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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: Chuck 3x11 Chuck Versus the Final Exam - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OOYRS3CmicrE5fhScrWcWr88oEPxW8yJ/view?usp=sharing



Björn Petersen

Hey guys yep, this is a turn in the show. I mean we all wanted for Chuck to be a real spy. Now that he is, everybody needs to deal with it. Casey was the MVP. Btw, the test to kill was called a RED test, not a Bread test🤣🤣😉 Subway might be a sponsor, but that would be a little too much. Great reaction as always and i can´t wait for the next one.

Fredrik IB

Hey guys! Great reaction again :) This season has risen to another gear the last few episodes, that's for sure. Darker tone and more intense. Not knowing where the show is going, and having the show feel out of balance makes it very interesting to me. Casey was indeed the MVP this episode; him coming through for Chuck in the end was awesome. I also agree with you guys that Chuck is walking taller now than before. His confidence is so much higher and it shows. I love the character development. And yeah, like Björn said above, the test in which a spy has to kill an operative in order to complete the mission is called a red test. I love that you guys seem to have really come around on this show now. Anyway, loved the reaction. Can't wait for more!!

Jeremy Burch

This episode plus others is why season 3 has always been my favorite season, the darker tones, the way they shot the fight scene making it feel so much more real and brutal. This episode though is what I always complain about with will they or won't they relationships, when miscommunications or missing information keep people from being together I always find that annoying. When Casey said they can't tell Sarah the truth, I was annoyed and thinking why can't they just tell her she's not going to turn Chuck or Casey in, it's just another reason to keep them apart for longer. Also, the odd believe of Chucks, Sarah has made it pretty clear that she loves Chuck for being who he is, but for someone reason Chuck believes she won't love him unless he is a real spy, I just don't get that one fully. But I do understand why Sarah is upset that she thinks Chuck killed someone, she doesn't want Chuck to change and become a killer like her and Casey, in fact before they met Chuck it seemed like her and Casey were pretty ruthless people and she doesn't want Chuck to become that. But other than my complaints about the will they or won't they part of the show, I loved the darker tones this season introduced and I look forward to the next reaction.

Terry Yelmene

Guys, you sensed the more intense and dramatic tone in this; Final Exam- episode. There is a reason for this - and a reason why this episode is so influential in the Chuck saga for so many. - - - The series was originally scheduled to air only 13 episodes in season three. Then the network unexpectedly requested an additional 6 (what would become excellent) episodes. However, NBC’s request came well into the season’s production- close to the time the crew was shooting Final Test episode as a lead in to what would have been a …[insert any superlative adjective friggin GREAT]… season finale. Though softened just a bit, there was no way to really alter what was planned/being produced, so we all saw what was originally intended. Most fans connect Final Exam with the inital finale story progression that follows it , and credit Chuck’s red test as the point when they begin to love this series as one of television’s very best. Your fantastic reaction, reporting the change you felt as you watched, is spot on. Second, the notorious Chuck and Sarah will they, won’t they… is so misunderstood. And nowhere is it less obvious for Sarah’s context, than it is in this episode. Think about it this way… though she’s merely following orders, Sarah instructing Chuck to kill Perry actually means that all her invested hopes for her own “real life” (away from the spy life) will likely die too. Chuck has always meant more to Sarah because his life holds straightforward honor and integrity- things the spy life robs her of. And at no point in her own life did integrity, honor or straightforwardness seem so distant as it did with her own red test. So when she is putting the - spy/no spy, -- kill/no kill - decision before Chuck she is seriously risking the extreme loss of what she wants (needs), to offer Chuck what he indicated he wants. Though she believes/trusts in Chuck, Sarah is willing to live with his choice, though it will likely hurt her. Sarah demonstrates that she loves Chuck by giving him control of both of their lives. After, with Chuck presumably killing Perry , her beliefs are shaken, and it feels right to declare an end to her love of Chuck, However, way down, in the deepest sense , her love was made even more evident by being vulnerable to being hurt so badly - by Chuck/for Chuck. So it is with love. This is a great ‘Chuck’ episode - when important “legit” things get put on the line. Your reaction and comments demonstrate that. Casey definitely was at his very best here!! - even as he doesn’t quite appreciate, you can’t be conking heads in the Buy More - II may be the Buy More., but Casey is still Casey!