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Story 6: To Be a Hero

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 7: The Coronation


- Salvatore -

I looked at the core members of both Rimuru’s and my group who had gathered together to discuss the plan for tomorrow.

Tomorrow is my coronation ceremony and also the day we set the trap for Yuuki.

Other sides had joined us too.

“I still have a few questions.” Benimaru raised a hand.


“What do we do if Kagali and her subordinates don’t come because they are likely to not come here? I mean we have seen the clowns participating in the fight of Clayman so, there’s a chance that she stays back or even if she comes, she would be alone with Yuuki Kagurazaka and not with her subordinates.”

“Hmm, that’s a valid concern.” The Empress of the Elves said and Olga looked at me.

“In that case we will hold her with us and spread the news for her subordinates to surrender in return for her life.” Sylvia said.

The woman was cold.

I took this opportunity to address another problem. “The Freedom Guild is a very big force in the continent and it was created and raised to this level by Yuuki Kagurazaka alone. If we put a hand on him, they are bound to raise a huge ruckus. We need to do it in a way that causes the least amount of problems.”

“Hmm, that’s hard.” Gazel scratched his beard in thought.

“Actually, that’s quite easy to do.” Rimuru said and we all looked in her direction. She continued. “If we want to reduce the backlash, we just have to take down someone else and not Yuuki?”

“Huh?” I looked at her in confusion.

“I see… that would indeed be a good idea.” Sylvia said and I turned towards her.

“That… does seem like a good plan.” Gazel nodded as well.

“Yes and this way, we end up looking good too.” Irisviel said.

What plan?

Our target was Yuuki right?

Thankfully, I could keep my poker face for long enough while Rimuru explained for us peasants. “It means we announce that Yuuki Kagurazaka was actually replaced by a fake or was possessed by someone else who was collaborating with the enemies of the continent. With the support of all these countries, especially the Western Holy Church, people would more than likely believe us too.”

Oh!… that’s evil.

“Sasuga Rimuru-sama.” Shion praised from behind us.

Good to see that it was taken care of.

“In case Kagali doesn’t come here, I have sent some people to capture her.” The Empress said.

“Then be sure to send someone strong enough to match them all. Kagali is a former Demon Lord who retains all of her powers and Footman and Tear are around the same level. Laplace… is however the strongest of them all.”

“I know that better than anyone. I have contracted some allies of the Sorcerer Nation Sarion and both mother and I will be going there too. I apologise but we can only send Homunculus to congratulate you on your coronation.”

“Don’t worry, I understand. You should concentrate on your priorities first.”

We discussed a plan of attack for the enemies and the reasons we had to give to the public.

The meeting ended and everyone left for their own rooms leaving only Rimuru, our subordinates and I.

“Benimaru. You will be responsible for the protection of Tempest during the event. Diablo and Irisviel will be responsible for taking down any spies. Rin will assist you. Shiro and Masaomi will be responsible for the security at the venue.”

A series of agreements rang through the room.

“In that case, let’s go and rest for today. We have a busy day tomorrow.”

We left the room too.

But there was someone surprising waiting for us outside.


“Ena wanted to ask you about how you knew about Ena’s home. You said you will tell Ena later.”

Ah yes.

I was too busy these past few days and I did say that.

Hinata was with her and she looked at us.”If it’s something private then I will leave you two alone.”

“No, it’s fine. You can listen on in our conversation if Ena is fine with it.”

“Ena is.” The girl in question nodded and they followed us to our room.

“You see, I have certain visions, memories of several worlds, including this one. We have already explained about it in the meeting right. I just know things.”

“Yes. I did find it a bit suspicious but you were correct on most… almost all the parts.” Hinata corrected herself.

“I had some visions of her too. Ena Seishuuin, the heiress of the Seishuuin Clan, one of the Four Major Clans of Japan and the adopted granddaughter of the Heretic God Susanno who resides in the Netherworld and watches over Japan. You are good friends with Mariya Yuri. By the way, when did you come to this world?"

"A year ago. Ena was in the second year of Middle School."

"And how many Campione are currently active in the world?"

"Six. The last one is the Italian King… Salvatore Doni. Are you the Italian King of Swords?" She suddenly perked up and asked.


"I’m Italian and I am a swordsman named Salvatore but I’m not Salvatore Doni. Just to be clear, I have never been to your world."

Over the next hour I explained the situation and a possible future path to her.

"So Ena would have married the seventh Campione along with three other girls."

"Umm well that's the future I know." I replied awkwardly.

"It does sound like something grandma would put Ena to but since this hasn't happened yet and Ena is here, it doesn't matter. It seems that Yuri will have to keep those two Italian hussies away by herself."


