Home Artists Posts Import Register


Below I have included all the known planet IDs currently in the game. This wont be of use to you unless you are swapping planets to play on unreleased maps.

  • Super Earth: 897386910

  • Klen Dahth II: 3621417917

  • Pathfinder V: 2543303604

  • Widow's Harbor: 2768073863

  • New Haven: 158585041

  • Pilen V: 1008084099

  • Hydrofall Prime: 167872110

  • Zea Rugosia: 1138804949

  • Darrowsport: 3550298780

  • Fornskogur II: 1025193891

  • Midasburg: 2767954873

  • Cerberus Iiic: 688773671

  • Prosperity Falls: 160818366

  • Okul VI: 2877873656

  • Martyr's Bay: 1529228469

  • Freedom Peak: 3749877391

  • Fort Union: 4254371037

  • Kelvinor: 2273175182

  • Wraith: 3088889549

  • Igla: 768352347

  • New Kiruna: 1299274778

  • Fort Justice: 3992185257

  • Zegema Paradise: 160106209

  • Providence: 1257502272

  • Primordia: 2862366365

  • Sulfura: 1812451556

  • Nublaria I: 4068066596

  • Krakatwo: 2585302931

  • Volterra: 3650236983

  • Crucible: 410562438

  • Veil: 3538905431

  • Marre IV: 529527934

  • Fort Sanctuary: 3945891756

  • Seyshel Beach: 3266374354

  • Hellmire: 3551496165

  • Effluvia: 2640422831

  • Solghast: 3407890530

  • Diluvia: 760056919

  • Viridia Prime: 1831450049

  • Obari: 298165685

  • Myradesh: 2146401321

  • Atrama: 3508924100

  • Emeria: 2243203717

  • Barabos: 1678797801

  • Fenmire: 3404343820

  • Mastia: 2969736642

  • Shallus: 1438199726

  • Krakabos: 2013504640

  • Iridica: 2525961073

  • Azterra: 2151164116

  • Azur Secundus: 3265310936

  • Ivis: 4148701638

  • Slif: 1756822119

  • Caramoor: 438925458

  • Kharst: 4190033207

  • Eukoria: 3951456049

  • Myrium: 207323189

  • Kerth Secundus: 3674393208

  • Parsh: 430094434

  • Reaf: 1018677806

  • Irulta: 2414771368

  • Emorath: 635122119

  • Ilduna Prime: 3508592390

  • Maw: 4056948497

  • Meridia: 215016124

  • Borea: 3293929397

  • Curia: 1750606702

  • Tarsh: 3882819373

  • Shelt: 1223630977

  • Imber: 2115544264

  • Blistica: 4206815834

  • Ratch: 2898292715

  • Julheim: 922433838

  • Valgaard: 3238002446

  • Arkturus: 670993741

  • Esker: 2729833133

  • Terrek: 910588397

  • Cirrus: 2112907641

  • Crimsica: 1886266372

  • Heeth: 1391690878

  • Veld: 3659340575

  • Alta V: 572365311

  • Ursica XI: 4009717368

  • Inari: 2623879324

  • Skaash: 1076755284

  • Moradesh: 912379297

  • Rasp: 2598991571

  • Bashyr: 49391513

  • Regnus: 2299441253

  • Mog: 2695815635

  • Valmox: 1922612740

  • Iro: 3172148623

  • Grafmere: 3602852408

  • New Stockholm: 3515684391

  • Oasis: 997855239

  • Genesis Prime: 910436923

  • Outpost 32: 2306843160

  • Calypso: 4011448258


  • Elysian Meadows: 3533355425

  • Alderidge Cove: 1616302990

  • Trandor: 3515299681

  • East Iridium Trading Bay: 3115954791

  • Liberty Ridge: 1017957570

  • Baldrick Prime: 1398996417

  • The Weir: 701410047

  • Kuper: 2344219187

  • Oslo Station: 1496025116

  • Pöpli IX: 696145979

  • Gunvald: 435094671

  • Dolph: 2131959183

  • Bekvam III: 412801448

  • Duma Tyr: 255676170

  • Vernen Wells: 2442155408

  • Aesir Pass: 3407029244

  • Aurora Bay: 975759959

  • Penta: 101741274

  • Gaellivare: 2654907023

  • Vog-sojoth: 2580049274

  • Kirrik: 612402065

  • Mortax Prime: 248400433

  • Wilford Station: 1423930789

  • Pioneer II: 429955586

