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Come and check out the FULL reaction: Community 2x23 A Fistful of Paintballs - Available on the drive now! 

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NTC4kvYlDvF-JnA-bU22hHy7Jr9ngDy_/view?usp=sharing




Been waiting on this day for many moons... excuse me while i watch this 12 times. "This is one of the best... show experiences I've ever had" i think shes speaking for us all.

❥ rina

yesss i've excited for u guys to see this one. this episode is without a doubt my favorite paintball episode. the western theme IMMEDIATELY sold me when i first saw this, and the execution is insanely impressive. everything from the acting to the cinematography was just A+. i mean, Alison Brie (Annie) was absolutely fantastic in her role, as was everyone, because they all killed it. Jeff being jealous of the Black Rider was hilarious, and anything the dean always cracks me up. i also LOVEDD all of their outfits, and the set up for the two parter was epic. i could go on and on about other things or moments i loved in this episode, but honestly...it's A LOT. i'll stop it here, but LOVED u guys' reaction and discussion. cannot wait for the next one !

George Harvey

Can't wait for part two, I am a massive nerd for classic westerns so this was great. Also I love love love, how they give everyone a playing card nickname at the beginning (Annie, Ace of Hearts , Troy, King of Clubs etc.) and it just seems to fit thematically, you don't really think anything of it. Then the reveal that their card was how they voted regarding Peirce is great. Completely missed it the first time I watched. Hope part two isn't too far away :)


Red Card was Annie, shown in the western character title frames.

Zoe Youds

This is my favourite paintball episode for lots of reasons. It seems even more extreme than modern warfare, with the more valuable prize and the whole state of the campus, with Fort Hawthorne and everything. It also nicely brings in the way that Pierce has been acting this season, showing that the study group finally decided they'd had enough (and I like how they showed how they all voted with the character introductions), and it also sets up the second part really well. I think it being a two parter is part of why it's so good, because it gives more time for not only paintball, but for those character moments as well. Also on a kind of biased note, Annie's my favourite character so I like that she's got such a prominent role this episode.

Lasith Bandara

I loved everything about this brilliant episode and it's my current favourite episode of the series. Annie shined in this episode and Abed was right Annie was Awesome playing the character Ace of Hearts, also Pierce was his usual self and Black Rider was an excellent Bad Guy addition and the whole episode was shot beautifully and the production quality was epic. Also I was so confused at the end of this episode because I haven't seen this show, and I only watch your reaction so that ending was so confusing to me for some reason, and I had to watch the original episode to figure out if I missed anything or not, also you guys confused me with trying figure out which episode this was and talking about Masked singer and Wadna Sykes and I genuinely thought I missed Last couple of minutes LOL🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hey great reaction!!! I am a little disappointed you cut off the end credits of the reaction, it shows the setup for the next episode. Otherwise good reaction overall. The western motif is fantastic!!!!

J. White

Rabbit, you made a great point when you said the writing is genius. Back in the 8th episode of the season in the pen episode, abed says "this is how you create super villains" once they were forcing his casts to be cut off, speaking off which was a plot that started from the first season when troy's monkey disappeared. Genius writing isn't the only reason why Community is my favorite show, it's the characters I love. After studying the way Dan Harmon writes his stories and character progression, I truly believe Pierce's character was meant to have this story. I see lots of people give Pierce a hard time but I will aid in his defense. Out of the entire group, Pierce is the most sensitive. Pierce's father was verbally abusive to him as a child and because he never received his love and acceptance, it's what he yearns for his entire life. Since Pierce is very emotionaly damaged he is very guarded and gets very defensive when feeling left out. Like he is being loved. Imo, this storyline of Pierce becoming a villain is the direct effect of what happens when you ignore someone and don't show them enough love. If you remember back in the 7th episode of the season when Pierce felt excluded from Jeff and Troy's secret trampoline he was so hurt he sabotaged it. After that we see Pierce become addicted to pain killers in which no one does anything about it. We end up seeing a shot of Pierce passed out on a bench on the episode before the hospital mockumentary one. All Pierce wants is love and acceptance from the people he loves. Out of the entire group, Pierce has the most to learn and is the most immature despite his age, it's on purpose though, because Dan Harmon wrote these characters based off of their archetype and character tropes, it's the reason why every single one of these characters are so great. They are all lovable, enjoyable and most importantly they feel like real people. Apologize for the encyclopedia of a comment I just left but it's been a while since I commented and I also wanted to say I love you guys, until next time ;)