"I am Italian, you know."

"You are not a hussy. Ena wasn't referring to you."

… that's not what I meant.


Let's not try to hit my head against the wall.

But in any case I decided to offer her the same offer I had given to the other otherworlders.

"I am making a small group of people in a similar situation as us, otherworlders who want to go back to their worlds in hopes of developing a method to do so. If you want, I would like to invite you to join."

"Sure. Grandma and the rest must be worried about Ena too. Ena has been trying to find a way to go back home but hasn't been able to get anything."

"Great. Welcome to the team."

After leaving her and Hinata, we went to meet someone about whom we had been informed.

There were a few people inside the room being entertained by Ramiris. The most prominent among them was a silver haired guy drinking tea and two others who were standing behind him quietly.

They both looked at me and I saw surprise in their eyes but they reigned it a moment later.

“Dino? What a surprise to see you here.” I greeted. “I hope my subordinates have treated you well.”

He kept down the cup of tea and nodded towards me. “Yes. They have been very kind.”

I took a seat in front of him. “So… what can I do for you?”

“First of all congratulations on becoming a king.” He said politely.

“Thank you.” I smiled.

“The thing is… I have heard that you were hiring people for your kingdom and I wanted a place to crash?” He explained awkwardly.


Dino went on to explain how Dagruel had driven him out and he went to Guy who sent him to me because I was looking for people to recruit.

…did Guy send him to me instead of Rimuru?

But it was the truth that I needed people to strengthen my army and Dino might not look like it due to his usual lazy attitude but he is one of the very few True Demon Lords and was the right hand man of Veldanava himself.

Apart from that, a less known fact was that he was the best swordsman in the whole world, a fact which was accepted by even other powerhouses like Milim who is extremely good at using a sword herself.

Since such a guy was delivering himself to me, I would be an idiot to not take any advantage of him.

Not to mention, the two with him were also two of the seven Angels of Origin created directly by Veldanava and would be among the very top of this world.

They must be extraordinarily skilled at other stuff too.

I needed people to teach my soldiers and who better to teach than the generals of the literal God of this world in person?

“Sure. Welcome to Camelot.” I smiled. “We need as many hands as we can at this time.”

“Thank you. This saves us a lot of trouble. These two are my subordinates.”

I quickly recalled their names. “Garcia and Pico, right.”

They nodded blankly.

“You know them?” Dino asked.

I nodded with a smile. “I guess I do. They are good names so they kinda stuck. I don’t remember from where though.”

They looked weirdly at me but didn’t say anything.

Thankfully Ramiris broke their stare.

“See see, I told you that Sal will agree to you staying here.” Ramiris flew around his head like a little fly.

“Great. Then Masaomi-san, can you please see to their living arrangements. I will see what job I can assign to them.”

“Yes.” The guy bowed and led them outside.

Ramiris followed them to talk with them and we were left alone in the room.

“He’s here as a spy. You know that right?” Rimuru said as she sat down in my lap while locking the room with a snap of her fingers.

I hugged her as she grinded her ass in my lap with a smirk, making herself comfortable. I didn’t stop her either and slipped my hands to cup her breasts.

One good thing about Slime Physiology was that she could change her body shape however she wanted.

She could go from teenage looking to a stunner milf look on the drop of a hat and with Raphael, she could mimic the human body to an extent where she could even manipulate her nerves and make herself as sensitive as she wanted to.

Seriously, it was as if she was made to be perfect.

“I know.”


“But I need people and he just offered himself to me on a silver platter so who am I to reject.”

“So are you going to place him under Ramiris again?”

“Nope. I am going to make him work for me.”

“You are going to recruit him? Are you not worried that he will leak all your secrets to Guy?”

“Guy is strong enough to destroy me with a flick of his finger. If I reject Dino, it would convey to him that I have things to hide and make him take other actions… and we are not ready for such actions. It’s better if we keep him here and show him only the things which we want him to see till he decides it’s enough and leaves.”

“Hmm, that does sound reasonable. By the way, what if he doesn’t leave?”

I smiled. “Then I make him work till he decides that he has enough and quits.”

“...hahahaha yup. That’s good.”

“So…” I asked.

“I guess I still haven’t congratulated you on your upcoming coronation.” She smiled as she leaned in towards me and I didn’t back down either, capturing her lips with my own.

She quickly turned and straddled me with her legs on either side of me and her core directly on my rising hardon.

The next thing I knew, she ripped open my shirt and jumped on me for another hungry kiss.

I slipped my hands under her shirt and pulled it apart, tearing each button at a time, and finally freeing her breasts.

The two soft globes smashed against my chest and I focused my attention to her best parts, her pert ass, cupping and fondling them cheeks.

