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Come and check out The Office 3x11 Back from Vacation - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JT-zNwQhFZKlEsGI-pq-kWJ2nj7zb0xl/view?usp=sharing




I’m not sure what’s scarier.. Michael with a plan or Michael scrambling to fix a mistake. He constantly has me howling with his galaxy brain thinking. Ps I will say again! I love your “cold opens” lol. You’re both adorable and make me laugh :)

Fay K

Great reaction XD I do really like the part with Dwight and Pam. I'm not sure if this is sexist and I'm sorry if it is. As a woman, I have had those moments when I've wanted something (usually for me it's money/a job and not a person) but helping someone get something that I wanted for myself and then when things go well with them just crying about it on my own. You try to make a commitment to somebody but their happiness might lead to your unhappiness and it's not done and over because you feel that you should have taken it for yourself, this is especially with people you love but are also in other relationships. So, Dwight coming to check on her and even Dwight talking about PMS'ng just shows how deeply he actually does care about her. Dwight is strange in many ways but he just has blind obedience and respect in his work, he's extremely loyal and you see this mostly professionally but he does care for others in his own ways. I'm not so interested in the MIchael plot but then Michael isn't even in my top five favorite Office characters list so this time I just enjoyed all the character interactions with Michael and others. Looking forward to next reaction =D


I given up on expecting Michael to know better in these situations. Even though he shouldn't have emailed the picture to anyone, whose to say Packer wouldn't have forward it to a bunch of people and it eventually made itself to office anyway.


I always enjoy this episode just for the sheer terror that Michael is expecting from Jan it was acted perfectly, although the scene with Dwight and Pam is probably my favorite in this episode especially learning that Rainn had a really hard time filming the scene as he got really emotional and teared up seeing Jenna cry which is just very wholesome. There is one deleted scene that I find funny enough to mention for this episode, Michael had brought gifts for several of the office workers, for Dwight a "genuine Rastafarian wig"; for Andy, a Milli Vanilli t-shirt; for Angela, a lei; for Pam, a coconut bra; and for Stanley he jokes that he got him some "ganja", although it was really coffee Creed then offers to get Stanley some real ganja, there is also a scene where in the airport the documentary crew meets Michael and he recounts a tale of buying a "chill pill" from a man at the beach and after he had finished vomiting he was more relaxed than he had ever been. Looking forward to the next reaction.

Heidi Liedtke

Love the way Pam and Dwight interact in this episode. It makes me wish Dwight was a little more chill/like this more of the time, but I guess part of the thing that makes it so special is because you don't expect this interaction to happen!