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Hi Guys! 

One of our long standing Patrons (Christina) sent us a message requesting to see  if we would do a Q&A on The Expanse so far. And we thought it would be fun video to post just for our Patrons. Thanks Christina! We're going to record the video on Monday September 15th so wanted to give some time for anyone else who wanted to drop a question. Christina, started if off with the following questions:

1) What are your top three favorite characters and why? 

2) What do you think of the politics between the Belters, Earth and Mars; do you feel the Belt has justification for turning to terrorism? 

3) Do you feel Avasarala shares fault in who Errinwright had become?  

4) What had been your top 4 fav moments of the series thus far?

5) How do you feel about Naomi’s betrayal? 

6)Lastly, do you have intention of reading the books? 

Comment below before Monday if you'd like to add to the list and will feature each and every question on the video too :D


Lasith Bandara

1) Amos / James Holden / Chrisjen Avasarala / Bobbie Draper /These Four Characters Run This Show 2) Earth And Mars Wants To Be The Superior Race And Belters Want Earth And Mars To Stop Taking Advantage Of Them And Treat Them With Respect As An Equal 3) I blame Her 100% She Should have arrested him when she had the chance but her compassion got in the way and thought he would play fair, this answer will make sense when you watch the next four episodes and you will see why I blame her. 4) Bobbie Draper and Prax introduction To The Main Story / Friendship between Prax And Amos / Naomi’s betrayal / Errinwright’s Master Plan 5) Turmoil within the Team After Naomi betrayal is a great story line, I didn’t see it coming, for someone always doing the right thing she played, me first I thought she was holding it as a precaution and then she gave it to the belt knowing all the suffering it brings. 6) No

Christina Jones

I didn’t think to answer my own questions lol you can ask them questions as well! But your answers intrigue me enough to prompt a response. I agree on all but Amos running the show in less you mean in popularity. But as far as command he by admission is far from a leader but a tool. The leaders at the moment would be all others and Naomi if not Dummer and Naomi together as they effectively cultivated the Navoo into what it needed to be to bring the Belt to the yard with Earth and Mars. I also think that with regards to the Belters not wanting to be taken advantage of, they also have a huge since of pride in the suffering of lives. It’s humbles them the tragedy and and prevents them from being like the inners. It’s a bit more prominent in the book and won’t say tooooo much more as things are going to unfold but I can say that it isn’t as simple as respect from Earth and Mars 😉 In regards to Errinwright I was more wondering was Avasarala responsible for mentoring him into an Earth First mentality and a brutal way in the face of your enemy (ex torturing a belter with gravity which was against the law). One could argue her ruthlessness gave him leisure to assume his actions weren’t patriotic. Avasarala of course if one of my fav characters but I do think as all of them have their flaws her choices in pursuit of her patriotism may have had unforeseen consequences. Lastly in regards to Naomi giving it to the Belt knowing it’s suffering is a smaller part of a larger reason she gave it to Fred Johnson. Remember she came to Tyco Station disliking him and what she imagined he stood for. But like Jim of whom she was now involved he was another Earther proving that he was sincere and capable in his question to legitimize the Belt to separate them from OPA influence which is the divide in the Belters. She knew she needed to hold this card as it was needed but she didn’t know whom besides herself who’d she be willing to trust with it because it was so dangerous. She saw Dawes expose himself as a fanatic and she saw Fred throw it all away to do the right thing and when she thought she was going to die made a choice; one she just knew she’d have to make as Earth and now Mars were proven to have it at that time and used it against Belters with massive deaths to a smaller population. Eros was genocide for them and season four will get much more in depth of what exactly Belters challenges are. Loved hearing your thoughts and can’t wait for theirs