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Story 6: To Be a Hero

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 6: The Hero King


- Salvatore -

When she said she was going to meta the crap out of this world, I wasn't expecting this.

'Come on Sal, say your lines.' I heard Rimuru's voice in my head.

Vritra's giggles didn't help either.

And let's not mention Veldora, who looked super hyped for all this.

I let out a sigh and drew my sword and calmly stepped forward.

Veldora started his own performance.

“You are next… Salvatore.” Veldora pointed his finger at me.

Ah, the cringe.

I still gritted my teeth and followed.

“You bastard… Veldora.” And started walking towards him.

"Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you come right to me? Even though that foolish king tried and lost his life and army, like an exam student scrambling to finish the problems on an exam until the last moments before the chime?"



 Kill me already.

Rimuru's plan for making me the Hero of the Falmuth Kingdom was to organise a Jojo stand-off between me and Veldora.

She looked so excited about it that I didn't have the heart to say no to her although I don't think anyone would be foolish enough to believe this.

It did help that Dio Brando's voice kinda reminded me of Clayman's, so think

"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer."

“Oh ho, then come as close as you like.”

There is no way anyone is going to fall for this shit.

I looked at the crowd who were on their knees and… cheering for me.

“Hero Savatore.”

“Defeat that Evil Dragon!”

“We are saved.”



I refocused my thoughts on the battle? In front of me.

We clashed, making huge shockwaves and I was pushed back a little.

“Too slow, you’re too slow. Faust is an Ultimate Skill. Even without its power to manipulate probabilities, my speed and power far exceeds that of yours.”

“So it’s the same type of Skill as my Solomon. Not much in terms of physical capabilities but immense calculation powers. I wanted to try a little test to find out just how much more powerful Faust was compared to your Skill but it seems a test was hardly necessary.”

“Test? Is that what you call just patting me and not even enough to hurt. Well I guess you ripped my twenty gold coin pants, though?”

“Why are you Heros, so stubborn about admitting defeat? Hmph, I suppose I shall rise to your silly provocation, and test you just a little more.”

And then we clashed into a flurry of blows.

- Rimuru -


The execution was perfect. If only she had a camera to record everything, it could have been much better than all those Live Action movies in her previous life.

She was standing among the crowd of nobles and commoners alike. Everyone was looking up at the sky.

It was the perfect atmosphere for the ascendance of a Hero.

Now the only thing that was left was… ’Do it Sal.’

‘Really? Do I really have to do it? This should be enough, right? Wouldn’t that be a bit too much?’

‘We discussed it already. We need to remove every chance of future rebellion. Your Dragonoid identity can be used to create dissatisfaction by some racist nobles. We need to take care of it as soon as possible.’

‘You just want me to say those lines.’ He shouted back.

Well… he was not exactly wrong.

‘Veldora, do it.’ She commanded.

“You cannot defeat me as a mere human. I am immortal. I am invincible. I am Veldora!”

‘Really… can’t we just fight it out?’ Sal almost pleaded.


‘Tch. Okay, here I go.’

He brought out a piece of her Anti-Magic Mask’s replica and put it on his face. “If I cannot defeat you as a human, then... I give up my humanity Veldora!” And he transformed into his Dragonoid form.

She too gave signals as her spies started spreading tales of the bravery of Hero Salvatore who gave up even his humanity to save the Kingdom and how King Edmaris had almost ruined the kingdom and all their lives.

In the meanwhile Sal fought with Veldora and flew towards the Jura Forest, while actually clearing a path towards the Sorcerer Dynasty so that the orcs could build a road easily between the places.

– Salvatore –

Two days had passed since the day which would forever be marked as a day in my darkest history.

For the people of Falmuth Nation, I was still fighting Veldora, which I was in a way, just not the way they expected me to.

Card Games are fighting too.

At this time, Gobuta came in with some interesting news.

“Rimuru-sama, there are some people who say they are Salvatore-sama’s subordinates. None of his other subordinates know them so we need his help.”

My subordinate?

“Oh, where are they?”

“They are waiting outside where Diablo-dono is meeting them. He seems to know the woman in the lead.”

Diablo knows.

Ah… it must be her.

“Your people?” Rimuru asked me.

“Maybe.” I looked at Gobuta and asked. “What did the woman say her name was? How does she look?”

“Irisviel. She has white hair and red eyes.”

Rimuru looked at me strangely. “It couldn’t be her, right?”

I rolled my eyes. “She is a Daemon I summoned and named. She must have returned after searching for some people for me. Search your memories for Testarossa.”

We walked outside where Irisviel and another blonde girl were facing Diablo. “Kufufufufu what brings you here, Blanc, Jaune? I hope you are not here to cause trouble. If so then I will have to remove you unfortunately.”

“Hah! You wanna fight? Let’s go. Who’s afraid of you?” The blonde girl almost bristled at the comment, getting ready to fight.

