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hi everyone, i hope your weekend has been treating you well! some sofa progress pictures, as promised.

things are going well so far- sleeping a little better, though im trying not to think about it all to much in case it’s psychosomatic from the novelty of the first couple of days, or in case i somehow end up jinxing it 🥲 but so far so good. assembled relatively easily, fits in the space it was planned for, is very comfy for some daytime working/hanging out.

i did write a little update on tumblr, so i’ll attach a screenshot of that here for anyone curious for a more in-depth summary of the first 24ish hours:

there we go, a small early days update. i’ll try to make an effort to document it a little in this weeks attic archives episode! 📹

take care and speak soon, friends x



i'm glad it seems to be helping so far! it seems like such a good idea in general, hopefully it continues to help while you wait for appointments 💜💜


so glad to hear it’s been working! also love your Jellycat Bigfoot, i have the same one :)


Sofa looks lovely and comfy in your space. Hope it continues to be snug and cosy for you 💖


Hi Megan, could I ask, did you enjoy the new Ghibli movie? 🤍