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Come and check out the FULL & Early access edited reaction : Loki 1x5 Journey Into Mystery - Available on the drive now!

FULL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O0etyyZsME3_UYX_Aw8DOpXSH0cXwm2g/view?usp=sharing
Edited: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WQajExhNLZX3Mx5H30pIxjf0MCAiqIxs/view?usp=sharing



Michelle Leach

Another amazing episode!! Was so happy when Mobius popped up in the pizza car to rescue Sylvie! So glad he's doing good after the scare last episode! And his hug with Loki was EVERYTHING!! The way Loki grasped his back yesss pleaseee haha. Also so fun seeing all the Loki variants fight each other while our evolved loki walked around shaking his head and trying to stay out of it. And him being all smooth conjuring the blanket around Sylvie and her little content smile was so cute! And love her saying I think we are stronger then we think after seeing old Loki create an entire illusion of Asgard- such a noble sacrifice! And gator-loki was adorable moving around this episode, so much personality behind those lil eyes! <3 But the cherry on top was the SMOKE MONSTER 2.0!! Of course I was thinking of the beloved LOST smoke monster during this episode as the columns took out people haha! Lost being my favorite show of all time and Loki being my currently airing fav show, it was a dream come true!! Did Lost come to mind when watching this episode/any thoughts to shed on that Iconic show?;)

Doug C

My friend had the best idea tonight before Black Widow that I'm only sharing here because I know you loved Agents of Shield like we did. Prediction: When Loki and Sylvie get into that castle, the only inhabitant, is Coulson. Yes Agent Coulson, now in his never-dying chronocom body gets his final revenge on Loki for stabbing him through the heart! He has had eternity to set up the TVA (he loves classic sci-fi for the motif) controlling time and plucking away every version that gets close to bettering himself, just so he can establish a proper Loki that dies for what he did. So, Loki and Sylvie see him and we end with "Time to take you to Tahiti." And bring on season two! :-)


Lasith Comment: This was an Amazing episode and I loved every minute of it. Classic Loki and kid Loki were my favourite Loki's in this doomed realm. I'm Glad that Mobius was not and he was such an integral part of their mission and he still has plenty more to do in this show. Also the Judge needs to die because she's very annoying to me and if Sylvie and Loki were unsuccessful in their mission she will continue with this stupid TVA mission because she like the power and cannot accept that she's a variant herself. Sylvie and Loki Romance is adorable but feels uncomfortable at times considering who they are, but they were my highlight of this episode because every conversation they were part of had purpose and meaning behind it and realising their potential thanks to Classic Loki was another highlight of mine. I'm really excited for the finale after that final scene and looking forward to what lies ahead of them and hopefully it's epic because this show has been brilliant and very unique compared to WandVision and Captain America & Winter Soldier.


I had to take a break from my Patreon-surfing but I've been lurking and I'm back to comment for at least the final ep of Loki. You know how it is when I’m gone for weeks and just suddenly drop in on an ep...it’s gonna be a long one. I’ve rboken it into 3 parts. lmao Part 1/3 I have been having a fantastic time with this series. It's most definitely been my favorite of the DisneyPlus shows so far, though I adored TFAWS. But the time travel, alternative timeline/dimension, and space adventure stuff in Loki is much more up my alley in terms of genre. Ep 5 might just turn out to be my favorite of the season. All the Lokis together were incredible. Fun but tragic, brave but lonely...and just the right amount of duplicitous. Exactly what I've always wanted from one of my top two favorite Trickster Gods from mythology (the other being Anansi the Spider, of course). Classic Loki’s sacrifice was so beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. He was basically the same Loki that lived all the way through the MCU up to Avengers: Infinity War but he didn’t die there. Instead he retreated to isolation to reflect on himself and improve spiritually and magically over several centuries. This is why he’s so powerful but it’s also why he’s so lonely. At least the other Lokis were able to interact with other people, Classic Loki was all alone for hundreds maybe even thousands of years (given how slow frost giants/asgardians age and how old Classic Loki looks). All Classic Loki wanted by the end was to see his brother again, then the TVA snatched away his chance. It breaks my heart to think that maybe he never saw Thor, his timeline’s Thor, ever again before he died. Maybe he was able to find some peace with meeting a Thor-variant but who can be sure at this point? Sylvie also breaks my heart. Kidnapped as a child by the time cops and forced to run from apocalypse to apocalypse, cursed to never be able to connect with anyone except people destined to die. Watching everyone around her die in agony or in fear on literally every world she lived on. She’s a frost giant too so assuming she’s roughly the same age as Avengers!Loki, she’s around 1,000-1,500 years old now. Also assuming the same relative aging rates as humans, Sylvie would’ve been taken from Asgard by the TVA when she was around 200-300 years old. Sylvie lived hundreds of years watching everyone around her die over and over as she plotted violent revenge on an inter-dimensional fascist organization. Such a metal backstory but also soooooo messed up. I honestly can’t do anything BUT love her after learning that.