“Noir.” Irisviel addressed him. “We are just here to look for someone. I do not intend to fight.”

“Ah… if so then it’s fine. By the way, I go by the name Diablo now.”

“You got named?” The blonde jumped up. “Seriously, what’s up with everyone getting named nowadays. First Blanc gets one and now even you? Who was strong enough to name you?” She asked, looking around.

“I was given this name by the most amazing personage in this world, Rimuru-sama.”

“Rimuru Tempest. Yes, I have heard of this name. My own Master says that she is a friend and asked me to find him here. Oh, I go by the name Irisviel now. This name was given to me by my Master, Salvatore.”

“Ah, so you are serving Lord Salvatore. I take it that you brought Jaune to serve under him? Hmm, I should find some good servants for Rimuru-sama too. Has Violet been contracted yet? I wonder if she’ll be happy?”

We walked in at this moment. “Irisviel, you’re back. Are these the people you recruited?” I asked, looking around.

There were over two hundred people, both humans and Daemons gathered here.

Some of them looked decently strong too.

“Yes Master. I heard of the war that you participated in and about you fighting the Storm Dragon Veldora so I came back to assist but now it seems I was worried for nothing. I apologise for misunderstanding the situation and jumping to conclusions.”

“Hmm. Don’t worry. You did what you thought was the right option. There have been a few changes in the plan.

"I didn't agree to join without a fight. I won't serve anyone weaker than me." The blonde girl, Jaune spoke up.

Irisviel looked at me and smiled. "I have a Pact to not fight with her or I would have done it myself."

"I see."

Before I could say anything, Jibril took the opportunity to jump in. She and the rest got a decent boost to their powers.

I created a barrier in an empty area where the two fought.

By the end of the first minute, the first thing Rimuru said was…

"These girls are too crazy, aren't they?"

In these last few days, I had gotten a measure of Rimuru’s personality and if she of all people says someone is crazy, they sure as fuck are.

And indeed they were. They basically were an Angel and Demon version of the same people. The first attack from both sides was a Nuclear Collapse Magic. The rest were the same. These two threw around Nuclear Magic as if candies. By the end of the first hour, they were having more fun than anything, so I left the barrier as it is to let them fight it out. Solomon had already predicted that Jibril would win.

"So, I take it that your journey was productive? Report.”

The report was much better than I was expecting. She went around the world and recruited any Daemons under her as well as Juane as well as any Otherworlders she could find.

It was a decent eight otherworlders, five of whom were stray ones while she freed the other three from a Kingdom who had summoned them. I marked the name of the Kingdom to pay a visit to later on and have a talk with their king.

“You said that three of the stray otherworlders were from the Eastern Empire?” I asked.

“Yes Master.”


“I want you to question all the otherworlders about their loyalties to check if they are spies. You should never underestimate the Eastern Empire. There is a high chance that they could have sent some spies disguised as normal otherworlders. Not to mention, our main enemy currently owns the Freedom Guild and has connections with many otherworlders. We need to be especially careful when recruiting them.”

“Understood Master.”

She even gave me the name of several up and coming mercenaries. For the rest, we have decided to attract humans and half humans in the Dungeon opening in Tempest and then hire anyone who wants to join our side.

The battle between Jibril and Jaune finished in a while. Jibril won, surprisingly or unsurprisingly as Solomon had predicted.

I gave her a new name… Megumin, since she was so fond of throwing explosions.

Irisviel questioned all the recruits while I checked them with Milim’s Eyes. We found five spies among two hundred recruits. I left them to her.

She was quite adept in politics. Both Diablo and her were working on the Falmuth Kingdom to remove the ones who were against my rule, mostly the faction under the last King’s cousin who wanted to take the throne for himself.

During this time, I invited the former Hidden hand members to work for me. They agreed easily.

“They really are anime characters.” It was probably the fiftieth time that Rimuru said this, but it still seemed weird to her.

“Really having such a hard time believing it? Even after the memories I gave you?” I asked as I lay down to take some rest.

“But, I was a guy in that. It still has differences so it’s still bearable. Cleria and Masaomi seemed to be from your previous world. They knew about those chess pieces and Sacred Gears.” She asked.

“Hmm. They are.”

“Are you going to tell them?” She asked.

“Yes. I don’t want to hide from them.” He replied. “They have vowed to work for me. So I don’t want to betray their trust in me. They have had more than enough time to cope with things and Rin has been asking me if I knew about her.”

“Hiding these things longer will only cause trouble later on for everyone. Not to mention, knowing a possible future of the world will allow everyone to decide what they want to do. Maybe even give everyone a new goal in life. Having a goal in life can do wonders.”

“Still thinking about your little brother?”

“Yes. It’s hard not to. I basically raised him with my own two hands. Now I don’t even know how he is doing.”

She put a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry. We are going to find a way back to your home.”

“Hmm, I know.”

