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hi everyone, i hope your saturday is treating you well!

this afternoon i'm working on the "final final" version of the base planner pages, and just wondered if anyone felt there was anything still missing?

this final version will have all of the previously added pages- daily, weekly, brain drain, commonplace, blank pages, additional notes, film/tv and book trackers, etc. i'm also adding an undated calendar page. once it's ready i'll upload it here for you in case you want to see/update! once these are finished, i'll start looking at adding some extra bits- "expansion packs" as my brother calls them lol. i'm also open to ideas and requests for these!

i also realised today that i have around 50 unread dm's here on patreon 🫣 not sure how i didn't know, but i somehow must have forgotten that patreon had a dm function because they've been building up for the last 6+ months! i'll work on replying to some of the more recent ones, but if you sent one some time ago and would like a reply, please send it again! so sorry about that 🥲

take care and speak soon, friends. i'm super excited to work on some more digital/planner products with you soon 🙇🏻‍♀️x



I would like to ask everyone: guys, how do you plan to store the written pages? I want to use the binder for my studies, but I don't know how to save the sheets that will be used. I don't understand how to make sure that the pages do not get mixed up and worn out. Does anyone have any ideas?


@honeymoony - In the past, I've used binder clips to hold page sections together and labelled them up so it's easier to find them again without flipping through all the pages. Having an index or contents page can be helpful too. And then, I store them in a box and put them away in a cupboard or on a shelf. Other times I've stored note pages in a separate planner (cover)—this is usually more utilitarian with the intention of archiving pages, especially for things I'd like to refer to and reach for easily. I hope you find a solution for your study notes. I am also interested in hearing how everybody archives their pages :)


My a5 binder arrived today and my autistic brain is buzzing with excitement about being able to make a tangible representation of my thoughts/activities/interests on paper in a way that actually works for me. Thank you so much for this idea and the pages!!! The only add-ons I could think of are more fun art based extras like little journalling related ghost cards or something!