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hi everyone, i hope you're all doing okay!

there's no video this week, as you might have seen in my youtube community tab, but i've uploaded a little clip here for you. it's just an unedited (13 minutes long) clip of me working in my book at the beginning of the week- i'd probably advise watching it without sound because i think i was watching a video about ARG's or something like that in the background and it's a bit noisy! i don't know, i just thought a couple of you might like to watch it, even though it's not particularly interesting.

the typed pages are from an article called "childhood, disrupted" that i found on aeon, in case anyone is interested in reading it. 

aside from that, it's been a very quiet week as i've been struggling a little behind the scenes. over the weekend, i'll be focusing on finally packing the shop orders from the beginning of the month, now that the sticker sheets have *finally* arrived. this shop update was meant to be much easier, but it all got messed up anyway lol 😵‍💫

the only other thing is some new book/tv trackers- i've attached them below for you. i didn't feel like i had enough room on the little cards i'd made previously, so this time i laid it out across a normal a5 page. i think i like them much better, even though they're not as cute! i hope you enjoy them.

take care and speak soon, friends x



Working with paper is so relaxing. I think I can say that here without sounding funny, lol. Thank you for the video<3. Hope you have some nice walks and time on your board, x Take care 🍵🍫🍊 🛹🎧


the sound of the pages turning are ✨〰✨