The whole ascension thing was a massive pain. The opposing faction wanted to ask help from the Western Holy Church to drive away the ‘Monster’ who was taking over the Kingdom.

As much as I wanted to deny it, Rimuru had been right. The thing about my race did come and I don’t believe her plan actually worked. The public actually bought all that bullshit and thought that I was sacrificing my humanity for them. Moreover, I was still half human so in a way similar to the Elves and Dwarves, which reduced a lot of backlash. I was still a Hero which only Humans and Half Humans could become. So their argument was deemed lies.

The final nail in the coffin was when the Western Holy Church not only denied their request but actually supported me as the new King. They blamed the previous King with proof of using false information to lead the Church against Tempest and almost causing a disaster for the Kingdom. They said I saved the Kingdom so they support my rule. Hinata herself will be coming to my coronation ceremony.

The Dwarves and the Elves were next to follow and sent envoys to declare their acceptance of both my rule and Tempest as the new Kingdom of Monsters.

I had issued an order for a recruitment of soldiers. The entire Kingdom’s army had died in the attack on Tempest.

A country needed an army. I couldn’t protect the whole place alone. Not to mention, the entire country’s economy was mostly reliant on the Toll Charges and trade through their borders which was rendered moot due to the roads opening through Tempest so the entire Kingdom needs a new source of income.

It was a mess alright.

The solution was unknowingly handed to us by Ramiris.

Instead of Tempest, the new Labyrinth was opened in Falmuth and Rimuru’s condition for this was… to rename the Falmuth Kingdom to… Camelot.

She was a hardcore Arthur Pendragon fangirl it seems.

Ramiris was fine with it too and so we started the construction of the Labyrinth in Falmuth or rather Camelot soon.

There were other advantages of Ramiris living here too. The Dryads had accompanied Ramiris to the borders of the Kingdom and their magic made the growth of crops in the entire country flourish.

In return, I ordered for a great hall to be built in the honour of the Spirits.

As for the army, Shiro and Masaomi were helping out in the selection and training of the people.

Both of them, especially Shiro, had the experience of training elites for the Church in their worlds and they used this expertise to select people for my army.

The Great Hall of Spirits will allow people to make a contract with the Spirits if they pass a simple test set by the Spirits as well as by clearing certain levels in the Labyrinth. We set it as a reward for clearing certain floors.

Shiro, Masaomi and Rin all three got blessings from the Spirits.

Masaomi got a Light Spirit while Shiro surprisingly got a Dark Spirit.

It might have something due to him being possessed by Satan just before he was summoned. The guy even inherited his blue flames.

They were both blessed by Ramiris and were able to form Hero Eggs.

My Kingdom has three Heroes right now.

Rin was a bit different. I named Isobu and it evolved into a Greater Water Spirit, almost about to evolve into an Elemental Lord.

She decided to teach some people the basics of Ninjutsu and Stealth. She was a Chunin before she was summoned to this world and was quite good at what she could do, being taught by the Minato Namikaze. She was training my spies with some help from the Daemons.

Aletia and Cleria also got names.

The fun thing was Masaomi actually proposing to her. They got married a day later. I took the chance to name her Cleria Yaegaki.

I finally took the chance to tell them about how I knew about them all. Rimuru came up with a story that I just had memories of several worlds. We didn’t need to tell them that they were anime worlds to prevent shock.

Rin had almost gone into a nervous breakdown while Aletia was finally showing signs of emotions on realising why she was locked in the dungeon by her uncle. It didn’t make things right but it did take a step towards it. Now they want to find a way back to their home words to help them out.

Shiro on the other hand had taken it as a man of his experience. He was actually happy to see his children grow into the people they become although he was still worried. As for Masaomi and Cleria… well they were weirded out. I know the feeling. I felt the same too.

Just the thought that the future of the world rested in the hands of an idiot who went around shouting boobs… I’d not be surprised if Clayman seemed like a better idea all of a sudden to the two people.

Milim had returned after two whole weeks of work. Her kingdom had suffered a lot due to the attack. I kept most of the damage contained but the miasma had caused more than enough damage to the surroundings.

Taking care of all that was hard.

Milim accepted Clayman’s territory but she actually gave it to me as a thanks for saving Velgaia or as he was more famously known as, the Chaos Dragon.

I personally think she was already tired of Frey and Carrion’s kingdoms coming under her rule and didn’t want extra work so she threw it on my head.

I went and threw the new Kingdom under Olga Discordia or rather Sara Grimwald. The country was mostly inhabited by Dark Elves and who else to rule Dark Elves than Olga Discordia?

As we had decided, we were going to Meta the fuck out of this world.

So we did just the same. Both Rimuru and I sent out people to search for otherworlders and even strong humans and half humans.

Finally today, Hinata Sakaguchi came to Camelot. She was followed by Ena.

There was a surprise guest with her too.

