at the beginning of August.

Also, I really, REALLY need to decide on a name for this thing. It'll happen before I post a public version.



Glad things are turning up for you! Good thing you were able to move out without much trouble


It's great to hear that your life took a turn for the better and that you're able to cover most of the costs with your hard earned patreon money. Cant wait to continue to support you financially and see more of your awesome work! :D