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Sunny was the one to pursue Virgil. They worked in the same district, and Sunny developed a crush on the guy from the second he saw him. Sunny HAD to get closer to him, by any means possible. Sunny's interest in Virgil is about 50% wholesome dumb doggie instinct to befriend every living soul, aaaaaand about 50% less-than-wholesome fetishistic interest in a large powerful wildtype carnivore. Virgil finds both these reasons strange and off-putting, and probably spends a while on zoogle searching “why am i being mildly harassed by a golden retriever” until Savannah points out the police dog is obviously crushing.

Virgil supposes that the little dog is sorta endearing, in a clumsy, overly eager, fumbling sorta way. Soo…yeah. Yes. Dating. Virgil wouldn't hate it, probably. So he shrugs, why not.

Sunny is a very sweet and thoughtful guy, a true gentleman, and Virgil does come to enjoy his company. But underneath all that fluffy tail-wagging cuteness, Sunny has an odd tension to him. A fascination with Virgil's claws and fangs and strength. Sunny, like his pony iteration before him, has a secret sadomasochistic streak, and very much wants Virgil to absolutely wreck him, treat him like a living chew toy. Virgil doesn’t pick up on the vibes Sunny is hurling his way, and it drives Sunny insane, he’s convinced Virgil is doing it on purpose- a sort of demented carnivore edging, if you will. Agh! Virgil you wicked beautiful mastermind! Eventually he works up the nerve to express his wants to Virgil, and the hyena is completely surprised. Sadly for Sunny however, for all Virgil's fascination in the macabre, he's not actually all that interested in being the sadist blood kink clawing gnawing monster dom bf that Sunny was hoping for. Virgil is lazy and subdued in bed, clearly unused to taking the lead in anything. Sunny ponders whether or not to break things off...before discovering, to his and Virgil's delight, they are deliciously, distressingly compatible in a different way.




How much does Skye know about…this whole situation honestly. Does she only know what Sunny has told her? I’d love to see that conversation go down 😭


Iiiiii am still figuring that out, haha. Intitially, before I retooled Virgil’s personality, I decided Skye knew everything because Sunny was fully transparent with her. Even in the new story he prooooobably would still tell her everything, but I’ve gotta do some more thinking on it.

Res Hound

The gives "and they were both bottoms" energy