“I didn’t think you’d come to be honest.” Looking at the figure under the hood, I said.

Luminous Valentine had decided to come here by herself.

“As much as I detest to remain in the vicinity of that abominable Lizard, this was too important to miss.” I nodded.

We were about to discuss what to do with Yuuki and Kagali as well as the ones who could be behind the scenes in this whole incident.

Rimuru took this chance to come to the front. “Actually, I just found out from Sal about what Veldora had done. I would like to apologise for it.” She then looked at me and back to her. “In fact, we have decided that I will leave his punishment to you. Except for killing him off, you can punish him to your liking.”

… yeah. She was still pissed off at Veldora pretending to sleep when she tried to summon him during the Walpurgis.

Luminous didn’t reply but I could see that her mood had improved considerably.

I led them towards my palace but as luck would have it, we met some people on the way.

“Teacher.” All of them came running to me. I barely had any time to talk or play with them for the last few days. Aletia was accompanying them mostly.

My students had come to the Kingdom with Ramiris and now they were staying with Aletia most of the time.

Luminous stopped at the sight of Chloe and Aletia. “Who are they, Salvatore?”

Ah. The Yuri is strong in this one.


“They are my students and she is my subordinate, Aletia.”

“A vampire?”

 “Yes. She was summoned to this world by Clayman and forced to work for him. She joined me along with a few others after I freed them.”

She looked at Aletia again. “If you ever need anything, you can contact me.” And then she gave her a ring while showing her her fangs lightly in a way no one would notice. I saw Aletia’s eyes widen but she nodded.

And then she turned her attention to the one who had attracted her attention in the first place - the girl who was receiving headpats from me.

“What is your name child?” She asked, politely.

Chloe looked at me and I nodded. “Hello, my name is Chloe O’ Bell. It’s nice to meet you.” She bowed.

The reaction was instant. She snapped to look at me. The question was clear in her gaze and yet she voiced it out. “I will hear everything inside.”

I just shrugged.

Hinata who was following her merely looked confused.

I sent Chloe and the rest away with Aletia for a while and guided her to the room where the rest of the guests had already gathered.

Milim, Ramiris, Rimuru were already there but there were also some surprising guests. Gazel Dwargo was visiting and decided to participate.

Along with them was an elf with green eyes and long green hair beside whom sat another beautiful but androgynous woman with a youthful appearance that one could mistake for a child. Her distinctive features are her long pointed ears; snow-like skin; slanted, jade eyes, and long pale blue-silver hair that falls gently over her cheeks.

They were Sylvia El Ru Sarion and Elmensia El Ru Sarion, the progenitor of the Elven Race and her daughter, the current Empress of the Elven race. I had asked Olga to invite them because the story that I am going to reveal would more than likely make them take action.

Olga, as the ruler of the Puppet Nation Jistav, although my subordinate, sat at the table with everyone.

Luminous’ arrival raised several heads but they were not simple people either.

“So what is this meeting all about?” Erland took the opportunity to ask.

Rimuru took the lead at this moment. She was an expert at making stories somehow. She explained how we had discovered some information about the recent actions of Demon Lord Clayman.

“But Clayman is dead. I don’t see how any of this is a matter of concern now?” Gazel asked.

“On the contrary, Dwargo-dono. Clayman was but a puppet. The true enemy is still out there. We are planning to catch that enemy.”

“Hmm.” The guy nodded seriously.

“Let’s go with a story first. After the Star Dragon King Veldanava created the world, he gave work of populating the world to a man named Twilight Valentine. I think some of you are aware of this.” There were nods from some people while a twitch appeared on Luminous’ cute face.

“Twilight Valentine got into his work soon after. The first of these experiments was called Jahil, a High Human and the Ancestor of the entire human race. However, Jahil's behaviour was erratic and unsuited for Veldanava's desires, resulting in him and his fellow High Humans being deemed failures and Twilight moving on to create more races.” Rimuru further explained.

“Once the various races had spread across the earth and various nations had begun to form, Jahil and his scientifically advanced nation of High Humans set out to conquer the world and become its sole ruler. This eventually resulted in Jahil summoning the lord of the Daemon race Guy Crimson. You see, Jahil believed that so long as Guy was within the material world that he could be controlled by the magic that was forced upon him during summoning.” Several of the younger generations looked shocked while the older generation looked exhausted.

“That guy had always been a fool but this was a new high even for him. No wonder he died. Everyone thought Guy did it on a whim but…” The Elf Ancestor sighed.

“As we all know, Guy proceeded to destroy not only the nation he was fighting against but to also summon and then incarnate Rain and Misery, ordering them to slaughter Jahil and all the residents of his Super-Magic Empire while avoiding the use of mass destruction magic to increase their suffering. Thus….the first Demon Lord in the History of this world, was born. Due to the arrogance of a stupid human.”