  • Erson Sands: 137703244

  • Socorro III: 1156965013

  • Bore Rock: 2435651414

  • Fenrir III: 2875368439

  • Turing: 2706883571

  • Angel's Venture: 2003553249

  • Darius II: 2658926073

  • Acamar IV: 1231076923

  • Achernar Secundus: 984145086

  • Achird III: 3921453955

  • Acrab XI: 3215655918

  • Acrux IX: 997215371

  • Acubens Prime: 2282459618

  • Adhara: 1969390828

  • Osupsam: 1986037000

  • Brink-2: 2935376141

  • Bunda Secundus: 3228999359

  • Canopus: 3482441182

  • Caph: 3480296110

  • Castor: 1043181

  • Durgen: 572242261

  • Draupnir: 1192040123

  • Mort: 457558822

  • Ingmar: 2655630774

  • Charbal-VII: 3531149629

  • Charon Prime: 2016899055

  • Choepessa IV: 2564387350

  • Choohe: 1159313659

  • Chort Bay: 2695598028

  • Claorell: 1109752394

  • Clasa: 4171074231

  • Demiurg: 1270268663

  • Deneb Secundus: 575825411

  • Electra Bay: 3031668844

  • Enuliale: 3692735566

  • Epsilon Phoencis VI: 3517952761

  • Erata Prime: 3604506896

  • Estanu: 356540875

  • Fori Prime: 3087050848

  • Gacrux: 2036924050

  • Gar Haren: 2254239637

  • Gatria: 1039531899

  • Gemma: 1730968584

  • Grand Errant: 3461540330

  • Hadar: 3671746797

  • Haka: 1969390828

  • Haldus: 3856827013

  • Halies Port: 386932878

  • Hesoe Prime: 1581052380

  • Heze Bay: 4182360890

  • Hort: 2078192573

  • Hydrobius: 1722929190

  • Karlia: 101839064

  • Keid: 2563880739

  • Khandark: 1697634205

  • Klaka 5: 1366049074

  • Kneth Port: 4234355218

  • Kraz: 2097290850

  • Kuma: 3764590020

  • Lastofe: 3052439858

  • Leng Secundus: 2845725342

  • Lesath: 3837447591

  • Maia: 1126502547

  • Malevelon Creek: 3244992775

  • Mantes: 1806559160

  • Marfark: 2831860380

  • Martale: 2016899055

  • Matar Bay: 2071495162

  • Meissa: 996779072

  • Mekbuda:1982461871

  • Menkent: 3161413384

  • Merak: 964201429

  • Merga IV: 319528443

  • Minchir: 1805868079

  • Mintoria: 2174989502

  • Mordia 9: 1125831687

  • Nabatea Secundus: 2595930801

  • Navi VII: 1644011282

  • Nivel 43: 301092871

  • Oshaune: 1344035939

  • Overgoe Prime: 2798506372

  • Pandion-XXIV: 2529588949

  • Partion: 2633633039

  • Peacock: 3575106066

  • Phact Bay: 1050117740

  • Pherkad Secundus: 1272337220

  • Polaris Prime: 1029706994

  • Pollux 31: 4039961663

  • Prasa: 3290149632

  • Propus: 3795087598

  • Ras Algethi: 4053031948

  • Rd-4: 3659425534

  • Rogue 5: 433678065

  • Rirga Bay: 1377257553

  • Seasse: 264536752

  • Senge 23: 3709894755

  • Setia: 449319042

  • Shete: 1531805760

  • Siemnot: 3472221087

  • Sirius: 31903659

  • Skat Bay: 728004013

  • Spherion: 33972203

  • Stor Tha Prime: 3339959103

  • Stout: 3478070727

  • Termadon: 1923795699

  • Tibit: 2658611086

  • Tien Kwan: 2659689769

  • Troost: 1049999007

  • Ubanea: 2216912817

  • Ustotu: 242242261

  • Vandalon IV: 230950549

  • Varylia 5: 17046409

  • Wasat: 3825459240

  • Vega Bay: 229350423

  • Wezen: 1554138344

  • Vindemitarix Prime: 1826401325

  • X-45: 2165203458

  • Yed Prior: 714233297

  • Zefia: 252504470

  • Zosma: 2360232252

  • Zzaniah Prime: 1524642040

  • Skitter: 3789806846

  • Euphoria III: 3809134104

  • Diaspora X: 4020204519

  • Gemstone Bluffs: 1588671273

  • Zagon Prime: 843081973

  • Omicron: 3966660905

  • Cyberstan: 3923589145


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