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The answer to that question is a firm no.

Make no mistake, Virgil is definitely keen on his powerful crime boss. Giorgio provides the paternalistic guidance and approval that Virg has been so desperately starved for his entire life, and Gio’s first “good work, Virg” provided a high that Virgil wants to chase forever. Virgil respects and admires Gio professionally and maintains a misguided loyalty to him and a deep, DEEP need to make Gio proud of him. Also he has a bit of a fucked up crush on the guy. He lowkey wants Gio to be his daddy, but he also wants Gio to be his Daddy ✨😏

Gio, meanwhile, is a huge horndog with a proclivity for sleeping with his subordinates and employees…..So, yeah, he’s definitely thought about hitting that, especially when Virgil is walking around Gio's house at 3am, all long legs and stupid short-shorts. But….Virgil is already a handful, and Gio figures that taking their relationship in that direction will be an irreversible step toward a big complicated mess. He does not want a repeat of his ex-wife, Missy.

Gio likes his bedroom partners to be dignified and quiet and uncomplicated. It's why he likes Madeline, who appears when he wishes and never overstays her welcome. Gio likes Virgil, he does, but the kid can talk a mile a minute sometimes and it's all Gio can do to keep up. The thought of Virgil following him around with lovesick puppy eyes, lounging around the house in Gio's bathrobe, thinking they’re going to get married or something, and pup forbid blabbering to Gio's daughter about the shady business they get up to- well it makes Gio's skin crawl. No, best to leave their relationship as is- with Gio playing a tired mentor-dad to his strange "son".

tldr: gio's too old and tired to open up that can of worms




......... I promised to never kinkshame people..... But.......


Virgil: How can I get Gio to notice me? I never really had to try with Sunny….he liked dick pics, I guess. D’you think Gio would appreciate a dick pic? Savannah: No one in history has ever appreciated an unsolicited dick pic. Do you want my advice on what you should do? Virgil, shrugging: Eh. Savannah, looking up from her phone: Go. To. Therapy. Virgil: Booooo. That’s not advice, you’ve been saying that since we met. Savannah: I mean it, Virg. It’s pretty obvious you’ve got some weird, fucked-up daddy issues going on. Virg, scoffing: Pfft, joke’s on you bitch. I can’t have daddy issues, cuz I don’t have a dad. Savannah: Yeah, that’s exactly the- Virgil: ALSO, are you seriously pretending that if some hot rich old mobster mommy swooped into YOUR life and tried to spoil YOU like a good little sugar baby, YOU wouldn’t try to bang her six ways to Sunday? Savannah: *narrows her eyes* This isn’t about me- Virgil: AND she wears custom fitted Italian suits. Savannah: ……… Savannah: …………..You win this round


Virgil is hitting the perfect sweet spot of being so freaking weird in a way that is. jarring and yet endearing, almost?? would I think he's weird as hell if I met him in real life? yes. do I love seeing him whenever you post him? also yes! he's a delightfully weird creature of a dude. (something about his pose/energy in the first drawing is reminding me so strongly of Jupe in this particular moment. which is kind of a hilarious pair to imagine encountering each other. something something, connection via Madeleine or Gigi through Gio? ...Whether they would despise each other or weirdly vibe with each other, I could not guess. )


Part of me will miss smarmy asshole Virgil, but that part of me was in love with Chakra and his development in pandoraverse. Removing him from this character seems like the best choice as he’s so fun! (Bit of the tism maybe? From me an autistic person myself) love that he gets to be weird and himself even if it’s maybe through not so healthy means. I’m glad he has gio as a way of getting that love but he definitely needs to find healthier outlets to. I’m so excited to see his character expanded and see his past with Sunny and his relationships with Angel and perhaps Gigi (her view of his relationship with her father has to be complicated, is Virgil suppose to be her brother or weird new dad) How Virgil works with Madeline and what their relationship is like. Does he hold some jealousy for her thar Gio chooses her as a sexual partner? Is she resentful of Virgil that he doesn’t have serve Gio in that matter? I’m not sure she likes sleeping with Gio herself so that would be interesting to explore. (does he still develop the drug for Gio? I’m assuming he’s even more useful as a drug manufacturer now that he has an outlet to do whatever experiments with flesh and body his heart desires. So many things you can DO with this Virgil I’m so fucking excited. I bet be infodumps A LOT on anatomy and the fascinating way different animals and bodies work and react to different meds and stimuli-


Damn, this awkward creep is perfected ✨