She was wearing leather pants made from the hide of an A Ranked Monster but A Rank was just so so in front of me. I grabbed the leather with my fingers and pulled them, applying just a part of my strength and the leather was ripped apart as if it was some kind of tissue paper.

It left her with just her panties on my lap.

“Black lace?”

She smirked. “Like what you see?”

“The answer is right below you. Can’t you feel it?” I was rock hard by now.

“Oh my. I guess I will have to take care of you then. Imagine the people of Camelot seeing their king with the holy sword excalibur in his pants. That wouldn’t look good at all.”


“I guess I will have to use Excalibur to fight the Demon Lord in my lap then.”

“Yosh. Show me what you’ve got, Hero.” She moved her hips to grind her core on my length again.

“Remember you asked for it.” I pulled her forward, taking one of her perky nipples in my mouth while my hand explored her other breast and ass.

My finger slipped into her crack, and brushed over her rosebud and she yelped in surprise, making me smirk proudly.

I continued the assault as I playfully bit her nipple and pinched the other one between my fingers.

She hugged my head, grabbing a fistful of my hair and pulled me into her breast even more.

Suddenly I felt my trousers fall. On looking closer, she had melted the trousers without harming my skin.

I didn’t mind.

It saved us the time from removing it.

Right now, her core was directly on top of my length and damn was she wet.

I am pretty sure it wasn’t due to her being a slime as she was currently mimicking a perfect human body.

I picked her up and placed her on the couch and got between her legs.

She had slender legs and her lower lips opened up to reveal a light pink colour, glistening under the light of the room. There was a small tuft of her light blue silver hair crowning the top of her core, making her look irresistible. 

I got even harder if that was somehow possible.

I looked directly into her eyes. She, as if understanding my intentions, spread her legs further to give me access to her core and I dove headfirst into the meal.

She tasted… great.

So much so that I looked at her in surprise and saw a victorious smile on her face.

She could even manipulate how she tasted?


Well, who was I to say no to such a delicious feast in front of me so I jumped in again beginning with a light kiss and then dove in to enjoy the taste again.

“Mmhhh.” She clenched my hair and pushed me further into her core.

One of my fingers found her hole while I flicked her bud with my tongue. She jerked upwards and I used this opportunity to push my finger in.

Her insides were both soft and hot and clung to my finger like a vice, caressing it between its soft folds.

“Ahh Mmm Ahh yesss, right there.”

I pulled back my finger and her waist raised as if to follow my finger. I didn’t disappoint her either as I pushed back in eliciting another moan from her.

A few moments later, I was thrusting inside her with a decent pace. Her voice was like music to my ears.

I increased the fingers to two and increased the pace and sure enough, in just a few minutes, she was shaking her waist in tandem to the moment of my fingers before her grip on my hair tightened and her body stiffened and jerked, tremors running down her body.

She came.

I pulled my finger out and licked it clean as I looked at her, laying on the table with her legs spread, hair dishevelled, legs glistening from wetness. There was even a line of saliva on the corner of her lips.

Overall, she looked absolutely exotic.

I leaned in and took her lips once more and her arms instantly wrapped around me followed by her legs around my waist.

This kiss was calmer but much more passionate than anything before.

We pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes. There was no need for words.

She adjusted herself right above me and I slowly pushed upwards.

She was hot and even wetter than before.

Slowly, I entered her till the hilt. She grabbed me and pulled me in for another kiss while I began thrusting with reckless abandon.

One of her skills was physical attack nullification which meant I didn't need to worry about hurting her.

There was something else that we forgot in our excitement.

The furniture didn't have any resistance skills.

Less than a minute in, the table crashed into the ground with a loud noise… . But none of us cared and just continued, completely engrossed in each other.

I pounded her into the floor relentlessly and she never let go of me the entire time. Several minutes later, I felt my first climax approaching and increased my speed, letting out my seed deep into her body.

That said, I was not down.

With my current body, a Human hero saint as well as the Dragonoid part of me I could go on for days if I wanted to and Rimuru, just like me, could accompany me.

And so….I didn’t even pull out and we continued our lovemaking.

She could freely manipulate her body, even the insides so that it felt as if she was massaging my length with her insides, making me hard again in no time.

It was going to be a long….a very long but enjoyable night today and I was going to make full use of it.

- Shion -

She was waiting outside the room for Rimuru-sama, who was discussing some important things about tomorrow’s coronation ceremony in private with Salvatore-sama.

Beside her was Jibril, the Tengu serving Salvatore-sama, guarding the gates so that no one disturbed the meeting.

