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Hey everyone!

Time for some reworking and rebuilding.

This update is going to be about a few things; changes to my patreon campaign, my website and the Kupaa network that I'm part of.

Note: none of these changes will affect Cup O' Love. The comic has and always will be free to read and the Patreon is just a way to support that.

I will list each change and then explain the reasons for the changes at the end.


First thing's first. I am going to redo a few rewards tiers and change how I release certain content. Mainly, the variety comics and the archive.

Change 1

Right now, the $5 Coffee tier and above gives everyone access to the archive of previous comics I've done for Patreon. 

The change will be $5 Coffee tier will only have access to the current running variety comic and no archive access.

Change 2

A new tier will be introduced and one will be going away.

The $10 Espresso tier will be replaced by a $14 tier.

The current $10 tier has not had any offerings other than being a way of contributing more to your pledge. With the tier becoming $14, you will have access to the archive of all previous work for my Patreon campaign, including past comics, sketchbooks, and PDF's of Cup O' Love.

These will be implemented in February and will not affect January pledges at all.


So the reasons for these changes are that things have become a little hard to manage in the past year. However, certain events in this new year are helping to give me a better shot at creating more content, more often!

Cup O' Love will be changing it's style to be easier for me to produce, and I will have more time to devote to the variety comic as well as other projects like a visual novel!

 I'll also have to do sketch streams a lot less, those ate up a lot of my time and energy to be honest.

Also, my website has become a place where I want to house all of my content for everyone in one simple place.


I would like to encourage you all to consider joining my website DsanComics.com 

At DsanComics.com you will gain access to:
- my entire back-catalog of sketch commissions
- all of my comics available including one's I haven't posted to Patreon
- my new podcast when it begins this month
- illustrations
- access to the Kupaa Discord and contests and raffles
- and best of all, access to the Kupaa network of artists including Hizzacked, AnimeFlux, Renezuo, and several other artists arriving soon.

With all of the politics regarding adult content on Patreon and payment processors, artists and patrons could lose it all overnight.

By joining my site, it is a direct client to artist relationship where there is no middle-man or fear of being shutdown. Joining my site or any of the other artist's sites is the best way to support everyone involved and get lots of top-quality porn in the process.


Thanks for taking the time to read this and also thank you for being part of my Patreon campaign. I really enjoy making and sharing lewd comics and want to continue just that.

Thank you all!


January 14, 2019 EDIT; PLEASE READ

After consideration, I am amending Change 2.

I will leave the $10 Espresso Tier at it's current price, and give archive access to that tier.

Increasing the price does not seem fair and I want people to have a reason for the tier.

Change 1 will still be going through, making only the current variety comic available to that tier.

These changes will go through on January 31.

Thank you



Sooo..you kinda devalued the $5 pledge. I think I know why, and I kinda understand but man that sucks.


like I said, it suckks, but I think I know why.


So, I'm on the $5 tier currently but am NOT a member of your site separately. If I upgrade to the $10 tier once the change occurs, my content feed from you will remain the same, yes?