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Hi Patrons! 

We've seen your comments and have gotten several direct messages about the Squid Game reactions sharing thoughts/perspective/preferences for both SUB and DUB versions. 

We want to be sure - since its a Patreon exclusive show- to react to what the majority of you prefer. 

We went with DUB on the first episode, because it lends itself to being able to watch more of the action - and follow along on the dialogue- especially on the 1st episode - more easily without missing out on either - but we're really open to what your preferences are. 

So weigh in below and we'll react to the next episode using the version preferred in this poll :)

Thanks as always for the support!

RJ And Jrabbit


Tim Xi

sub, because if you don’t, the sub fans will make a big commotion, and there’s a lot of them. unless you have a reason for choosing dub that those people will understand, I would rather you guys avoid all that negativity lol


It really you guys decision. But I honestly think it distracting to read the subtitles the entire time and miss out on the actions in many scenes.

Fay K

I'd say it's the opposite way around and I never watch dubbed anime. I used to be president of my high school anime club and people would always watch things dubbed and complain but people who were brand new to anime would always not want to watch something in a foreign language and say that they weren't interested. So I think you have a valid point but I have habitually seen it both ways.

Fay K

I voted DUBBED On a personal note: I prefer subbed. When I watch anime or foreign films I actively avoid dubs and prefer to watch things in the language of the country who created them. HOWEVER Thinking about this as a group-experience, I have to vote dubbed because I think that people who enjoy the original show and want you to react to it are probably thinking yeah, dubbed isn't my preferred way of seeing this but at least you're reacting to the show and I like the show and 80% of it is in tact. However, if I put myself in a casual viewers place where they have heard about the show but not really much about it, they are more likely to watch it dubbed. People avoid foreign films and got surprised when Parasite won the Academy Award despite it being amazing. So, sad to say but a lot o people tune out on subtitles and so since the idea is to react to something for as many people as possible, I would say dubbed. But according to the poll right now, I'm wrong. ((by the way, when I was studying in Shinjuku, Japan. I watched so many things with subtitles and I really felt like I got an authentic experience. I prefer subs for myself but this is a reaction channel)) Also, with that being said. I feel comfortable in the future if I wanted you guys to react to a foreign film that if I requested it subbed that I could have it subbed =D

Eric Johnson

Not actually voting in the poll because I'm not watching the show, but in general, I have preferred dub over sub specifically for watching reactions. Trying to visually follow the action in the show, the reactors, and the subtitles all at once is a LOT; it's easier to have the audio take care of one of those things.


The dubbed version was super cringey I had to change it within the first 10 minutes. It flows much better with the original audio and makes much more sense. Some dubbed shows aren't so bad but it just really doesn't fit with this show in my opinion.


I think you guys should choose the one YOU’RE comfortable watching. We’re watching for your reactions to the show itself, not the mechanics of whether you caught the subtitles or not, especially if you miss crucial context that you would have caught with the dub.


I usually go with subbed versions, whenever possible, because I like to passively hear the original language. Sometimes the dubbed version can be badly synced and vocally acted. Squid Game’s dub isn’t as bad as some (the dub for the French show Lupin comes to mind)…but I don’t have a particular preference when it comes to how you guys watch. I just like seeing y’all enjoy a new show


Are you going to show the subs on the screen somehow? Otherwise, I'm not going to be able to understand anything since I probably won't be able to read the subs in the smaller screen in your video. If not, I'd prefer dubbed.

Luke Trottier

Agreed. I respect and understand that some people 'hate' subtitles, and only watch dubbed stuff. Having to read all the dialogue, plus looking downward and not being able to quite as fully view the rest of the screen all the time, etc. But yeah, well said. Granted sometimes a dub could possibly be superior... I like to hear lines acted and delivered the way wanted and intended. Plus, if it's a foreign piece and it's dubbed, it takes away a bit for me, that it is a foreign piece of art. It feels 'mixed'.


Option 3: You're own preference

Fay K

If you watched the reaction to episode 1 I'm sure they'll show them the same way they did when JRabbit was taking a look at the rules but then if the subs are too fast I'm not sure if that would mean rewinding to reread them. I also checked out their Parasite movie review (on the drive) and they had subtitles for that.

Björn Petersen

Hey guys here is what i did. I watched the show with english subs as i stated earlier. As you can imagine, the show will get emotional sometimes, and these emotions are only transported with the original audio imo. If you feel the need to pause and rewind during the episode, because you missed something then please feel free to do so. I DID. And it´s not like i had to pause all the time, just here and there throughout the whole run. And i also think that NO ONE will judge you. That would be ridiculous. We´re all grown ass people and it´s only a show. So i think whatever you choose, the people will survive 😊 Love you guys and have a great day.

Joshua Wanakamik

I feel like theres a lot to say here in both ways. I mean to each their own right? Anyways my personal opinion is sub all day long. Being a gamer and a fan of cartoons and such, I love voice acting a lot , and for me it makes the character. I feel like you loose that connection you get with the original actors' voices when you go with the dub version. But I respect everyone's opinions and I love that you guys gave it up to the majority...so lets go TEAM SUB! lol


I honestly don't care. I personally watched the sub version but I couldn't care less which version you react to. Do what you are most comfortable with. Not everyone enjoys subtitles as much as others.

Fredrik IB

The way I always see dubbed shows is that they become... fake to me. I get that it's not that for everyone, and that's great, but. Knowing that the actors on the screen are not the ones actually talking... Not for me.