These past weeks had been one thing after another, from the attack of the Falmuth kingdom to Rimuru-sama becoming a Demon Lord and even Salvatore-sama arriving at Tempest and then becoming the King of the Kingdom which had attacked them.

But Rimuru-sama explained to them the situation and why she was taking these actions.

Salvatore-sama had a history with these people. They had dragged him away from his home, kept him as a slave in the kingdom and were going to kill and harvest his skill.

This was the man who had not only saved the life of their leader but also of the other people of Tempest, saved their clan members from slavery, was an ally who had fought for them against the Chaos Dragon and was a dear friend of Rimuru-sama and of the entire Jura Tempest Federation….and these people….they had the audacity to…

She as well as many others of Tempest was half of the mind to attack the country but Rimuru-sama argued that the citizens of the kingdom were not responsible for the foolishness of the King. They didn’t even know what was going on.

Rimuru-sama thought that it would be for the best if Salvatore-sama took the throne. Something about it being poetic justice which she didn’t understand.

What did it have to do with poems?

She personally thought Rimuru-sama just wanted to dress him up in the new dress which she had Kurobe and Shuna-hime make.

Anyways, she was happy as long as Rimuru-sama was happy.

Suddenly, they heard a small voice from inside.

It was a bit odd but she was sure it was Rimuru-sama’s voice.

She looked at Jibril who was looking at the door oddly too.

“Did you hear the voice too?” She asked the other girl who nodded.

But it didn’t sound like Rimuru-sama needed anything so she didn’t question and they just stood guard outside the gate.

Jibril was someone she got along with. They had gone out a few times to deal with some of the older king’s people who had tried to rebel and unlike others in the group, she could understand and agreed more with Jibril’s method of dealing with them- throwing a nuclear rupture magic at their face.

Why did they have to think so much for those idiots who were planning to disturb their master’s peace?

The sounds didn’t stop however and on listening closely, she found that it sounded like moans.

“Ahhh mmahh yesss, right there.”

She raised her eyes. “What do you think they are doing?” Jibril asked her.

“Hmm? I know! Maybe Salvatore-sama is giving her a shoulder massage. Yes, that must be it.”

“Oh! A shoulder massage. Yes, that does sound like it.”

“It does remind me… there were some rumours from the dwarf’s…” Jibril came closer to her and whispered.


“Did you know that there are some fortune tellers in Dwargon who can predict and tell who the soulmate of people will be.”

“Really?!” She asked, perking up.

“Hmm hmm… and when Rimuru-sama was there, she even had her fortune foretold.”

“What?!” She yelped in surprise.

Rimuru-sama’s soulmate!

“Who? Who did those fortune tellers predict?” Was someone trying to scam Rimuru-sama and trick her?

“It was…” However before Jibril could answer, they heard a crashing sound from inside the room and a grunting noise from both Rimuru-sama and Salvatore-sama and both of them jumped into action immediately, opening the door only to see a scene which none of them had expected.

Her mind blanked completely but was brought back by a hand grabbing her face and carrying her out of the room as the door closed again.

Beside her, Jibril had received the same treatment.

She looked at the owner of the hand to see a blonde haired woman in front of her.


“Now now, no need to go in there and ruin their first night together.”

“F-f–f-first night!”

“Kihihihi, is that so unbelievable? They have been flirting with each other since the first time they met and Veldora tells me that they are fated with each other.” Vritra-sama looked at her. “Although… there were apparently others in the crystal ball too. My word, it seems like my partner is quite famous with the ladies. Then again, dragons always attract beauty and power to themselves. It has always been like this so it’s not a surprise either.”

She looked confused about the words or maybe her mind hadn’t caught up with the first revelation either.

She quickly looked questioningly at Jibril who furiously nodded.

Shion found herself open mouthed at the confirmation.

‘Bu-but… Rimuru-sama…”

“Oho, you seem to have something to say?” Vritra-sama asked.


“Kihihihi so obvious. So you like her too?”

“Wha… ! No… it’s…” Shion blushed and stuttered for words. “I just respect Rimuru-sama and want her to be happy. And… Salvatore-sama is actually a very good partner…”

“Kihihihi so adorable. Tell me child, did you not hear the rest of my words?”


“Well, I guess I will reward my partner for restoring me back again. Say… what makes you think you cannot join the two of them… after all, what kind of King has only one wife or lover? Not to mention Rimuru also has some… unique tastes…”

It was as if lightning struck her mind.

Virtra-sama looked at them sagely. “So you both seem to understand. Well, then you better get to work so that you are not left behind by others. Obviously… you will still have to wait in line for a bit.” Vritra-sama licked her lips.

Vritra-sama cast a small barrier, isolating the room from others so that only they could hear whatever was going on inside and protecting the place as well.

