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Come and check out Fallout 1x5 - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

LInk: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ThradtyVsDkunudFj1eNOpm6bWsZU5bp/view?usp=drive_link



Jeremy Burch

Maximus sure got to deciding to kill Thaddeus really fast, when Thaddeus didn't have a perfect reaction to the fact that Maximus lied and Knight Titus was dead, I think I'm now at 100% that Maximus was the one who put the razors in his friend's boot. I don't really think Lucy was naive in that moment on the bridge,I think she was more trying to find a way out of the situation. What is going on with vault 31, every elected overseer is from there, is it really all because the mashed potatoes are better? I liked Lucy and Maximus in this episode, I thought they were good together, I also liked Maximus and Thaddeus as well. Like Jrabbit, I also thought they've traveled to far for this to be vault 31, I also think with the the numbers 31, 32 and 33, that means there's probably more out there. The original bombs dropped 200 years earlier, but apparently bombs also dropped when Maximus was a kid on Shady Sands. Great reaction, I look forward to the next one.


Maximus is referring to the bomb(s) dropped on Shady Sands. This is one of my favorite ideas in this show; to wastelanders the bombs dropped during the great war are ancient history and don’t really matter to them. Life did not end with the bombing in 2077 the way vault dwellers like Lucy think it did. Lucy made a classic rookie mistake on that bridge; when traveling abroad ALWAYS do what the local tells you when they say a situation is dangerous. Maximus and Lucy really need each other, they'd be dead several times over otherwise. So all the overseers come from Vault 31 huh? I don't recall seeing them talk to each other but that means Betty and Stephanie must be in cahoots right? I wonder who else is from Vault 31...