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PSA: config.json file will auto generate outside the bin folder if using the newest version of the menu, and people for the most part need to leave it alone unless you are experiencing issues, but that is now how you edit the delay instead of using the dlldelay file originally provided.

Hey Helldivers, below I have detailed a new file that you can utilize to take your Helldivers 2 experience to the next level! This is the update to my previous post. Special thanks to

Destinate, emoisback, gir489, cfemen, void*, ZoDDel, Exitium, NuLLxD, SquadZLeader, killekrok555


How to use
1) Make sure you have --use-d3d11 in your launch options for HD2 (click properties on HD2)
2) Make sure the game is not running.
3) Copy helldivers2.dll to your bin folder.
4) Rename helldivers2.dll to one of the following file names:
- version.dll
- bcrypt.dll
- dxgi.dll
5) Boot up the game. If you hear the beep then it working. Press the DELETE key when you are on the ship then you should able to see the menu.

6) Purpose of the 'dlldelay' file is listed in the FAQ below. It only applies to some people so make sure you read.

7) Please note the menu key has been changed to 'DELETE'

8) AMD graphics card users please see FAQ below

9) Video tutorials and troubleshooting can be found on the discord server under 'Troubleshooting/Tuts'


- Inf Stamina
- Inf Ammo / Inf Ammo Legit
- Inf Grenade / Inf Grenade Legit
- Inf Stim / Inf Stim Legit
- Inf Backpack
- Inf Stratagem
- Instant Standup From Fall
- Take no Damage / Set your health value
- Player Speed
- NoClip (Use with care, leaves server side traces that can be logged) EXTREME CAUTION
- Teleport (Use with care, leaves server side traces that can be logged) EXTREME CAUTION

- No Reload
- No Recoil
- No Sway
- No Laser Cannon Overheat
- Instant Charge
- Inf Special Weapon
- Damage Stat Editor

- Advanced Stratagems Replacement

- Reduce Enemy Aggro
- Show All Map Icons
- Vault/Bunker Left Door Only
- Infinite Timer Outside Map
- Instant Complete Blitz (Use with care, leaves server side traces that can be logged) EXTREME CAUTION
- Instant Complete Mission (Use with care, leaves server side traces that can be logged) EXTREME CAUTION
- Set Total Sample
- Set Next Sample Pick Up Value
- Set Mission Time
- Set Max Extraction Time

- Replace Planets

- Unlock All Stratagems/Equipment/Armor
- No Jetpack Cooldown
- No Stationary Turret
- No Backpack Shield Cooldown
- Inf Mech Ammo

- Do not touch anything in the stratagem tab while you are in the lobby other than the load data button. Otherwise, you will crash or break some other data in the game!
- As for the planet tab, you must hover over any mission at least once to be able to click on the load data button. To replace a planet, u need to hover over a planet u are going to replace and then change the ID of that planet. Re-hover to the planet again to see the effect immediately.
- If your X Y Z positions in the player tab are "Unknown" after you are on the ship then that means some features are not working. Please follow FAQ 3 to fix this problem.


1) AMD GPU users (5000 6000 series) (Skip this if you can run d3d11 alright):
If you are AMD GPU user and you crash when you run it in d3d11 then you must download dxvk and put all those DLLs (dxgi.dll, d3d9.dll, d3d10core.dll, and d3d11.dll) in the bin folder.
Test it out without this menu and see if you can run d3d11. If it working then try to put the menu in and see if it will work. Google the GitHub page and download the release files.

2) To users that are using cfemen files:
Yes, you can run cfemen along with this menu. You just need to put cfemen files (dxgi.dll and GameGuard.des) along with the DLL which you can rename to version.dll or bcrypt.dll since dxgi name is occupied by cfemen files.

3) Freeze, stuck on the black screen, or some features aren't working not because of the update?
This only happens when the DLL injects before your exe is fully unpacked itself. Most likely due to a slow computer or too many things running.
When you hear the beep, that's when the DLL injects into the game.
To fix this problem, you will copy the dlldelay file and put it in the game folder which is outside of the bin folder.
Edit the dlldelay file with notepad and put in the millisecond you want the injection to be delayed. This will require a few tries to have it working correctly. Be patient about this.
The injection should happen about 1-2sec after the GG popped up. If you are using cfemen then it should be 1-2sec after the black screen shows up.

CREDITS: Destinate,emoisback, gir489, cfemen, void*, ZoDDel, Exitium, NuLLxD, SquadZLeader, killekrok555

None of this would be possible without these fine folk

BIG THANKS TO DESTINATE: Please support them as well. This menu would not be possible without their contribution




Ty for the quick update!


So is the recon car gone now after the update or am I doing something wrong?

Adventure Realm

Yea unfortunately the devs outright removed the code from the game so there is no possible way to get it again at the moment :/

Nick Lyon

where do i find dxvk file


Hello is there a discord, another question is there a paid version since i feel like this will get patched quickly I'm interested in buying

Adventure Realm

Hi yes we have a discord server! And no we offer everything for free. But it’s constantly updated for patches so I wouldn’t worry about it much

Uriel Luna

Hi how does the weapon damage work ?

