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Hey everyone!

I will be considering some important changes to my Patreon campaign and I may be changing how I approach things with it.

Don't worry, nothing is going away or changing content wise, this will always be a way to support my art and comics including Cup O' Love and my variety comics.

I'm mainly going to do some work in restructuring how I release content and pricing. There are multiple reasons for this upcoming change and I'll go over everything in a later post.

For the most part, I need to make a change at this point. Things are ok now for me, compared to last year, but I just want to ensure that I am able to continue creating content for everyone in 2019 without any worries!

For those who are have been here a while, you know that last year was a struggle, causing Cup O' Love to release at a slower pace while I constantly had to take on sketch commissions. 

For those who are new, thank you for coming and welcome to what will hopefully be a much better year for this campaign. 

I will make the next post later today or tomorrow, and will address any concerns as they come.

Thank you all and I will have some new comics out this Friday and Sunday!



Kenno Arkkan

Whatever is needed to keep the dtrain running!


Do what you gotta do! People donate because they support you and wanna make sure you're stable enough to keep making things. If there are bumps along the road, that's life <3