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Come and check out Black Mirror 6x3 - EP Sponsored Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Special thanks to the anonymous EP who sponsored this reaction!

FULL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bkFun3Z2eJ2CMA9WqTQ_KUaGpM1Y5WXB/view?usp=drive_link

Edited: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bgTnrrXSwFUJCRlU1g8xa4R5-uRXMU3w/view?usp=drive_link



E. Kensington

Black Mirror will get you like that ;) it felt like decades since I had seen Hartnett in anything (I think Pearl Harbor might have been the last I had seen him personally) but both he and Jessie (yes, our Price-is-Right-playing Aaron Paul) were amazing here and the interviews showed how much they loved working together. I didn’t know what black mirror was for the longest time or what the name meant more precisely. Maybe it’s obvious to everyone but me but the black mirror can refer to the mirror that you see when looking at a blank device such as a turned off TV set or your smart phone or tablet when it’s run out of battery. In other words when you get kicked out of your media and technology presented reality and are left to pick up the pieces of true reality. When these devices lose power or when we shut them off, we have to navigate life without them. Kind of haunting in a way.


It's a 2 man mission, so both of them need to be alive for both to survive. They are 2 years into a 6 year mission, so even if they turn around now it's another 2 years until they get home, or a year until they get to whatever the mission is. That's why they weren't recalled back to earth. I have to say, this episode for me is the most Black Mirror-y we've had in a minute. I know we didn't get to see what happens next, but I think that's the genius behind it. It's left to our imagination. I assume that Cliff is blamed for the murder of his wife and son, so he can't use his replica to go back, as he'll be in prison, or possibly his replica will be destroyed. He can't kill his colleague or he will die himself. He's stuck, 24/7 for the next 4 years with the man who killed his family. Oh and the hippie cult guy at the beginning that you recognized is Kieran Culkin. Macauly's younger brother. Oh and I'm so glad Hartnett is back in the scene. He was essentially blacklisted from acting for turning down roles.

E. Kensington

I actually won the raffle and am sponsoring ep 4 this month, ssh, only two to go ;)