Part 2/3 Now onto our Loki. His growth this season has been incredible. The show decided to speedrun him through many of the emotional beats Infinity War Loki went through but I’m glad they’ve given him a different enough flavor that it doesn’t feel cheap. Right now I want them to focus on his show but in the future, I would def welcome a re-introduction of this Loki to Post-Endgame Thor and the other Avengers or Asgardians just to see how differently he’d react to things. After all, he never experienced finding a common ground with Thor and Odin, nor did he fully experience the desperate yet heroic moments before his death at the hands of Thanos. Instead our new Loki main character is on an antihero-redemption story that took a whole different route. The major catalysts for his change weren’t Thor or Frigga but were Mobius, Sylvie, and the other Lokis. This Loki actually found genuine friends! I mean, yes, most of them are variations of himself but they are also different enough to count as different people in my book. What’s important is that they are friends that are his first instead of Thor’s friends who merely tolerated him as Thor’s little brother. (As the youngest sibling of four children, I know that feel when your friends are actually just your siblings’ friends and you finally find someone who is associated only with you. Trying to define yourself outside of your siblings can be really tough to do, especially when you’re the youngest.) Loki also found a different kind of love with Sylvie. Whether that stays romantic or settles into something more platonic doesn’t really matter to me. I like both (heh) for different reasons. What can’t be denied is that meeting Sylvie has been character defining for this Loki. He has had the opportunity to see a version of his life that is heroic instead of villainous. He can see a path that doesn’t include a hunger for power and control over others in a desperate bid to cover up his own fears and loneliness. Sylvie doesn’t want to rule the TVA, she wants to destroy it. For revenge and, despite her protesting in ep 5, also to free the universe so it can be what it was always meant to be: gloriously unrestrained. Finally our Loki can see a version of himself fighting for freedom not by further oppressing the weak like he did in Avengers and in the first Thor movie. Instead she is truly embodying Loki’s ideals of being a liberator by going after the people in power. And like Sylvie said, if she can do something so can Loki because at their soul they are the same. Also like Mobius said, Loki can do or be anything he wants if he just tries. I love seeing these Gods of Chaos and Mischief living up to their titles on a cosmic scale. That scene where they used their powers together to take control of Alioth while Classic Loki bought them time by showcasing his incredible power was sublime. Loki doubts himself but Sylvie just comes along and tells him no, he can enchant just like her and just supports him through his first full enchantment. I love the Thor-Loki relationship, don’t get me wrong, and the Loki-Frigga relationship of course. But I think Loki’s history with them is still very wrapped up in a lot of negative aspects that hindered Loki’s growth for a long time. I think this Loki, with Sylvie and Mobius in his life, is going to grow even more powerful because he finally has his own support system. I’m so attached to all these characters...the Lokis and Sylvie, B-15 (my beloved), Mobius, Miss Minutes, Casey...hell, even Renslayer if you can believe it.