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Come and check out the FULL & Blocked Edited Show reactions of The Flash 5x20  Gone Rogue  - available on the drive now!



Lasith Bandara

Loved The Reaction Guys, And I Loved The Episode. Nora Needs To Pick A Side And Hopefully This Is It Because This Flip-Flopping Is Giving Me A Headache Also Why Everyone Keeps Forgetting Who Reverse Flash Is And Who He Was As A Person And Why Everyone Suddenly Believes He Is Trying To Redeem Himself, That's Just Stupid

Christina Jones

Hahahahaha a little known observation in the WestWells fandom is that Sherloque never corrects Iris on how she says his name. I think Barry has every right to be worried as hell about anything involving Thawne. Playing emotional trauma with the Wests for his own gain is practically the headline that appears every time he onscreen. BUT to play devils advocate the die has been cast; Cicaida must be stopped and Star Labs has come up with Jack shit to solve the problem so mirror gun it is. I just have to point out that Iris says Thawne cares for Nora and that’s true but he also cared for Barry...he watched him grow up into adulthood and became his mentor and father figure.....and still wanted to kill him because his obsession with the Flash is tied with his hatred. Talking out the other side of my mouth Barry would never accept Thawne cared at all even though he exonerated his father and left his Star Labs (his legacy) and his wealth. And that’s why he’s the most twist led Villian and to be feared always.