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Why is Cupcake so jacked? Because she trains under powerful post-menopausal polar bear, Icy Urski. Growing up with teeny sugar glider parents meant Cupcake had to be extremely conscious of her strength growing up, as one careless movement was enough to rip a door off it’s hinges, or send a family member flying. As a young clumsy cub Cupcake caused her parents frequent injury and property damage, and despite their assurances, her guilt and fear eventually grew into a painful, constant unease in her own body. She hunched constantly, filed her claws to blunt nubs, hid in baggy clothing, drew into herself, tried her best to be small, harmless. What eventually helped was meeting Penny, a friend with zero sense of personal space and a (quite foolish, in Cupcake’s opinion) total lack of fear for a bear twenty times her own size. Deadly Kodiak bear? Penny don’t care. (In fact, she’d quite like to stare….)

Eventually, Cupcake meets Icy, unapologetically awesome apex predator that she is, who teaches Cups that strength is something that can be cultivated and celebrated, not hidden away. Strength training does wonders for boosting Cupcake’s confidence, it’s tricky to have a lot of self-doubt when you can heft a grand piano with one paw.

Icy is owned by Mustlovefrogs~ She was ridiculously fun to draw!




I love the juxtaposition between fat muscly butch Cupcake flaunting her stuff in the foreground and twiggy little Penny enjoying the view. I'm sure there's a joke somewhere about Penny being an aboreal primate and "climbing that like a tree" but I'm just too sleepy to think of it.

Matthew Marden

Is Icy aware of Cupcake's parents? If so, what does she think of them?


Damnit, Cupcake is so cool, I imagine bears are very stereotyped as godless killing machines by the littler folks.... Which is damn near everyone


Same Penny Same 🥵