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hi everyone, i hope you're all doing ok.

as you might have seen on youtube, there isn't a video this evening- i have a new desk arriving over the weekend, so i'll upload on monday instead. i've been procrastinating getting a new desk for a few months now, so hopefully it all goes smoothly 😵‍💫

i spent some time today prepping the personal size inserts for the shop, but as with the a5 pages, i'll attach them here for anyone interested! i'll still be making a5 inserts, so please don't worry too much if thats your size preference. im hoping to keep on top of both sizes in the future, though i probably won't be expanding the line to include "pocket" or other sizes- just because i want to keep it manageable. 

yesterday i walked by the canal for the first time in a long time, and took some photos- i'll attach them below. as many of you know, I've been having some difficulties with my health and energy levels, and for whatever reason, i ended up with a lot of fear/anxiety about this particular walk. i usually trust that I have the energy to walk somewhere, but recently i've become very fearful of having enough energy to walk back home again, and it's been making me a little agoraphobic 🥲 anyway, the pylon is still standing, and i didn't die.

it's all gotten very green in the last couple of months! not surprising, considering the time of year, but I missed the gradual transition so it was a nice surprise, i guess. it was humid and damp, and smelt very very green. 

the video on monday will have a little bit of halloween shopping, some planner bits, and a nice stretch of ipod content! maybe my new desk if things go to plan and aren't too stressful 😅

as always, please let me know if you run into any issues with the new printable pages. i'll keep an eye on the comments this evening to try and help troubleshoot if needed! 

take care and speak soon, friends x



I’m finally catching up on your videos! I took a break because I was afraid I’d want to start doing rings if I watched them haha but, well I’m getting into rings anyway. So here we go!


I feel ya on the procrastinating on the new desk. I have been wanting to get a standing desk for over a year and I just never have. I know my back would thank me, but it just never happens. Those pics are so gorgeous for summer time. I love seeing plants rom other areas that I don't ever get to see here.