Then she gave them some instructions on what to do to gain the position in the Imperial Harem.

Some of these plans were… Sasuga Vritra-sama… as expected of a True Dragon.

- Salvatore -

I was laying beside Rimuru, on a collapsed bed. Around us, the entire room had been reduced to rubble. Midway through our session, I had to use Uriel to coat the place to avoid destroying the building.

There was already a barrier around the place and I recognised it as Vritra’s handiwork.

Suddenly it struck me. “Did she… see everything?”

Rimuru shook beside me. “Hmm?”

She was sleeping.

Beings at our level were not tired from just a night of sex… it was just that we loved our usual rest and decided to take a break when our haze of lust subsided.

“Good morning.” I wished and she climbed on my chest to kiss me lightly.

“Good Morning.”

She too realised the condition of the room and looked surprised. “We really need a more durable set of furniture for our home.”


“So, what were you worried about?”

“I… forgot about Vritra last night.”


“Vritra generally likes to sleep inside my body and I… forgot about her. It seems like she was awakened and left as well as made a barrier around the place.”

Her cute mouth opened at the revelation. “Well, that explains why no one entered the room even with… all this.”

“I guess so. I will thank her later.” Although it will be incredibly awkward to bring up the topic.

Thankfully, Veldora likes to live in the Dungeon and read manga all day.

“You don’t need to worry about me. I quite enjoyed the show.” Speak of the Devil… or in this case, the dragon, I heard the voice of my Dragon partner inside my head through our Soul Corridor. “Although if you want to please me, I wouldn’t mind joining in on the fun next time.”


“Sure. I don’t mind it.” The answer didn’t come from me but Rimuru and I looked at my new lover in surprise.

“What! Have you seen that ass? I could bounce the planet on it.” She replied as if that explained everything, inevitably bringing the image of her ass in the forefront of my mind.

Damn… she did have a point.

“See, you like that too.” Rimuru smirked slyly.

I shook my head. There was no way I could allow myself to be dragged into their flow. These two women are crazy… and they get along too well too.

“We have a busy day today. Let’s talk about it later.” I quickly changed the topic.

“Sure… we can discuss it at length later on… maybe with some trials.” Vritra giggled inside my head, making me splutter in surprise.

Rimuru laughed as well before raising her hand and pointing it towards the room.. “Beelzebub.”

All the debris of the entire room was swallowed by her Ultimate Skill Beelzebub. The next moment, the restored furniture was spat back into the room once more and the room returned back to how it was yesterday.

… that was so fucking useful.

Having had enough of teasing me for the morning, both the ladies got up for the rest of the events of the day too.


It was time. I was ready to face the crowd.

"You look awesome." Rimuru said as she fixed my cloak.

Apparently Kings wore cloaks here.

And believe me when I say… cloaks are very overrated. They are extremely inconvenient to wear.

"Is it just me or does this look familiar? It looks like I have seen this somewhere?"

"You are just imagining things."

"I am not! This is totally the costume of Arthur from the Fate series." I retorted.

"Any similarities are purely coincidental."

I let out a sigh and let her have fun. After all, she was having fun and no one was getting hurt.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I totally looked like Arthur Proto… And dare I say that it looked awesome.

“Are you ready for the show?” She asked.

“Hmm. I still don’t believe I am doing something like this.”

“Really? You have been isekaied… twice… into anime worlds… and this is the thing which you find unbelievable? I think that ship has sailed already.”

My lips twitched at her words. She wasn’t wrong.


I walked out of our room and Rimuru went to the other side to rest of the group.

I looked at the gate in front of me and took a deep breath.

This is it.

And with that I walked forward.

Both Shiro and Masaomi were waiting for me outside the door and followed behind me to the stage.

Several prominent people were gathered in the place.

Gazel Dwargo representing the Dwarven Nation, Erald and the Empress had sent their Homunculus, representing the Sorcerer Nation of Sarion.

The Kingdom of Bulmund had sent their representatives due to the reference from Rimuru. It was guildmaster Fuze.

Apart from them, the members of the Council of the West had also sent representatives.

These people… they were utter pieces of crap.

The Council of the West is a collection of nations west of the Jura Tempest Federation. It was originally established as a collaborative initiative aimed at addressing the looming menace of monstrous threats. Over time, its role evolved into a formidable organisation primarily designed to serve as a check on the Eastern Empire's influence. 

Basically a bunch of weaker nations teaming up to protect themselves.

But their methods were actually quite annoying. It was also one of the reasons why we went through such a roundabout route to make me the King of this place rather than me just walking in and beating up anyone who said otherwise.

