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work on your posture asshole

bluuurgh one of the reasons ive been dragging my feet on fleshing out rangale and the deer cult is because I have to do a bunch of character and environment design and worldbuilding, which takes time (which i unfortunately don’t have in much supply these days). BUT I’m still gonna do it, even if it takes a while. Here’s some quick concept art for Councilman Scorpius, a high-ranking elder within Rangale. Unlike Lune and Victoria (who are whitetail deer), Scorpius is an elk, so he looms over many of his deer community. He is a grave, humorless old stag, with very rigid expectations for his flock. Scorpius is ruthlessly intelligent and prone to cruelty, but curiously enough, is never outright mean or angry. He’s simply too old and sure of his rank and authority to feel the need to stoop to yelling or belittling. His people view him as a wise, stern father figure- not warm or kindly, but fair, never ordering punishments that aren’t entirely deserved.



Morghann Patterson

Is it common to use constellation names in the Rengale cult?


Yes, but only among high-ranking authority figures, and usually only men. The grand council (of which Scorpius is a member) likes to name themselves after constellations and heavenly bodies (planets, galaxies, etc) because it simply won't do to have a dude named greg speaking as a shepherd of god. The grand council claims to do this to honor their god Hart, lord of the heavens, but really it's entirely an act of arrogance and ego, to separate themselves from the rest of the herd, who all must take plain, modest names. You can see this in how Lune and Victoria were named- Victoria is a regular name, but Lune means "moon", and is meant to highlight both his white coat and significance in Rangale.

Curio Blue

This is entirely just a thought that came to me just now - but what if...Scorpius was gay. Or part of the LGBTQ+ and he had to spend his entire life, repressing who he was. He looks upon the congragation with a stern, cold demeanor - because his father, and his father's father, expected that of him. But inside, he is mournfully repressed, and when he preaches to the masses about the 'sin and depravity' of the outside world, he does so with a fervor and power about his voice that can move the congregation, who do not notice the own pain and suffering in his eyes that he's spend decades stuffing down. He never told anyone - he never could bring himself to acknowledge it, but the years of raising his own children and playing house with his wife have really just killed him on the inside. He might love his family, feel affection for them - but it never brought him true purpose. And so, he repeats line after line from some holy book to try and fill the void. Also if this is unwelcome please let me know, it's just a thought that came through my mind when I saw him.


Ha! You're not that far off! Scorpius isn't gay, but he's definitely....something. We'll find out soon. The more I've been rotating him in my mind like an egg in a microwave, the more complex he's gotten. He is not repressing anything, nor does he feel shame or guilt about what he is. No, Scorpius actually feels superior to everyone else, and has actually used his identity to bolster his status within the cult. He's old and cunning and entirely convinced of his own righteousness, he has nothing to hide.


why can I hear him saying, "this mortal form is limiting"?


such a cool design