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Sunny: babygirl I am about to radically alter your idea of what a healthy relationship supposed to look like


Sorry to comment on the same post again- but just a question? I noticed here Virgil uses Sunny’s previous name Mason (is it a dead name? I know Sunny mostly uses Sunny once she realizes she’s gender-fluid and comes out. Is Sunny still comfortable with their old name or is it something they feel dysphoria with?) Did Sunny choose his name later on? I know she discovers her gender while dating Sky but were they already going by Sunny before he started dating Sky? Or did they choose the name later on?


No need to apologize! :3 Sunny doesn't have a deadname. Mason is his birthname, but his family and friends have always called him Sunny! Virgil calls him Mason because that's how Sunny introduced himself ("Hi! I'm Officer Mason Fletcher"), and Virgil is somewhat stiff and formal at the start of the relationship. It takes him a while to loosen up and start calling him Sunny, and even so it's mostly during soft private moments. Sunny doesn't quite feel gender dysphoria, but rather gender euphoria. She sometimes goes by the name Madison because it makes her really happy. She chooses it later in her life, sometime into her relationship with Skye. She has no problem with still being called Mason, though she insists her friends call her Sunny. Sunny is short for both Madison and Mason, Sunny has times where he does wish to be regarded as specifically male or female, but oftentimes he takes an either-or approach.


Buddy: Son how can ya date a darned hyena? Haven't ya seen the size of him? Just last week I read a story on Foxxbook about a secret hyena cult stealing bones from a morgue!! Aren't you scared he's gonna....you know, EAT you??? Sunny, muttering: I mean technically he already has Buddy: What? Sunny: I SAID stop believing everything you read on the internet DAD


Sorry for the wall but Virgil reminds me of someone I feel the need to share. I knew this gorgeous, genius autistic-medic once with a heart so pure that it wasn't. All of his life nothing was ever enough for anyone, his mother, step father, partners all downplayed everything he was to the point that he believed it and became nothing. He lost everything he ever had trying to do the right thing, a scholarship and HS graduation for turning in a security flaw he found while hacking. He quit his medic position when rumors swirled about a really bad dude that died but shouldn't have under his care. His pacifism stemmed from knowing all too well exactly what his hands were truly capable of. All he ever wanted was to be known and loved, but people are quick to judge in this world and that was exceedingly hard for him, a sad trichotomy of easily misconstrued beauty, a black and white view of right and wrong, and unimaginable abuse. He was fun though, a wickedly dark sense of humor, a long list of kinks he had picked up throughout his life, and easy to manipulate people pleasing tendencies. He also always just did his best, donating his time and money, helping those in need even when he couldn't. I saw him for what he was and loved him for his flaws, they made him him. Whenever he was going a little too hard in the paint I would tell him "nobody likes a pacifist" and just that small amount of "encouragement" was enough to make him get his first tattoo. He was probably the most twisted person I had ever met, but it was obviously something forced upon him, a little bit of love and the pain would wash away revealing a once in a lifetime masterpiece that few ever really saw. A real human with more love than he knew what to do with. He wanted to run away with me, but my Mormon upbringing would never allow for me to reciprocate those feelings, so instead I isolated and gave my life away to fentanyl. I worry for him just like I worry for Virgil, but then again, Ted Kaczynski could not have become Ted kaczynski without heartbreak. Some people are meant to live alone in the woods, completely incompatible with society's demands, and it won't surprise me when both Virgil, and my friend, simply disappear. The song playing through my head is Heading South by Zach Bryan. I love you and I miss you Drew, fuck Moroni, fuck Mormonism, and never forget, nobody likes a pacifist. Thank you for your comic Lop, it meant more to me than you will ever know.