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Come and check out The Office 3x8 The Merger - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12jUTvpogKY4hvBXqu3tXbiSDxGkWFoQf/view?usp=sharing




The merger between the two branches is always a fun period for the exact reason you mentioned, the new outlook on Michael's behaviour from people who are used to sanity in the workplace especially from the boss. The episode also gives birth to one of my favourite pairings/rivalries Andy and Dwight who are always great

Fay K

It's nice to see the new characters start to get developed and reacting with all the characters we do know. I think Gardner is the only one who left though since I think Hannah's (woman with the pump) in future episodes unless there was a third woman. Good reaction.

Ted Cali

I don’t necessarily think it’s “mind games” as much as it is two people in a very awkward place who still care about each other. I’m not exactly excited to come to Jim’s defense, since he would also be flirting with the vending machine if it threw on a pencil skirt, but how else would he or any sane person react in this situation? He told Pam he loved her. Twice. She rejected him. Twice. Why would he go in for the hat trick? The audience knows that she broke off her engagement because of him specifically, and we knew that Jim would inevitably be back to Scranton, but as far as the character is concerned, he moved away for good to get away from his heartbreak, started a relationship with someone new, and has only had one phone call with Pam before seeing her for the first time again. That is a nightmarish labyrinth of really complicated emotions for anyone to navigate. Pam obviously had expectations for how their big reunion would go, which isn’t at all a bad thing but does set you up to be disappointed when the other person doesn’t meet those expectations. If anything, Jim is acting on the lessons he’s previously learned at Scranton: 1) his flirtatious work relationship with Pam is inappropriate when one of them is in a relationship with someone else, 2) he should always be straightforward and keep things above board.

❥ rina

the merger ! for me personally, this has always been one of my favorite, super exciting "turning-point in the story" type of episodes. like u guys said, it just opens so many new dynamics and whatnot. it's funny that in the last reaction, RJ called andy "dwight-lite" because especially right now, he totally is. weirdly, they're one of my favorite dynamics so far- they're extremely ridiculous to watch and childishly competitive, as u saw in that last scene. also u guys pointing out Pam's subtle reactions and moments of jealousy was hilarious. i love her, but it definitely is frustrating watching her refuse to be straight up about how she feels. same with Jim though, because i kind of agree with RJ- i don't think I'd call them mind games or anything like that, but i also felt like Jim was at least subconsciously hoping his new relationship with Karen would trigger some kind of truth-spilling reaction out of Pam. but I don't know. as Ted Cali said above, it's a whole labyrinth of complicated emotions to decipher.