Jarod Holdridge

Do we build this mod the same as the mod on the discord?

Adventure Realm

Nope this one is much more simple that that. I’ve included the instructions in a readme With the download


I have an AMD Radeon RX 6700S GPU and i have followed all the steps (including the tutorial for AMD GPU users). But the game still crashes. Anything i may have done wrong?

Matt Taylor

Hi, is it possible to get a discord link? Just somewhere to keep up with the changelogs etc? Thanks.

豆 藍

the Sample How to use it? After the task is completed, it will be 0


Only extract with the maximum samples for each mission. If the maximum is 40/35/6, only extract with 40/35/6.

Stanley Yong

just wanna check how does the weapon damage id works ? everytime i click import name the game just crash. thank you for the explanation

Jarod Holdridge

You don't need the import name button. Type in the weapon ID (i.e 42) then press "load weapon stats". From there you can change the stats to whatever you want. After you have the stats you want press "Save weapon stats" and you're good to go

Rat Pack

Started receiving a "Gameguard PIPE API Error(1002). Contact support for further assistance. Error Code: 1002" this morning. Have hard crashed to desktop twice. Anyone else?

Ilya Sirenev

The game was just patched today. Is it still safe to use the menu? Edit: Sample editor doesn't work. Also something is breaking the difficulty multiplier.


The game is crashing when using the mods now

Daniel Nobles

hey, when i try to turn anything on today it crashes my game

Daniel Nobles

the mod might need an update

Rena Darnias

I can't seem to find the Discord xd

anh le tuan

Is there a Discord link dear good sir ?

Cruz Bennett

Hi , why is the menu being updated to the latest version if this is patched?

Cruz Bennett

this is patched guys , dont work

Cruz Bennett

trying these files , steam dont alow you to boot with --use-d3d1 anymore

Cruz Bennett

i put all the files in as you tell above , including the files required for the AMD gpu as running a 6800xt , but when ever I put --use-d3d11 in on steam , the game just black screen and closes. there is no delay.dll file in any of the folders either. wat am i doing wrong u think

Cruz Bennett

its loads if i dont put --use-d3d11 in steam but menu wont load when pressing delete

Cameron Carr

Any word on an update?

Cruz Bennett

All DLL mods are patched mate , and no CT mods work as of todays update.


I used this DLL mod and some features still worked. 🤷🏽‍♂️


dlldelay isnt a .dll, its just a blank file (no extension) named dlldelay, in the "Helldivers 2" folder. When edited, it only has a number in it to delay injection. (for me, its 1000)


Some things still work, damage cfg still works for me, no health mods work, inf stratagems works, same for stamina.

Zach Roa

Nah it works, you probably didn’t change the dll name. try using dxgi.dll or bcrypt.dll for the file name then it’ll work.

Daniel Nobles

Thanks for building this thing yall


Might need a small update, also discord inv expired


I heard you have decided to stop updating the mods, that's sad because Sony has deceided to not link the game with the PSN. So I hope you will come back, and continue your great work!


You stop updating the mods too?


Nooooo don't quit we need someone to carry on the torch


Yeah please do not quit


please don't quit!


so great to see this is still being updated! dont stop, youre the best of the best in helldivers menus rn

steven beltran

seems to not be working on 2 different setups


Hi. I've succeeded in making the menu show up, but when I complete a mission I do not get anything from it, be it requisition slips, medals, xp or samples. Am I doing anything wrong or is this intended behaviour ? Edit : I found out that it's capped at 100 samples. My bad... Actual question though : Is there no way to increase XP and credits ?


Looks like the game got a security patch and it detects the file. I'll wait for an update. Thanks always for the work!


Yup, there is a patch that detect it


the config had several patches, most setting the menu values to false. I removed them, the game booted and could open the menu but after about 10 seconds it crashed and the anticheat went apeshit. Just sharing in case this helps!


can confirm, it's entirely borken





Eric Brown (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-17 05:16:13 Can confirm that at the time of writing this the menu DOES STILL WORK, you just need to use a GG bypass as well. Haven't tested every feature like planet switcher but so far all the stuff like infinite stims/ammo/stratagems etc. or unlock all works just fine. Just be aware it is possible for the devs to detect that you've bypassed GG and while as far as I know there hasn't been any confirmed bans for cheating YET that could easily change.
2024-06-09 23:32:50

Eric Brown

On the unknowncheats forum there's a method to repeatedly send the mission/end request after you beat a mission and every time you click execute it will give you all the rewards (xp,samples,medals,etc.) from the mission you just completed however it requires you to install Frida and Telerik Fiddler.


Also the current bypass (at least the one I'm using) causes a few second of lag each time you pick up Requisition Slips, Medals, and Super credits. Samples are fine, and it doesn't crash the game or anything.


works but then everyone who joins crashes from my game. unlimited stims doesnt seem to be working anymore either

Mister T

it wont open the game is it detected?