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Come and check out Hannibal 1x8 Fromage - FULL Reaction - Available on the drive now!

Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B0KYoeH0WmsqwnAIu_G7PrLvb3qXnAc2/view?usp=drive_link



Christian Ford

Great call Jrabbit: Hannibal was being very manipulative with his therapist in the final scene, pretending that the attack he staged in his office was the same as the trauma she went through in the hopes of connecting with her as a friend and perhaps also encourage her to unretire. It has been an interesting two episodes analyzing Hannibal himself since he normally feels like less of a human character and more of the archetype of absolute evil, and these episodes have delved into what kinds of people, patients and colleagues, that he wants to make friends with (Will and Gillian Anderson) and who he abhors (Franklyn and Tobias). Is it that he wants someone to like him who is actually a good person? Is it that they came on too strong? Hannibal seemingly had the ideal friend in Tobias: similar worldview, similar hobbies, similarly cultured, he knew Hannibal's secrets and was willing to keep them, knew Hannibal's true self and accepted him. Yet, the thing that happened right before Hannibal killed Franklyn and I think triggered it was Tobias saying "I'm not alone," presumably speaking to having Hannibal on his side. Great call RJ: it was the perfect murder. When Hannibal snaps Franklyn's neck, he has already planned for Tobias to take the blame for it, and to kill him as well. In the moment, the fight between the psychopaths seems like it could go either way, when actually Hannibal is in control the entire time. At the very start he pushed the ladder over to where he needed it to be next to the elk statue. The rest of the fight is just to make the struggle look believable, smashing furniture and getting reasonably injured before finishing Tobias off, and knocking over the statue holder so it looks like they were accidentally thrown into the heavy object and Hannibal killed him in self-defense by a slim chance.


Late reply but I had to leave a comment to say I loved your reactions! Whatever writer is coming up with these murder tableau ideas, I am impressed and also slightly scared of them. I think Hannibal is more Bedelia’s psychiatrist than the other way around! I do feel sorry for Will regarding the Alana situation, I understand a bit why she rejected him but it would have changed a lot of things if that relationship happened. Tobias was a fascinating character, it’s interesting that it was Will’s friendship he chose over him. I think he sees in Will the only person possible of understanding him. Oh yeah, you can see how much worse Will is getting. I do think Hannibal also sent Will after Tobias to be petty. RJ is totally right, Hannibal committed the perfect murder and they are ALL blinded by friendship ha! Hannibal literally had heart eyes when he seen Will was alive. Btw Bedelia is so complex that I don’t get her motive for the majority of the show. I didn’t even think how Hannibal killing his patient is another link to Bedelia, good catch Jrabbit! He is intrigued by Bedelia because she is smart, beautiful and something darker is there but I don’t think there is an emotional attraction/attachment.