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Come and check out the FULL Reaction: The Expanse 5x4 Guagamela - Available on the drive now!

Check out Christina Jones' Podcast at  https://blackgirlcouch.podbean.com/

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19RUTbDe1y0x9FuT2S0klXHq6X4x46b13/view?usp=sharing



Christina Jones

This the one I’ve been waiting for and your reaction did not disappoint! Hands down one of the best episodes of the season if not series. Fred, shot in the back by the people he spent his life atoning too. That’s some heartbreaking ish right there; just as he was watching to actualization of his dreams. The radical Dawes and he reconciled their ideas for what was best but even season one it was always a precarious one fraught with those that would always see Anderson as the Butcher. However, he was an inner whose possession of a weapon allowed the belt a seat at the table and that is the “why” behind it all, J. Earth and Mars respectively created their own nuclear bomb in Marco by choosing to continue their cycle of Belter oppression. Not only did they decimate their bread basket but they and their CHILDREN were made lab rats for their protomolecule tests. None of this at all justifies Marcos homicidal asteroid throwing but no repercussions were felt. No reparations made ( hell they left them refugees), not even a public statement of apology and on top of that Belters save the Inners whole home planets from their own shitstorms that they devised. Its enough to make even the rational seethe. The emotionally intelligent know how to capitalize and rise above the actions of few now and entire race. Marco isn’t emotionally intelligent; he’s an emotionally abusive narcissist who’s been watching his ex and her Inners save the world and become heroes of the Belt all under this united peoples banner with calculated rage and maybe a touch of envy? I found it fascinating instead of watching the chaos on Earth he watches Naomi’s expression foolish still to think she’d look upon his actions with anything but horror but even after 15 years maintain this is still “their” dream. I hate his beautiful face and he is a fantastic villain. It’s hard not to watch his Machiavellian but ways because he’s charismatic too and that’s the trap. That trap that keep women with terrible men. Naomi hissing at her son like a wounded animal. And the way she begged him to unlock the door you just know this isn’t the first time Marco has locked her in a room. Back to Marco and his crazy obsessive but maniacal ass, Gugamela is the name of Alexander the Greats decisive battle against the Persians that required a stupidly outrageous plan. Pella is the name of where Alexander the Greats capital of Macedonia. Can we take some guesses as to who Marco fancies himself? Also, why is that ship pretty much a delicate of the Roci just newer. He so petty!!!! And planning this whole attack on the anniversary of when he blew up the Augustin Gamora with Naomi’s code. Methinks Filip brought his Kryptonite onboard as she’s the only one with the cult dog lifted. Alex, you ruined your marriage not the Navy you ain’t slick sir. I wonder how James would feel RJ about the person who tried to kill him and framed him for murder on the ship? 🤔

Lasith Bandara

I loved your reaction to this Amazing episode. How they took out Fred was shocking and I didn't see it coming so early in the season, and the manner they took him out was so disrespectful. Also Un Secretary and all the people who ignored Chrissy got what they deserved. Also Amos visiting Clarissa Mao was unexpected but I'm glad the writers are exploring their relationship. Also Marco is a master tactician and he's slowly earning my respect as this shows best villain we have seen in all seasons. Also I found it hilarious that After 3 Rocks hit Earth "Admiral Stupid" is now admitting that he could've and should've done more to prevent the attacks, Is he serious If I was Chrissy I would lock his ass up. Also RJ Calling Earth Swiss Cheese after the attacks had me dying 🤣 🤣🤣I Can't wait for the next one.