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Come and check out the FULL Reaction to The Expanse 4x10  Cibola Burn  - Available on the drive now! 



Lasith Bandara

Loved The Reaction Guys, Loved The Finale But Sad To See Ashford Die Like That, Drummer Is Going To Be Mad At Herself For Letting Him Live. Also Chrisjen Lost The Election But I Think If Everything Goes To Plan And Marco End Up Succeeding, Gao Will Die Before The Power Transition Between Her And Chrisjen. It's Fair To Say This Is My Least Favourite Season Compared To Other Seasons, Hopefully Next Season It Will Be Really Good, And Hopefully No More Murtry It's A Waste Of Screen Time.

Christina Jones

Yoooooo!!!!! So excited we caught up. Loved the reaction and now I can offer some insight. Lee Lee in the novella was a prostitute Esai saved on the street from her abusive pimp and though shown in small ways she was in love with him but the feeling wasn’t mutual and he tolerated it because she needed his help to survive. That’s why she was still mourning him despite Bobbie telling her to go when she chased the Belters. Guess who set off that bomb on Mars????? Yeah that was one Phillip Inaros! Our baby boy screamed, “ left a present for you bitch” and gave her a Belter slight on the elevator. You met him before Ashford did but because you didn’t know at the time it’s an easy miss. This is a nod to the book as this is the prologue of Nemesis Games just set completely differently. He was stealing stealth tech from a Martian shipyard and the occasion marked his 15th birthday. He’s just a boy! The whole Esai plot was to actually backdoor a much MUCH larger plot at work here. In the last scene Bobbie said to get that stealth tech someone high up in the Martian government....the government that has been awfully quiet about its foundering economy and criminality. If you screenshot the pad Bobbie was looking at you’ll notice some interesting info like the fact that there is a Promotecule specialists, a ring gate specialists, and a some high command.... Speaking of rings, RJ all 1300 plus (1369 I believe in the book) worlds are indeed habitable and this whole going to Illus because of dead protomolecule trip was all a ploy ( at least in the book never made exactly clear in the show) for Avasarala to get Holden to start causing shit to go wrong so that the Belters and Scientists leave and no one will be tempted to go through the gates at least for a while yet except it turns out the planet was perfectly safe until Holden showed up and when disaster struck Holden also does what he does best which be Don Qxiote himself ( also in the book no one knows about his connection to Miller). It’s why her campaign persona felt in character as she was quite ruthless in the book BUT it was solely for protecting people from going through as it’s the next thing with too many unknown factors they really don’t understand but the world wants to anyway and you just can’t stop humans from being humans. Hahahahaha RJ Nancy Gao is actually the Secretary General in the books and she works with Christjen. She’s not evil! She’s actually a very competent politician and while yes Christjen is right to be cautious Nancy has also been completely right about the fact that Earths situation is unattainable and freedom being what it is you can’t stop the disenfranchised from wanting to better their lives that have been Thai way a century of stark poverty. They have nothing to lose and everything/anything really to gain. Which is also why the Belters are terrified of this and why Fred and Anderson aligned to the peace because they need Medina Station as a space independent nation in itself inside the ring to maintain any political power. The exchange was stepping in while they recouped from their war with the pirating but alas too many people saw Inners once again waiting for the moment to take and the Belters completely dependent and inefficient to ever stop them are in a tenuous position. Marco had 7 rocks I believe going in a row straight to Earth. To put in perspective; one asteroid killed the dinosaurs. He’s throwing 7! What’s worst it’s more diabolical. I cannot WAIT for the reactions and The Expanse finishes season 5 production so we won’t have delayed release 🙌🙌🙌 JRabbit the Inaros family drama gone lay you out. ITS GOING TO LAY YOU OUT. Prepare yourself. Some changes from the book; Murtry was attacking on two fronts. He captured Naomi who never went down to planet ( there’s a purpose to showing she’s one of the belteters that simply can’t live on a planet) and held her hostage by....wait for it...Havlock! Miller’s old partner ends up being his 2nd in command but he ends up deserting teams when his own peeps of RCE folks get real trigger happy and there’s an escape...it’s actually really dope and was the best part of the book so kinda sucks we didn’t see it in the show. Lucia was actually the wife of the gender bent role she played. Their son was actually Katoa from Ganymede that Bobby killed which explains the close affiliation to OPA though he himself was not a terrorist. The OPA Belters killed way more RCE folks. The ruins were actually their base of operations and they ambushed some there and murdered them in cold blood which is why Murtry does the same🙀 Notice Alex pensive looks about his family all season that too was set up. Amos killing someone he cared about also set up. Murtry will never be seen again. He does go to jail.....isn’t there someone else we know in jail...(nothing is coincidence in this show) Thanks for the awesome reactions. I’ve lived vicariously through you while also being able to nerd out telling you a whole bunch of extra facts about the books.