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hi everyone, i hope you’re all doing okay, and that your weekend is going well.

i’ve been working on everyday gloom again these last couple of days, and thought you might like to see the updates. i’ve included a couple of the existing pages as they set the context for the new ones! trying to tidy up all of my loose ends so i can see what still needs doing.

ive been thinking about potentially uploading the zine to my website/blog when it’s finished- that way maybe it can be something i continue to add to over time. will also get it printed and offer it in the usual digital manner, maybe with some extra lil add-ons 💭 not sure yet, but trying to work it out. will maybe make finishing it my summer project 🌤️✖️ maybe it’ll help distract me and keep me feeling grounded.

i hope you like them! and i hope the week ahead is a good one.

take care and speak soon, friends x


alex thomas

omg who put bella in the witch elm is a case/situation i think about a LOT but there's very little source material on it so i wind up reading/listening to the same stuff over and over. i find it such an interesting case


i actually know the guy who made the who put bella in the wych elm 2017 short. such a strange case