They had their headquarters in the Kingdom of Ingrassia. Geographically, Ingrassia's location made it the most convenient focal point for council members to convene. Consequently, it became the natural choice for the headquarters of the Free Guild, an organisation closely intertwined with the council.

The Council acted as a mediator between nations, weighing each member's interests against the others’ and managing them to prevent conflict. It held power in both economic and political circles, making it a strikingly influential group in the region.

The council had no standing military force as it didn't need one. That's because, in a way, the Council formed the higher bureaucracy of the Free Guild itself. The money paid to adventurers for slaying monsters came from Council funding—and in exchange, the council had the right to give orders to the guild.

This funding came from contributions provided by each member nation, which varied depending on how much speaking rights each one had. Refusing to pay these meant leaving the council. It was a way for the council to gain a louder voice in local affairs, using the shield of security it offered members. Many nations relied almost wholly upon the guild for monster management, and that meant there was no choice for them but to support the council. 

This made them close to Yuuki, the guildmaster of the Freedom Guild too as they were extremely reliant on them.

One more obstacle in the path of removing Yuuki directly without all of them banding together to oppose us.

As for the guy in question himself,  I looked in the corner and sure enough Yuuki was there too.

He stood there with a smile on his face but I didn’t notice Kagali with him.

Seems like the precautions on the Empress’ side was going to be of use.

Thankfully, I had other supporters here.

Beside him, stood another figure.

Hinata Sakaguchi stood in as the representative of the Holy Kingdom Ruberios with Ena just behind her.

Luminous couldn’t appear here for obvious the same reason as to why the other Demon Lord friends of mine couldn’t appear here.

They were still laying in wait for my signal.

One thing had to be said for Hinata, this woman was stone cold. She didn’t show one shred of emotion on her face, even when standing beside Yuuki, even with everything she knew about him.

Ena was similar but instead of keeping a stoic emotion on her face, she wore her mask of usual casual attitude.

On the other side of Yuuki was another figure.

A blonde haired, pink eyed young girl who looked to be around ten years old. She was the princess of the Siltrosso Clan, Maribelle Rosso and was accompanying a representative of her country to this ceremony

I had some memories about her too and that only made me more wary about her.

The council of the west had roles during the war too.

Within the Western Nations, the member countries of the Council of the West generally maintained a remarkable peace among themselves. Even in the rare instances where conflicts did arise, they strictly adhered to formal declarations of war and a set of stringent rules governing warfare. Deviation from these rules would trigger a collective response from the Council, with all member nations rallying against the transgressor.

For situations where non-member nations were engaged in disputes, the Council maintained a policy of non-interference, regardless of the victor or loser. However, if one of the parties involved in such conflicts engaged in exceptionally cruel and inhumane conduct beyond reason, it would undoubtedly tarnish that nation's standing within the Council's ranks.

Unfortunately, this was not applicable when the said actions were against the monsters of the Jura Tempest Federation… or the otherworlders.

In fact, several of the nations were among those who used the otherworlder summoning Ritual and even the Falmuth Kingdom had obtained the ritual from them.

They did however keep it out of public eyes and denied any accusations.

The people who were summoned would never be able to say anything because of the Lock Spell on them and even if they were somehow found, they were just erased or some excuses were given like them being Stray Otherworlders instead of the Summoned Ones.

Not to mention, these nations had deep ties with each other, economic, political, military as well as familial ties through marriages.

Because of this, the dynamics shifted significantly when a member nation of the Council found itself under invasion by an external force. In such cases, member nations possessed the right to request assistance and support from the Council. This principle formed a pivotal rationale behind the Council's inclusion of numerous small kingdoms among its membership, as it ensured collective defence and solidarity in times of peril.

Behind the scenes, from what little memories I had and what I could find out, the Rosso Clan controlled the Council with Granbell Rosso, her grandfather, a man who was a True Hero over a century ago.

He had lost a fight against Luminous and had agreed to serve her but was acting suspiciously now.

The only reason none of these people had acted against me was the fact that it was declared an internal matter of the Falmuth Kingdom and they were told not to interfere by Youm, who was related to an Earl of this Kingdom or things could have been much worse.

I walked to the platform at the front and Youm, the Champion walked up to my side.

“My fellow countrymen… Today we have gathered here for a very great event, the coronation of our new King, Lord Salvatore.”

The crowd, following Youm’s words, turned their attention towards me.

“As all of you might already have heard, the previous King Edmaris had led an army to invade the monster Nation of Tempest and incurred the wrath of the Storm Dragon Veldora, leading to the… unfortunate demise of thousands of our countrymen. It even gave rise to a new Demon Lord in the Jura Forest, Rimuru Tempest. All because of the foolishness and greed of one man.”

The people down there murmured among themselves.