Gazel and even Erland looked appalled at this. Even Luminous had her mouth open lightly for the first time.

“But that’s not where the story ends. You see, Jahil didn’t truly die back then. His spirit had survived.” Rimuru turned towards the Elf Ancestor. “After being killed by the fruits of his own stupidity, Jahil's spirit came to wander the earth for eons before eventually finding a host in… the king of the elven kingdom.”

Sylvia got a dangerous look in her eyes.

Rimuru continued. “The wise and kind king had built his city over the ruins of the Super-Magic Empire and made use of the technological secrets that lay within to create a prosperous nation called the 'Super-Magic Kingdom' for his entire race.”

By now, all the Elves in the room were paying attention to the story. “After Jahil made the king's body his own he proceeded to use the once peaceful kingdom as both a launchpad for the rebirth of the Super-Magic Empire and a testing grounds for his magical experiments. He became abusive and cold towards the king's daughter Kagali and began massacring people in order to use their corpses for his experiments with the ‘Birthday’ spell.”

“That bastard!” Erland growled. “It was his fault. I thought the King was acting weird.” he quickly took a deep breath and apologised. “I am sorry, I lost control of my emotions.” None of the people in the room blamed him either.

Rimuru gave the man a sympathetic look and continued. “Jahil's experiments culminated in him murdering Kagali and bringing her back to life as a Deathman. He had placed a curse upon her that would leave her appearance rotting, twisted, and ugly. When Kagali spoke back to her perceived father, begging him to return to his ‘peaceful and loving ways’ Jahil lashed out in anger and used the power of his curse to force Kagali to become a man, calling her his son and changing her name to… Kazalim.”


Several exclamations ran through the room.

“But that’s…”

“The Princess? We thought she had died in the random killings.” Erland looked horrified at the shocking reveal.

The Empress didn’t say anything but I could see her knuckles turn white due to how hard she was clenching her fists. Her mother was looking almost emotionless at the reveal. She was probably expecting what was going to come next.

I took the chance to go and sit near Milim. She looked at me surprised but didn’t say anything and focused on the story, like everyone, for now.

“But that was not the end either. Once more Jahil's arrogance and stupidity resulted in his doom. He had secretly infiltrated the Nasca Kingdom and attempted to bring its Dragon Princess, Milim Nava, under his control.” She stopped and looked at Milim, who had frozen over from the news. Actually, at this point, every single person except Rimuru and I were stunned. Even Ramiris, who knew what was coming next.

I hugged her lightly to my side but she was unresponsive at this point. “Milim.”

She responded after a while. “I’m alright. Rimuru, go on.”

Rimuru nodded and went on with the story. “He killed the girl's pet dragon, using mystical arts to bypass its Anti-Skill, and sent the girl into a mindless rampage of unbridled rage. The power the Dragon Princess proved to be too much for Jahil to handle and he once again perished as the capital of the elven empire was reduced to nothing by a bright beam of pure destruction. We all know what happened next. Milim became a Demon Lord and to calm her down, Ramiris was affected by her Magicules and became Demon Lord too. Thus, all three Ancient Demon Lords were ultimately created due to the foolishness of a single human. Her Pet Dragon gained the Blessings of the Harvest Festival and was revived but it lost its sanity due to the process and came to be known as… the infamous Chaos Dragon.”

I tightened my hug and she didn’t resist. The Elves on the other hand were radiating magicules in anger.

“Is he dead?” Sylvia asked.

“Excuse me?”

“Jahil, is he dead?” She questioned Rimuru again.

Everyone, all the Elves and Milim especially paid attention to this.


“Where is he?” Milim asked first. The Elves were a close second to ask.

“Listen to the whole story first. You will know.” Rimuru said and then continued. “Kagali, Devastated by the loss of the maidservants and the knights who loved her and desperate to see them again, Kagali used the forbidden spell "Birthday". The result was the creation of three beautiful Deathmen: Clayman, Footman and Tear.”

Several people looked blank at the revelation and Rimuru went on.

“These individuals were specifically engineered in order to give them unique traits, where Clayman was engineered to specifically become a Demon Lord while Footman and Tear had formidable combat prowess to make them a match against a Demon Lord.”

“So Clayman and the rest were… I see.”

“Kagali, as the last remaining Elven Royalty tried to reestablish her Kingdom but the Chaos Dragon passed through the area and her people were corrupted by the Miasma, becoming Dark Elves. She used the knowledge of her previous Kingdom and reinvented several technologies, finally establishing the Puppet Nation Jistav on the ruins of her Fallen Kingdom. During this time, she met Sairon Grimwald on the verge of death.”

The atmosphere stagnated all of a sudden at the unexpected name. Sylvia’s gaze was boring through Rimuru at this point, as if daring her to stop.

Olga on the other hand looked as if she would go into a nervous breakdown.

