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Come and check out the Parks and Recreation 6x8 Fluoride - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x4GFa74bonwoC2cyQBwe0_gzRspqxfPY/view?usp=sharing



Fay K

Thanks for the review, I am a little worried about the citizens of Pawnee/New Pawnee. First, there was the salad with gummy worms and chocolate and gumballs? Then they want to put sugar in the drinking water. One of the only other times I've seen such an unhealthy place is in The Simpsons when they wanted to highlight the obesity epidemic I also like Ron mentioning Moby Dick but I'm not sure I agree with him that it's without it's over embellishments. I read it whilst getting my English Lit BA and ther really is about twenty-five pages about a rope (which I can see Ron enjoying) but there's also about forty or fifty pages about how whales factor into religion so it's more than a story about a man hating a whale. (maybe Ron would enjoy that) Anyway, great reaction, looking forward to the next one


The hilarious thing about Ron's favorite book being Moby-Dick is that he thinks it's a book without metaphor. Of course no book in the English language is more stuffed with symbolism than Moby-Dick! So for once Ron is totally off his rocker.

Melanie M

April and Donna are such a cute relationship, I think Donna thought of April more as a friend while April just thought of her as a coworker. Once she realized that Donna cared and appreciated her she was like "oh shit, I messed up" and course corrected. This is not really a spoiler since you mentioned that Rashida Jones (Ann) is not there, the reason is because she was balancing writing Toy Story 4 and acting in Parks. Much like with Pratt the show-runners were helpful and aware of other opportunities so they were working together to try to get it done.

Fay K

Is Toy Story 4 that old? (just looked it up and wow, it did take that many years to write. I guess I didn't pay attention because I hate Toy Story 4)