“But it might have been due to the blessings of the Gods and Greater Spirits which sent this man… to us at such a time.” Youm looked towards the guests present and continued. “Lord Salvatore was summoned to this world by the previous King Edmaris, dragged out of his world, his home, against his wish and….enslaved here by the former guardian of Falmuth Nation, Razen, only to make him fight against his will. Yes….summoning otherworlders is banned and it was still done. The proof of this has already been distributed throughout the Kingdom and put up on every Bulletin Board in the entire Kingdom.”

The people were quiet by now.

“With something like this, any normal person would have harboured intense hatred for the Kingdom, even for the people….I know I would….but….Lord Salvatore, not only didn’t blame us for the misdeeds of the former King but also decided to step in to protect the people of this country….and not just from anyone but the infamous Storm Dragon Veldora, a power so great that he is known as a Natural Disaster. In doing so, he had to give up his humanity but even so, he didn’t hesitate and protected us with all he had. Tell me my friends….my countrymen….can we ever get another King like Lord Salvatore?”

The people roared in agreement to Youm’s words.

Wow….this guy was quite good with his words.

I remember that he was the one elected as the King of the Falmuth Nation by Rimuru in the novels.

Now it seems that the guy was quite fit for the job.

Youm continued while I was lost in my thoughts. “In that case, my countrymen, I give you….King Salvatore.” He picked up a crown from a tray in the hands of his uncle, an Earl of the Kingdom and placed it on my head.

The people below all cheered.

I stepped forward.

My Kingdom….

The words sounded so weird.

“I… am Salvatore. Some of you might know of me but many of you don’t. It’s not that I had done much to be known before this. I… have had a history with this kingdom as Youm said… and it was not a pleasant one but this history was with a select few people and I do not blame others for it. When I was invited to become the new King of this Kingdom, I had first rejected it… because according to me, I didn’t know what it meant to be a King and I didn’t want to let my inexperience become a cause for the troubles of the innocent people of this Kingdom. I intended to leave. But things happened… as you all know and might have seen already and one way or the other, I was dragged into this position.”

The entire crowd listened to my words.

“I know that I might not be the greatest King at this moment. I might be young. I might be inexperienced.”

The people murmured among themselves.

And here I raised my voice. “But I promise you this… that as long as I live… I will give my all for this Kingdom and make sure that all of you see a brighter tomorrow. This… I promise.”

And the crowd cheered loudly.

Now to complete my promise to Rimuru.

“My first decision as the King of this Kingdom is to rename it to Camelot. The previous name of the Kingdom has many… unfortunate memories associated with it both for the people and me and I wish to make a fresh start. Camelot means a place of great happiness. It is the name of a great Kingdom from the myths in my world… and I intend to make this Kingdom the same… and in doing so… I need your help. So will you all… lend me a hand?”

Loud cheers of agreement rang through the entire place drowning any and all news.

With everything done, I took the throne and the cheers continued.

Next was the series of greetings and gifts from the surrounding Kingdoms.

- Olga Discordia -

She stood in front of the group of people gathered to capture Kagali, the former Elven Princess and her subordinates, one of whom was her own brother.

They had made the move as soon as they discovered that Yuuki Kagurazaka had left for Camelot without his secretary.

The people gathered here were from completely different backgrounds but each one of them had their own reasons for the capture of this group.

The Elves were obvious.

Three girls from Camelot, Rin Nohara, Aletia and Mjjuran, were also sent by her Master to assist her.

They were the former members of Clayman’s troops and were somewhat aware of the mode of attacks of the opponents.

Along with them was a girl from the Monster Nation of Tempest.

It was the three tailed fox which was saved by Lady Rimuru during the Walpurgis and named. She had evolved into a Nine Tailed Fox.

Next was a support called by Elmesia herself, the long time friend of the Sorcerer Nation of Sarion, former hero and the current Demon Lord, Leon Cromwell.

He had arrived with his four best knights to assist in the capture of the opposite group.

This alone showed how highly Elmesia and Lady Sylvia were taking this mission.

Elmesia took charge of the mission herself.

“Our people have been stationed at every corner of this place in disguise and will activate a barrier which will inhibit any spatial type skills from anything under a Saint and even against a Saint, it will hold them out long enough for us to take action. Several of our best mages will be tracking Kagali at all times. The plan is for Leon to attack her with his subordinates blocking the routes of escape. We will wait until she falls into a desperate situation just to draw out her subordinates… all of them and only then do we go all in. Remember, her actions were largely due to Jahil. We are not to kill any of them. We will go for the core of the reason, Jahil himself when Footman is captured. He must not escape at all this time. Is everyone clear about the plans?”

There were nods of agreement.

