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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: Invincible 1x5 That Actually Hurt - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ICakKUjYmFe5Y_mAsHWhq12rjDdy84jc/view?usp=sharing




I'm so happy that Reginald VelJohnson is the voice of Principal Winslow, just perfect anyone else wouldn't have been the same. The names of the various villains that Machine Head hired are as follows, firstly there was Kursk the electricity guy, Furnace was the metal dude that shot fire, Magmaniac was the guy who was made of lava and Tether Tyrant was the dude with the tentacles (I actually kinda dig him for some reason). Then of course there is Battle Beast who is just on a completely different level entirely, introduced as the scourge of the Twin Galaxies by Machine head in the comics. One of the most powerful characters in the Invincible universe (top 5 for sure) and one of my absolute favourites, I read a comment somewhere that likened Machine Head hiring Battle Beast to Kingpin hiring Thanos, which isn't far off because even Omni-man wouldn't have been able to do a whole lot against him (if anything). I got so hyped with the mentions of The Lizard League and Master Liu, really hoping to see them in action soon, I just love seeing how they bring them all to 'life' in the show and the cast of voice actors always impresses me

Ted Cali

Never get tired of watching reactions to this episode. The power-scaling usually throws people off regarding Battle Beast (this fight in the comics takes place in what would be Season 2 of the show, after you've seen enough of Mark and co. to know that it's not that they're weak, but that Battle Beast is just on some other bullshit entirely), so nice job catching on immediately. Honestly, he's one of my all-time favorites from the comics - just this unstoppable ass kicker who absolutely loves to kick ass and nothing else. And I love TItan here. In all fairness, literally the only lie he told Mark was about Isotope, everything else was true, with the one omission that he would be filling in the power vacuum left by Machine Head. It's a good little preview at how the story explores moral greyness in a world complicated by superpowers. It's interesting that the only people who look at the world in terms of "good guys and bad guys" in this episode are Mark and the little girl; really highlights his naivety ahead of this brutal but necessary lesson he learns. I will say you guys are maybe being a little too hard on the new Guardians. At the end, they really did beat all of the villains (with the exception of Battle Beast), even with 2 teammates down. And while I admit that the show really doesn't do a whole lot to show Rex's positives, I think the implication is apparent enough that you would only put up with someone this obnoxious if they had the skill to back it up. Hopefully we get more of competent Rex in the future.

Lasith Bandara

This show keeps surprising the hell out of me and I love it. Titan Twist was epic and your comparison to Luke Cage had me dying 🤣🤣🤣 Also that last fight scene between the two teams looked epic and the Battle Beast was the MVP for me and he took them out like insects. Mark should finish his training with his Dad so he can avoid nearly dying every time he fights someone decent. Also Omni-Man allowing this to happen was crazy and I hope Mark remembers because Debbie will be furious when she finds out on top of everything else she uncovered in this episode. Also now I'm now less suspicious of Robot because this episode revealed that his interest in the Clones were purely scientific so he can find a cure or replicate Monster Girl if she's dies, but he still freed a dangerous criminal so I'm cautiously optimistic about his intentions. Can't wait for the next one.