She didn’t stop either and went on with the story. “Kagali, who had been observing his battle, offered him the choice of being reborn, but warned him that he would not only become her puppet but would also lose his memories. Sarion agreed, firmly believing he would never forget his memories and his wife Sylvia. With the negotiations concluded, Kagali used the spell, but due to her inexperience, Sarion was reborn as a Deathman but lost all his memories. From there he was given a new name and identity; Laplace, the Wonder Pierrot.” She looked at Sylvia and apologised. “I am sorry for your loss.”

“Is he?”

“Alive, in a way, yes. He just isn’t the same person as before.”

“Is there a way to bring his memories back, mother?” The Empress asked her but she shook her head. “Necromancy is a dangerous art.”

Olga looked down because she was probably the most knowledgeable about this and then she looked at me. “Is there really no way, Master?”

I closed my eyes and asked Solomon for advice. “Any ideas Sol? Can we do anything for her?”

“There is a possibility although the chance will be very low. If the Host can absorb the Magicules from the Deathman Laplace, it can be used to reconstruct the memories of the deceased Sarion.”

“Wait, you can reconstruct the memories from Magicules?”

“Creation is a function of mine.”

Oh yes. Solomon was made from Astarte and Raphael. The Lord of Creation, Astarte’s main function was to create things. Recreating memories should technically be possible.

“How long would it take?” I asked.

The reconstruction will depend on how much of the source we can obtain. If we could obtain his core, the reconstruction will be much faster or it could take a lot of time. It will also depend on the strength of the Host.

I see. Wait. Can’t you reconstruct some of Veldanava’s memories from the Magicules I obtained from the Chaos Dragon?Just make sure you only get the memories and no personalities.

The reconstruction is possible but as the Chaos Dragon was already corrupted and was merely a small fragment of the Star Dragon King and the Host only obtained some of its magicules instead of the core itself. The reconstruction process will take a long time at the Host’s current strength.

“How long?”

Twelve years.


“I see. Do it then.”

There would be a chance to get back home if I could reconstruct his memories. Twelve years are nothing.


My thoughts were interrupted by Olga’s voice and I realised that I still hadn’t answered her question.

“It is possible although the chances are very low. If we can get the Nucleic Core of Laplace, there is a chance I can reconstruct the memories. I cannot guarantee anything though.” I answered them.

“Really? You can do that?”

“It is not outside the realm of possibilities. True Heroes like Sarion are Spiritual Beings. Their existence is more or less imprinted on Spiritrons. These Spiritrons are contained mainly inside the core of a being. I think you all use a similar magic to create a homunculus body and transfer some of your magicules to bestow it with your memories when you have to go out of your country for meetings, right?” I asked the Elves who suddenly had a look of realisation on their faces. “There is a small chance that the Spiritrons inside his core might still have some fragments of his memories which I could use.”

“So it is possible.” Olga looked relieved. You have too much trust in me girl.

“But do not misunderstand, it is an incredibly risky process and the chances of success are incredibly low too. I cannot and will not do it without your permission.”

“Do it.” Sylvia answered firmly. “My husband is dead. If there is a chance to get him back, I will take it. As for the core, I will get it even if we have to mobilise all the resources of the Sorcerer Dynasty of Sarion to get it.”

“I promise you eternal friendship of Sorcerer Dynasty of Sarion if you can keep your word of restoring my Father’s memories.” The Empress also spoke.

Really hope you can do it, Sol.

“I will try my best.” I promised them.

With this part done, Rimuru continued with her story. “Kagali or Demon Lord Kazelim’s story is known to most of you so I won’t bore you all with it. After her fight with Roy Valentine, a rule was made that any altercations between Demon Lords will be solved by a majority vote. She used this to induct new Demon Lords into the council in a hope to control the vote. After bringing in Carrion and Clayman, Leon was supposed to be next but as we all know, Leon went and killed her. Her spirit however lived and roamed the world for hundreds of years while Clayman, her puppet, took over the country of Jistav.”

They nodded at this information. This was basically common news to all these people.

“It was only until 10 years ago that she successfully possessed and shared the body with an Otherworlder, Yuuki Kagurazaka, and from there she acquired the current female elf Homunculus body. Grateful for Yuuki's help, despite originally having tried to snatch his body, she began working closely together with him to reach their shared goals, and took on the identity of Kagali, Yuuki's secretary.” She turned towards Hinata, “So you see, you were being manipulated from the very start.”

“What is your proof?” She asked, not blindly believing.

A good quality if I do say so myself. “Your body has a parasite which has Yuuki’s Magicules. He can use it to temporarily control you.” I said and almost instantly Luminous stood up and walked up to her, placing a hand on her chest. And then on her waist, tearing off a piece of her flesh and healing the wound.

She showed everyone the parasite.

