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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: Community 3x20 Digital Estate Planning - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rpWybiW-T1etK-cyTHNi4toqbIr-gjfh/view?usp=sharing




Originally this aired on the same night as the two following episodes, as a 3-episode “season finale.” As far as I know, nobody from the show has officially confirmed that it’s out of order, but the fact that it was filmed last of all suggests that filming had to wait until the animation was completed, and this animation must have taken a long time; so maybe it was written much earlier in the season but took longer to create than expected. In that case, the answer would be that they just couldn’t place it any earlier than this.

Fay K

Glad that you guys liked this episode. It's so much better as a stand alone episode but when you're watching the two before it you get so immersed in the Chang storyline that it's jarring if you don't expect it. That being said, my favorite things in this particular episode are Troy's jumping around and the scene with the blacksmith and his wife. Also, I always remember my older sister when it comes to Britta straightening the picture because she would spend hours clearing all the puzzles, grinding, and picking Poke berries when silver and gold came out. Not to date myself but I played Pokemon Red on the Gameboy Color when I was at elementary school age and I can see a lot of similarities between the game they played and games like Pokeon which me and my siblings were obsessed with (millennial/90s culture) Hope you guys enjoy the next episode, there are so many laughs to prepare yourself for


This episode is one of my absolute favorites, the 8-bit style cartoon is amazing. By the way there is a fanmade version of the game called Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne more on that in a minute. When it comes to the placement of this episode I really didn't notice that it probably should of been placed a little earlier in the season. In my opinion Jeff being angry at Pierce in the beginning for having to drive to the middle of nowhere helps it fit fine because I just assume he's mad that they can't take care of the Chang problem. My favorite parts are when Abed keeps standing in front of Hilda when Gilbert attacks them in the village, Abed's reaction of just looking up slightly and raising his eyebrows to Gilbert's news, and Britta's comment about the lack of trees before they get back to Abed's village hilarious. Now onto the fan made version of the game. You can find it here at https://projecthawkthorne.com/ The game is for the most part what you see in the show with some added levels so it feels more like a game than just a recreation of the episode. When you get to Hilda's village you have the option of killing the blacksmith and his wife as the house burns down although then you won't have access to buying weapons in the game. Britta's potion room exists in it along with the poker game in the tavern thankfully it doesn't turn into strip poker though. Once you beat the last level at Castle Hawkthorne you gain access to a bonus virtual version of Greendale where you find stuff like Pierces dad playing catch with him. Anyway's you should really check it out.

Lasith Bandara

This was an ok episode with a Nice Cameo from Stan Edgar and him being Pierce's brother was a one hell of a surprise considering who their father was but all in all I loved the video game concept for this episode and everyone played with their Avatar to the fullest, Can't wait for the next one.


Posting in Case it doesn't work again- EP Adam Grunther Comment: My original comment got deleted so I’ll just post it again: This is the first episode of the show that I remember seeing and it definitely still holds up. I love how the characters act in the game, particularly Abed, Shirley and Britta. Abed definitely feels right at home as he effortlessly uses the game to his advantage. Shirleys suddenly getting into the violence of the game is hilarious, as she takes Annie’s comment of not getting worked up about the violence a little too seriously. Her ruthlessness from her foosball days were definitely showing. As for Britta, her comment of “not hacking and slashing her way through life because she’s one with life” is honestly perfect and might just be my favorite quote from the entire show. This episode is also infamous for being the point in which the feud between Dan Harmon and Chevy Chase reached its breaking point. There was supposed to be a scene in which Abed reprograms the game to make the head of Pierce’s father respect him as they play ball within the game. Pierce is so touched by this action that he gets up and hugs Abed. According to Harmon, it was one of the most crucial scenes of the entire season and a huge moment for Pierce’s character. Unfortunately Chevy refused to film the scene because of the long hours and due to the set being taken down immediately after, the scene could not be reshot. This led to Harmon having everyone chant “F you Chevy” in front of him and his family which eventually led Chevy to leave a nasty voicemail in which he insults Harmon at several points. Despite the rather depressing behind the scenes drama, this episode is amazing and just so much fun.


Well that sucks did you guys see the replies to the original comment.