“According to the information provided by King Salvatore,” Elmesia paused. “Laplace is by far the strongest among them and has a skill which allows him to see a few seconds into the future, thus our plans were made in a way that he wouldn’t be able to utilise this advantage and for this reason, it’s necessary to follow every part of the plan perfectly. We do not have any chances to mess up.”

On affirmation Elmesia continued.

“In that case, we move on the signal.”

The signal was given a few minutes later and everyone raced towards the target.

She took the place at the roof of the guild building, a place her Master had mentioned, and had the best view of the entire place from his one year stay here.

- Kagali -

She was gritting her teeth at the sight of the monster in front of her.

Why was he here? And at such a time when Yuuki was away.

Why were things turning out like this?

First Clayman disappears, his armies destroyed by that abomination who had grown so strong in such a short time that he could even take down the Chaos Dragon by himself. If she had known this, she would have had him captured and brainwashed the first time she saw him.

But now… such an action was nigh impossible with their current powers. Even Yuuki was out there to congratulate him on his coronation while she gets left behind with this monster.

“Welcome to the Kingdom of Ingarcia, Lord Cromwell. The guildmaster is currently unavailable so I apologise for not being able to greet you on time.” She spoke politely as she walked forward to greet him.

He did have some interactions with Yuuki regarding the summoned children and she didn’t want to mess things up.

However his next words sent a shiver down her spine.

“Kazerim… I didn’t expect you to be revived… and in such a way. I guess it should have been expected from a Deathman… to keep on reviving as long as their astral bodies were not destroyed. I was ignorant last time so… let me make up for it this time.”

“W-what are you saying, Lord Cromwell?”

He however didn’t listen to her words and drew his sword and slashed towards her.

This madman.

She jumped towards the side to escape the attack.

“What is the meaning of this, Leon Cromwell?”

The man however didn’t answer and continued to attack, forcing her to dodge but at one point she couldn’t hold back. The barriers around the place prevented her escape and she had to do something so she responded with an attack of herself.

“Tch… so annoying. Just how did you find out about this?”

“Clayman’s last words were quite enlightening and I just had to search for the clues after that. It wasn’t that hard to find you when I knew where to look.” He answered before attacking again.

“Clayman’s… last words… What happened to Clayman?”

“He’s dead… soul destroyed and all trace of him erased. After all, that fool tried to control Milim Nava.”

A white rage took over her as she heard the words and she began to attack in earnest… but none of her attacks were able to hit him.

He was too fast to even keep track of.

Leon Cromwell was far stronger than when she had fought him last time before her previous death…. So much so that she was having trouble even seeing his moves and was only keeping up with her own God Grade equipment and artifacts…

One of his attacks slipped past her barriers and raced towards her.

Suddenly a few shadows flashed in front of her, stopping the attack with their combined efforts.

“Tear, Footman, Laplace… no! You cannot fight against him. Run. Just run away fast.” She shouted.

“That we can’t do my lady. We were made to protect and serve you after all.” Laplace smiled and faced the Demon Lord in front of them. “We will create a diversion, take the opportunity to flee. Tear, Footman, protect the Lady.” he spoke before charging towards Leon Cromwell.

She stepped forward to try to stop him but was held back by Tear who took her and ran away.

Footman took the lead and rolled at great speeds, using his Unique Skill Amplifier to further increase his speed and attacked the Barrier… but… before he could even reach the barrier, a flash of lightning crashed into him, creating a massive explosion in the area and throwing them away.

A crater formed in the area of the crash and dust covered the entire area but not for long as a massive aura erupted from the place, clearing the dust away, revealing the figure who had attacked Footman…

“No no no no NO!… why are you here… Milim Nava!” Her shout echoed throughout the place as barriers surrounded the entire place completely isolating the guild area from the rest of the town.

Any adventurers who had been rushing in to fight against the threats had been downed by the immense Demon Lord’s Haki from the girl in front of her.

Kagali fell to her knees, losing all hope.


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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author’s Note:

I know many will not believe me when I say this….but I really didn’t want to leave it at this point. [BN: Noone will believe you]

It just happened.

Anyways, I will try to write a chapter of this soon to not leave everyone hanging.

Things are finally getting exciting.

Salvatore finally got laid and became a King too.

Rimuru is the best waifu and Vritra is the best Wingman for our boi….

The Elven Empress went full Ainz Ooal Gown with her over preparations against Kagali.

Poor Kagali is doubting her life right now.

And Yuuki still doesn’t know how badly he’s fucked.

Meanwhile Sal got a trio of extremely confused Fallen Seraphim as subordinates.

Look forward to things in the next chapter.

Enjoy the new chapter.

Good Day, Peace Out.


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