“Don’t kill it.” I stopped her before she could crush the bug. “He will find out about it. Just isolate it and tell her to carry it along with her till we catch him. You people have no idea about Yuuki Kagurazaka. What he shows to the world is not even a part of what he can do. I have called him to my coronation ceremony. We can catch him there. Don’t alert him before that.” I explained. “We need to capture them all at once or it will be nigh impossible to capture them all. For this very reason, I didn’t go directly to the Freedom Guild and grab Yuuki by force. He will not have many of his cards while he is here.”

I don’t know about others but Luminous was going to tear him a new one when they meet next time.

“The story is still left.” At the reminder, they all looked at Rimuru who continued.

“You see when Jahil died for the second time, His spirit once more roamed the earth, treading the line between life and death before being unexpectedly saved by the angel of origin Feldway. Feldway safe-guarded Jahil's spirit and Jahil in turn owed them a great debt. When the time came, Jahil's spirit was secretly implanted into the body of Footman in order to spy on the demon lord Clayman and his compatriots. There was also the fact that Clayman was being brainwashed the entire time by the Easter Empire’s Tatsuya Kondo.”

“What?” Several people reacted sharply at the unexpected bomb thrown there.

“The Emperor of the Eastern Empire wants to conquer the whole world. I think we all know this fact. He used the trade with Jistav and ordered his subordinate Tatsuya Kondo to use his Ultimate Skill to brainwash Clayman to cause trouble in the Jura Forest so that he could then enter and conquer the place easily. There was too much evidence for this too. His actions were too unlike him during his last days.” Rimuru then went on to list down the clues.

“He did seem different from his usual self to be honest.” Ramiris claimed.

“Still, this complicates matters too much. If the Eastern Empire is involved. Even as we are now, we cannot fight against them." Erland said, looking worried for the first time.

"Their armies are the strongest in the world, matched only by those against Guy Crimson. We can at best resist them. Even their Guardian is a True Dragon, Velzard and their Emperor Rudra. Even with our Alliance, the current us, cannot defeat them."

Not to mention that if Rudra goes crazy, he could release Armageddon on us.

"So you know about anyone else from the Eastern Empire acting as a spy?" Gazel asked.

"The Cerberus Organisation has the former Prime Minister of the Eastern Empire at its head along with two other people selected by him. Yuuki and him have been collaborating with each other for a while now. In fact, even the Falmuth Nation was incited by him to attack Tempest and help Clayman."

"I have heard about them. Cerberus mostly deals with the Slave Trade and intelligence business."

Hinata looked a bit hesitant but spoke nonetheless. "He had approached me with the news about Shizue Sensei's death at the hands of Rimuru Tempest."

Erland looked at her. "You were students with Yuuki Kagurazaka so you should know how strong he is, right?"

"I… don't know for sure now. He has a special constitution which suppresses all Skills and Magic coming in contact with him. Aside from this, he cannot use any Skills but he is extremely strong physically."

Then they turned in my direction for information. "Yuuki was summoned to this world with a Unique Skill which allowed him to create Skills as long as he had enough power. The first one he created was Anti-Skill, the Skill possessed by the Chaos Dragon. It's not like he doesn't have Skills, you just cannot sense them. As for how strong he is, the guy has created a Skill which can turn him into a Spiritual Lifeform anytime he wants to, so you are fighting a Saint. If all his physical strength were to be converted to energy, he would match Leon in terms of brute power."

Many of their faces blanched at the reveal.

"So, what is the plan for them?" 

"We nab them when they come here for my coronation. Although you have to be careful, Kagali will be with him and she could have Footman, Tear and Laplace at their command. We need to make sure they cannot run away and then attract Laplace here so we can extract his core."

Over the rest of the night, we discussed what to do to keep the Eastern Empire away from us.

Luminous, in a rare show of generosity, offered Hinata to train my new recruits. The Elves offered funding to build my forces and Gazel offered builders.

I started more research on the skill which Yuuki could use to become a Saint. Technically, with the help of Solomon, I could do it much more easily.

Currently, Shiro and Masaomi were both Enlightened and several of Hinata's subordinates were also the same. In fact, she herself was only an Enlightened and not a Saint.

It's just that Luminous had traitors among her people and I didn't want to empower her forces until we were in a stronger alliance.

We did give everyone the information but it didn't mean that they would believe everything we say without any evidence. They ran countries of their own, not welfare societies or friends clubs.

That's why we made such a great show in the meeting, so that everyone gets involved in the mess for their own reasons.

We cannot fight the Eastern Empire on our own if they decided to attack us. The Butterfly Effect was a thing after all. Not to mention the livelihoods of the people of my country.

"Do you think they will take the bait?"  As I finally got a break, Rimuru asked me.

"The bait we threw was too personal for them to not bite. We just need to wait till Yuuki is captured."

"But what about Feldway and Rudra?"



"Since we cannot do anything against them at this moment, we do nothing. Concentrate on getting stronger now.”

I knew that we had become stronger but compared to the power of those monsters, we were still far away.

