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hi everyone, i hope you're all doing okay!

just wanted to sit down this afternoon to write you a little catch up, so i don't forget. there's no video this week, and if you've seen the sofa-updates unfolding across my social medias this week you can probably understand why. i pulled some everyday gloom pages together about it, so hopefully if you're out of the loop you can see where im at 😅

i had also promised to take a couple of photos when in bath last weekend, so i'll attach those below too! not too many, but some lovely colours (not unusual for bath) 📷💭

these were all taken on the fujifilm camera that i mentioned recently, so you can zoom riiiiiiight into them, when i get the focusing clear enough (which is very satisfying).

i think that's all i have so far this week, but hopefully the sofa will be arriving in the next few minutes. i don't think I'll have it built in time to photograph this evening, but i'll try and spend some time "styling" it and upload some pictures for you tomorrow- maybe with a little updated filofax flip too.

next week my intention is to catch up with illustration work- so it'll hopefully be an attic archives episode, some shop updates, maybe some filofax pages if i can keep my shit together long enough (and get more than an hours sleep a night!) 😅 but either way, i'll be back with some more updates in the next couple of days.

take care and speak soon, friends x



Really appreciate your framing of naps being anywhere between 20 minutes and 8 hours. Sometimes we all just need a little nap, length TBD lol


Love the pictures you took in bath the colours are so dreamy! Looking forward to the couch updates, truly hope its the solution for you!!