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So I got a job, and this previous week was my first working there. I'm now an auction cataloger for a growing mom-and-pop internet auction business. It sounds kind of weird, and I was hesitant to pull the trigger on it, but to be honest... it's actually rather pleasant. The people there are nice. The only problem is that now I only get four hours of free time (or less) on weekdays, which is precious little to divide between work on my game and necessary relaxation time.

It will likely be another week or two before I return to working on the game, but at least now the big stressful situation is out of the way. I'm looking forward to returning to somewhat-regular updates.


Rot Hirsch

You take your time Levy! Those of us will be here waiting to support you again when you are ready. Congrats on such an awesome job!


Glad things are turning up for you! Looking forward to more updates when that time comes