Suddenly, I turned towards her.


“Thank you for everything, Rimuru.”

A smile formed on her lips. “I am enjoying this too so you don’t have to thank me. But if you want something then…”

I didn’t wait for her words and leaned forward. Her eyes widened as our lips met. She didn’t stay in shock for long as her hands slipped around me and pulled me in for another kiss.

During all these days, I found us very compatible. We got along with each other. Hell, we even had a soul corridor between each other, one of the highest types of bond people can have in this world. It increased our understanding of each other by a lot.

Also, I was not an idiot. I knew that she was interested in me and to be honest I was also interested in her. She was kind, funny and a bit crazy but during the last month or so, I had come to like her as she was. Today was just the day I took the final step. And it seems that the result was positive as well.

She pushed me down a bit and leaned into me as we deepened our kiss even more.

- Luminous Valentine -

The visit to Camelot was not as she had expected. So many revelations, so many conspiracies which shook everyone’s world. Now she understood why Chronoa called him ‘The Man who knew Everything’.

Such a terrifying power for anyone to have.

But then again, it was probably for the best that someone like him had this power instead of someone like say, Clayman or Rudra… or that Jahil.

She did get the advantage of this power so she had nothing to complain about. She will go out to investigate the spies and traitors in her own kingdom when she returns. Not to mention… She looked out of her window, at the children playing with each other.

Chloe O’ Bell.

No wonder he wasn’t worried at all.

She was here with him from the start.

Luminous took advantage of the week before the coronation to get to know her. The Saviour of her country and her close friend as a child. In fact, all of his students were talented. And then there was Aletia, a royal vampire.

She was able to talk to her in the past few days and found herself sympathising with the girl. She rejected her offer to join the Holy Kingdom because she wanted to repay that man and find a way back home to save her people.

As a ruler of her people, Luminous found herself respecting the girl even more because of this. She will ask some of her loyal followers to search for people with Skills and Magic specialising in World Travel and Summoning Magic so as to assist Aletia and her friends in finding a way back home.

But all of that will come after the coronation. The hidden Danger to the continent needs to be removed. Especially Yuuki Kagaruzaka.

How dare that cretin put something like that inside her Hinata’s body?

She will make sure that his death is painful.

Not to mention that Damrada who planned to lure Hinata away. She had confided in her that the merchant she thought to be the simple guy had tried to lure her away during the Walpurgis.

Roy had investigated and found that Cerberus Organisation indeed had a head called Damrada of the Gold who looked quite similar to the merchant who met Hinata. All of this along with the parasites were more than enough to confirm the news. But he still gave her more. Granbel Rosso… will the Luminary of the Sun really disappoint her?

- Guy Crimson -

“You want a place to live because Dagruel threw you out?”

“Hmm. The guy became active all of a sudden. Can I crash here please?” The Sleeping Ruler asked.

Guy thought of something and a smile formed on his face.

“I have a suggestion for you.”


“Recently, I have come across a recruitment offer put in by a certain Hero.” Guy smiled as he saw Dino’s eyes widen lightly.

The Walpurgis had been shocking for many. Even Velzard had hardly spoken since she returned back.

If the birth of a new True Dragon was enough to attract her to the Walpurgis, then what she encountered there was completely beyond her expectations. She didn’t even talk to the man during the Walpurgis, unsure of how to act.

And the only other person who was just as affected as her was probably standing in front of him.

“Salvatore is being crowned as the King of a certain Kingdom and he is hiring people. Ramiris is there too. If you go there, you could find a place to stay. I am sure neither him nor Rimuru would deny a friend.”

The man was too interesting for Guy to leave alone but if he really was who Guy thought he was… then he didn’t want to interfere till he grew back to full power.

And so, he decided to send someone who knew Veldanava the most in the world, his most trustworthy general, former Seraphim Dino. Even the two followers of Dino were Seraphim before their fall and were created directly by Veldanava. If he was a fake, Dino won’t fall for it and Guy might get a good opponent. Someone who can match Milim, even barely, would easily grow into someone worthy of his attention. Not to mention, having someone keep an eye on the new True Dragon would always be good anyways.

Still, if he truly was him… Guy couldn’t stop the grin on his face from appearing.

Especially considering, Rudra was involved with Clayman’s schemes.


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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author’s Note:

This chapter contained a bit of an infodump but I wanted to write this for many who didn’t know about the core history of the Tensura world.

I thought it would be easier for people to understand the actions of Sal and Rimuru going forward with this.

We got to see the otaku character of Rimuru and her plan to make herself a personal Arthur Pendragon.

As for the Elves and Luminous, they were just baited bad.

Anyways, the plans are in line.

Sal and the team have set their trap.

All they need is for the prey to fall into their trap.

Yuuki won’t even know what hit him.

We start abusing the rest of the meta from the next chapter.

Enjoy the new chapter.

Good Day, Peace Out.


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